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Everything posted by Will

  1. That wouldn't be a good idea but then it's neither fair for others especially members, when they find out others are making snide comments about them on Twitter.
  2. I know exactly what you mean. Some people are just born hypocritical and prejudice (< if you know what I mean) especially when people have said nasty things to me such as, that it's not my fault that they have found me annoying in the past when they know I can't always help myself. They say they don't hold it against me but they do. I mean, how can someone expect you to not take offense, when they're disliking something about you, that you can't always help. It's not like I chose to be this way. Have a bloody heart for Christ's sake, it's not like everyone's perfect. Secondly, what pees me off is when certain people make snide and nasty comments about someone's appearance when they are in no position to judge. I mean some people are just nasty, shallow and insecure that they project their own insecurities onto other people, to make them feel worse, so they feel better about themselves and their rubbish lives. Suddenly, I don't feel bad at all.
  3. To be honest, I didn't know if he was being honest or an idiot.
  4. What's happening at the park? I heard a new rollercoaster was coming in 2014...
  5. Will

    Paultons Park

    It's look quite well-done and I was surprised a park like Paulton's would do something like this.
  6. I'm very happy with what is happening. I was worried with Drayton for a moment. It's sad to see they're getting rid of the Pirate Adventure ride, a lot of people have said wonderful things about it. On TTF, someone mentioned there are still plans for a thrill ride in the place of the Black Revolver. Exciting times for theme parks except Chessington....*cries*
  7. So what is happening with this park? I heard they installed some children's airplanes coaster and that something brilliant would be coming in 2014 in the Corkscrew's place. Anyone no more?
  8. Ahh some investment, I'm happy now all we need is a new rollercoaster like Manta at SeaWorld San Diego and I'm very happy
  9. Ghostbusters (TV Show) Pokemon Goosebumps The Ghost Hunter (BBC1) Jeopardy (BBC1 Australian outback)
  10. I'd love Chessie to get one of these. It's not tall and it's thrilling enough to be enjoyed by teens and adults. Is that an inversion I see, a corkscrew?
  11. I agree, I didn't like the old Dungeons because it seemed too cramped and there was waiting on the pavement outside and the attractions exterior IMO, didn't look as presentable as it could be. With the County Hall, it looks bigger and wider and as Rattlesnake1 says, it would hopefully allow them to expand and improve the themeing and presentation. I mean, having a few, new attractions and more freedom and space to breathe would be beneficial and in addition, the close proximity to the other two attractions would allow for easier travelling than compared to having to travel to two separate locations.
  12. I think it would be a fantastic idea if the proposed move goes ahead and it would be brilliant if this Dungeons was the flagship and therefore had the most attractions and best experiences and biggest of them all. In Amsterdam, there's this Grim Reaper rollercoaster at the Dungeons and I'd love to see an indoor-dark rollercoaster at the Dungeons and obviously it would be a sizable installment and well-themed.
  13. The thing with Chessington's Topspin is that the market audience of Thorpe Park and Chessington are different. Chessington are a family park and a ride like the Topspin would be better suited for a place like Thorpe Park, where more people would go on it and the demand for it would be higher than of Chessington's Topspin. Thorpe Park could put the Topspin enclosed in a building and add special effects; water, fire and wind and create a pre-show and make it a nice, immersive and atmospheric experience. The Topspin at CWoAR is just a plain, old Topspin that is landscaped and themed well but it is situated outdoors, making it a great for spectators to watch. I don't know about you, but if I had to choose between Rameses Revenge and an indoor's Talocun, I'd choose the 2nd option
  14. I like this idea, it would be like the indoor Tomb Raider one with the special effects; fire, wind and water Why does it always feel that no one can share their opinion without scrutiny and getting shot down?
  15. Will

    The Smiler

    Will the coaster be realistically able to run 8 cars at once??
  16. I can honestly see this at Thorpe Park. It looks tall and scary.
  17. Will

    The Banning Game

    For liking 'You Me At Six' and for the lead singer, who can't sing Poker Face on Radio1 Live Lounge properly
  18. I just think a Jump2 would be perfect. It's unique and thrilling and it's also a good ride to watch. You get lifted off the ground like you're being grabbed by a pair of hands.
  19. Will

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being the Best Mod of 2011 a.k.a 'The Whipping Boy'
  20. Chessie are dead and will never move forward because they don't go forward with the plans they have. They have probably loads of ideas for new themed areas, new rides and rollercoasters but they can't make a decision and stick with it.
  21. Will

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being a Northerner and leaving the North for Croydon
  22. Will

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being a music snob and disliking 99.9% of the good music out there
  23. Will

    The Banning Game

    Banned for his fluent use of the language, Sarcy
  24. I would only want a Topspin at Thorpe Park if it was a giant one and themed like Talocun as some dark ride experience otherwise I don't think it's worth it.
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