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Everything posted by Mer

  1. They should have got Christopher Biggins to do it, he would have been hilarious!Or Dean Gaffney Too obvious, I know, but it would have been such a laugh
  2. I missed it last week but I'm watching it now on Watch+1, it's hilarious! I thought it might be a bit trashy but it's pretty entertaining!
  3. Mer


    Attention everyone!Testicles.That is all.
  4. This may sound crazy, but I actually wish I was more curvy, I hate being so slim (size 8, sometimes a 6!)!! People often say "Ew you're so boney!" or that I never eat. And I think it also contributes in making me look so ridiculously young for my age. Unless I'm wearing tight-fitting clothing (which I don't that often, because I'm weird like that, I get irritated by tight-fitting clothes that restrict body movement And I get too hot too easily, even in winter!), you can't see any shape to my body and I just look like a really tall 12 year old! So I can't win. I don't know, maybe I should eat more, but I think it's just genetic. My brother is the same, bless him. He's quite conscious about it But yeah, you are who you are, no matter what shape or size! Great quote from Outnumbered:Mum: "A woman can be any size or shape she wants to be."Karen: "So what about a hexagon?":unsure:But I'm not just saying it, I think being slim is worse, it causes so many issues with clothes! Even my feet are narrow! I have such a tiny waist, I was the only one at Thorpe when I worked there, that found the shorts too big, and the smallest waist was 30. I'm 26!! I have quite long legs so buying trousers is a pain in the arse! They're either too short to fit my waist, or too big round the waist and always need a tight belt, to be long enough on my legs!Size 12 seems pretty normal to me. I feel underweight compared to everyone else. No seriously. Every girl I know is like a size 12 and looks great. They look like women. I either look like an underweight boy, or a lanky 12 year old. Unless I'm naked of course. But most people tend to see me clothed!
  5. Mer


    I has Jelly Beans
  6. Huh? You've confused me, and now my last post looks confusing as well! :)I think what I was trying to say was that it's not the public's fault, but the country/the polling stations. Cos they clearly weren't prepared. And one guy even admitted it
  7. Haha.Although, I heard that some of them turned up at 7:30 (presumably after work so not their fault!) and queued for 2 1/2 hours! And what about the place that ran out of ballot papers?! That's definitely not the public's fault!And then there was all the dappy students who turned up and weren't even registered to vote, wasting other people's valuable time! Had they not made it clear enough with TV adverts to make sure you're registered?! Although it's common sense anyway.But apart from them, it wasn't the public's fault. It's never happened before (or at least they didn't say it had), it just proves how ridiculous this country is, it can't cope enough because it doesn't prepare enough! Remember all the heavy snow and Britain coming to a standstill? If they had voted, they could have stopped the Tories getting the most seats - or they may have given them more seats. Either way, we'll never know now, and whilst I don't want the Tories in, those people had a right to vote, whoever they were going to vote for!
  8. ^^ Agree.Tories scare me David Cameron is creepy...he does look evil in that photo lol!
  9. My curiosity has got the better of me...What is this sprinkles thing all about?! :DAnd "It's a long story" or "Don't worry" doesn't count as an answer!
  10. Agree with Ian.It's up to the celebs and I don't blame them if they wanted to be considered a "normal" guest. But I also don't blame them for not wanting to queue with loads of people, as they risk being harassed, or they may not want to get much attention, etc.
  11. Mer


    I doubt they would say anything like that if there really was something going on.People are too quick to judge, and it's a shame that nowadays, the moment a teacher is nice/friendly to a student, people assume something dodgy is going on.I'm not having a go But just observing how much things have changed over the years.I dreamt about toast last night.
  12. I applied for one today, finally found one that's suitable!I'm not saying too much, don't wanna get too excited yet/jinx anything!Even if I get it I don't think I'd get paid by 30th May. In fact I probably won't have even started! So I may still be screwed!But like I said, I don't want to speak too soon, so for now let's assume I am still unemployed on May 30th!
  13. Mer


    :(Grabbing someone's leg whilst on a ride and seeing their mad reaction is always entertaining Especially when they squawk!
  14. Mer


    Aww that's a shame, it's a lovely job!The centre I go to is too far to go every day. The train is ok, only 15 minutes and a few quid...the bus however is a 25 minute journey and a return ticket is £5.10!!
  15. Thank you Will :(I will have to check when they expire though! And Steve has offered to let me use his Magic Pass if he has it, and it would be better for me to do so as I really don't have much money! I'm not even sure I can afford to use a BOGOF voucher! Yup, bad times at the moment! Stupid Annual Pass expiriing :(So it's not definite yet.
  16. Mer


    Still confused (Well I get the break a leg one but the rest have me lost!)It's like trying to work out a secret code!On second thoughts, it is the random thread...Plop.
  17. They all sounded like they want people off benefits into work tbh. Brown was on about all young people being offered training etc. And Clegg made a point about people being put off returning to work because initially they will be worse off for money, as things like housing benefit will suddenly stop as well. So they're only doing part-time because they don't see the benefit financially of working full-time.But whether they'll stick to what they say or not...
  18. LOL!Cameron is creepy...his face is too shiny to look real and he has a big forehead :DGood debate to watch though, I'm still thinking Lib Dems but I won't be too bothered if Labour win...just as long as the Tories don't win!! Argh!Oh god apparently Cameron is winning...help!!
  19. This is my great uncle (on my mum's side):At 85, an Accomplished Marathoner Still Sees the Road Ahead:DOne time when my Nan and Granddad went out to visit them in the States, some news reported turned up wanting to do an interview...while my Granddad was cutting his hair for him! It was then on the news later on :(I knew about all the things he's done, but reading about it made me realise even more so. It's great that someone can be so positive about life and keep on going no matter how old they are!
  20. Woop! Thank you :DI can now be added to the attending list then.
  21. Mer


    ?????What are you all talking about?!
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