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Everything posted by Will

  1. I went on Cheetah Hunt twice and I saw lots of kids going on it and the height restrictions is 48 inches which is quite low and equates to 1.2 metres and is the same as Dragon's Fury. Inline twist or no inline twist, a family-launched coaster like or similar to Cheetah Hunt would go down great.
  2. I apologise but for some reason, but I'm very desperate to have a new rollercoaster installed at Chessie. Benin and I share the same want for the family-launched coaster (similar to Cheetah Hunt), which I rode in Oct 2012 and it was amazing. It would go down fantastically at CWoAR. It wouldn't have to be high and it contains one inline twist which isn't scary for the young'uns. If it came anywhere between 2014-2016, I'd be very happy. I think we could use one by the Wild Asia/Mystic East / South side of the park where the Glade is between Wild Asia and Mystic East. The station and queue line could go there and the ride could under and over and around the park.
  3. Yeah, I hope so.... I think around that time, we should get something new.
  4. I had a feeling that a new major ride would come around 2014/2015 because it had been 10 years since the last one (Dragon's Fury) and I thought that if anything would be happening, it would be in those two years. Chessington have decided to call their new ride, Zufari: Ride Into Africa and they have mentioned that Africa was a new themed area. I have a feeling that they will expand upon the Africa theme by combining the Forbidden Kingdom and Mexicana under that theme, just like Mystic East and Wild Asia kinda fit under the Asia theme. A close friend of mine was working at the park a few years back, when they was told by management that they plan to one-by-one, update each of the existing themed areas, as well as add new ones. Whether this actually happens, obviously can change. Update: As for the Runaway Train, if they did plan on installing a new major ride, I could see the Runaway Train going. Just a thought.
  5. Just bumping my post since it was ignored...
  6. An evolution... I think it's either a re-theme of XNWO or a maze themed to the Swarm about science, genetics and alien life
  7. Will

    2013 Changes

    Thorpe Park said on their MTDP that they plan on installing up to 9 flat rides. It could be anywhere from 1-9 and in the end, they may just install two or three flat rides between now (2013) to 2019. Personally for 2013, I think we will get a refurb of XNWO and any new ride we get, I think will be Vengeance. I'm not sure if 2013 is a small or a medium investment year.
  8. I think we'll get a new major ride in 2014 or 2015 and I think they're planning to develop and expand the Zufari (Africa) land even further with the re-themeing and combining of Mexicana and Forbidden Kingdom. Maybe the Runaway Train will be removed or something...
  9. That's so cheap in that case... I just love the idea of an indoor rollercoaster and ever since Amsterdam had theirs. I thought it would be a fantastic way to re-launch the London Dungeons.
  10. Two new rides?? Please say one of them is like the mini-rollercoaster at the Amsterdam Dungeons.
  11. I also thought a while back they would combine Forbidden Kingdom with this ride and area because FK is Egypt which is in Africa and I have a feeling they will install a new rollercoaster for 2014; 10 years since Dragon's Fury.
  12. I totally understand where you're coming from. Everyone has things they're going through and most people get the odd thing or two every now and again. But for you, it seems to be a constant thing and hearing the words "cheer up" will only make things worse because you get the feeling that people don't understand the severity of the problem (of which there are multiple) and will pass you and your problem off as being moany and weak. I honestly thought that people would've been fed up with the amount of times you've posted in this topic but the ones that know you like me for example, know how difficult things are right now and need to have a fricking heart because I don't know anyone who has gone through as much as you. And I have a lot of respect for you and am genuinely surprised, how you've managed to keep it together all this time.
  13. Maybe it's just me but I have the feeling that something even more exciting will come / be installed after the Zufari attraction.
  14. This is nice but I'm confused about something. The plans show the ground floor but what about the basement or sub-basement. Will there be more stuff on the other floors? Because I really like the small coaster they have in Amsterdam's dungeons and I thought it would be really cool if they installed a mini-indoors coaster maybe a bit longer than the other version in these dungeons. It would be nice if there were some new and experiences.
  15. Will

    Video Games.

    Assassin's Creed 3 and Dishonored are great. The new Hitman game looks good. It's a good year for stealth games. I can't wait for: Bioshock: Infinite God of War: Ascension Watch Dogs
  16. For Hollywood Studios, there were rumours of: Monster's Inc Rollercoaster Cars Land Indiana Jones Rollercoaster where the tram tour is, towards the top of the park
  17. Kindness, patience and time is not something everyone has. You shouldn't feel bad because everyone has problems of their own but whether or not they choose to seek help from others instead of suffer in silence, is their decision. No-one is going to have a go at you because I'd get seriously annoyed and so would the other people on here who care about you. People should feel that they are able to talk about their problems whether or not, they have friends to talk about it to because some people find it better to talk to strangers than to people they know who will judge them.
  18. It's not fun being depressed or miserable because it can cause you to lack the motivation and the enthusiasm to do simple things from doing chores or being pleasant or helpful to your family. Your Mum does that exact thing that my Dad does and I'm not going to lie, it really does irritate me and thankfully...my sister and Mum and it only makes matters worse. I feel that you should maybe talk to your Mum and tell her how you feel. If she's a good Mum, she will be supportive and try to help you but it's a good thing, to find the right moment to talk to her...where she's not busy with her hands full doing something. With brothers and sisters from personal experience, we always seem to bicker about the most stupidest and silliest of things. Your Brother asked you something minor about the laptop and it's not a big deal to just take one or two minutes from your whole day to help him out. He will feel grateful because you're able to make the time for him and maybe your relationship with each other will improve and if your Mum sees that both of you are getting on, she will feel better too.
  19. Will


    I am for this. I've moaned for a while about X No Way Out getting the justice it deserves and I'll be happy if this does happen. X No Way Out, Logger's Leap and the Rumba Rapids are some of the oldest rides at Thorpe Park and an re-theme would only be an improvement. Who's the source? People change their member names so often and members come and go so much, that I don't know who is credible or knows credible people anymore. I don't want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed. You can understand my reluctance.
  20. Awww what happened:? Care to elaborate? I'm sure you have a lot of friends who'd help you out.
  21. Why is it ludicrous? If a theme park was struggling or had competitors that were risking it's success and future as a theme park, then a well-placed and well-thought out and exciting rollercoaster would surely bring in the much-needed crowds. Word of mouth would spread and eventually the park's popularity would increase. The problem with Chessie is that they have loads of new ideas but I think Merlin doesn't believe in them or they think that investment wouldn't pay off but if they want new customers and success, then they will have to invest and take that risk. If Chessington built a new family-thrilling rollercoaster (I.e. family-thrilling launched coaster like BGTB's Cheetah Hunt) that could really bring in loads of new customers and maybe more teenagers and adults would come back. I'm happy with Zufari because at least it's something rather than nothing. I'm still annoyed that it will be 10 years in 2014 since a rollercoaster would have last been installed.
  22. Whilst I don't think a rollercoaster will save the park, I do indeed think it will inject some attention, publicity and say to everyone (GP) "hey everybody, we are Chessington and here is an amazing new rollercoaster, so please don't forget about us". That will maybe people think that maybe this park is worth visiting at least once and when they see the good ride line-up (future), then it will hopefully bring back a different audience as well as the current.
  23. I would say they do. Whilst Zafari is a major attraction, I would classify it as a tour / animal attraction. The park hasn't added a major ride to the park since 2004 and it would help the park out a lot.
  24. Will


    I love her voice and I like the production. Idk why a part of the production sounds kinda hip-hop to me. Edit: It reminds me a bit of Lana Del Rey
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