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Everything posted by D4n

  1. D4n

    Member Addys

    Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/pages/ReallyRoller...hn%20balhatchetYouTube- http://www.youtube.com/user/ReallyRollercoasterTwitter- http://twitter.com/AirDanPhoto... me outside Sharkbait Reef
  2. D4n

    Alton Audio

    Yes; Really Rollercoaster, Towers times. One of a number of places. And I wish to add that TT has one hell of a lot more media than we do! But we still have some tracks that they don't have, such as Cloud Cuckoo Land (recorded). And as long as you get the media, does it really matter? Anyway, today I found an amazing site called Towers Media. Which claims to have all the Alton Towers music released. http://www.towersmedia.co.uk/It doesn't have all the media, but it certainly has a fair bit. The simple answer is , no. I've not even found a recorded version yet. where's Sanbrooke when you need him?
  3. D4n

    Alton Audio

    If you have any videos, photos or ride music from the Alton Towers Resort, even stuff you've recorded yourself please post it in this thread, to keep the Alton Towers section of TPM going! I went to the park on Sunday, and recorded THIS video, I also took loads of photos which will hopefully all be online by the end of the week. Also, if you want any of the Alton Towers music contact me via PM and I'll tell you where you can find it! So post your videos, photos and ride music from Alton in this thread!
  4. 2009 Mutiny Bay / Sharkbait Reef AdvertYou mean that one?
  5. SAW and Stealth WILL be closed tomorrow.
  6. Then, it they want to, they have the choice of choosing to post. Rather than choosing to post and then having to register, verify your account. etc...
  7. Having your account banned just because you had a argument with somebody who, until recently, was a friend? A bit extreme isn't it Frankie?
  8. Any chance of a POV for Drugs: The Ride?
  9. Maybe if you looked you would realised that they were both posted in the same minute, I was already writing my post when you replied.
  10. D4n

    Puzzles & Riddles

    A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son. Who am I.
  11. OK. I don't really understand the above, so I'll get on with my own rant. The slowness of Internet Explorer, grr!! And the fact that our school doesn't let us download Firefox or Safari.
  12. Yes, like on Oblivion at Alton Towers.
  13. D4n


    Do Legoland Windsor rides have any music? Does anybody have it? If somebody does then please share.
  14. Remember that most people you went to the park today won't have got home yet. Most will still be at the park as the closing time is 5PM.
  15. Sharkbait Reef logo is pretty awesome, as is UG Swinger's new name! Cloud Cuckoo Land logo is a bit meh though.
  16. D4n


    YAY, my TPM birthday was 2 days ago. I've been on here a year!
  17. I say set up a separate topic for spoilers. I don't want any spoilers but some people may do.
  18. D4n

    Forum Posts

    Yeah, this is exactly what I meant when I said it was easier said than done. I mean, who would want to spend hours setting it up to change every single spelling mistake possible. JackD, have you ever actually tried to do this?
  19. D4n

    Forum Posts

    Easier said than done. I tried it on my forum. It failed.
  20. - Detonator terrifies me but I still ride it.- I will never queue over 30 minutes for Stealth.- I always eat at the Bush BBQ- I don't find Colossus rough at all.- My day always starts with Inferno, Colossus and Slammer.
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