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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. If you mean the resin figurine of Stealth, I'm sure our resident Mr. Josh Coyston could give you the exact price but I think I remember them (or at least The Swarm's, which should be priced similarly) being around the £7 mark. Bring a tenner just in case though.
  2. Sidders


  3. I don't know what's not to like about both coasters - the only issue I have with Colossus is that I actually have legs so find it hard to fit into the train; on the ride I don't really feel the discomfort others say they experience. But it's obvz gotta be Winferno.
  4. No joke I actually used PowerPoint Glad to see he enjoyed THAT photo
  5. Is in a bikini in the woods and that's not normal... Edit: GAH MER.
  6. *Gerstlauer And as for the Thomas Bathgate-pioneered rumour about inverting track - I fail to see how this would add anything to the ride, except a lower throughput due to longer ride time in the station and immense discomfort issues at being pointlessly inverted at a snail's pace due to how slow the mechanics to rotate the track, car and riders all at once. It's just another liability in the end.
  7. Sidders


    I didn't say making music was about looking good, and nor did I say anything about crowds bouncing because they weren't enjoying themselves. I just think Clavin Harris is a bit of an idiot.
  8. But Hurakan's 330ft, and the surrounding building is about 60ft-70ft high. Even if you get a building that's proportional to Detonator's comparatively tiny 115ft, there'd be no point in closing up the base of a ride that's so short and in such a crowded area.
  9. Exactly how do people propose to theme a drop tower? As far as I can tell Detonator's themeing is as good as it gets for a drop tower. The only thing they could improve are the seats, but this is such a minor adjustment that I really don't see it happening; it wouldn't really make the ride any better, would it? The themeing on Detonator is sufficient enough. The carriage is meant to look like a crate of TNT (suits me; fits the area), and the ride base is surrounded by more explosive crates, shrubbery similar to Inferno's, cannons (obviously the themeing looked more suited to the area with Pirates 4D opposite, as I always thought Calypso Quay was an amalgam of volcano-based island under pirate attack); the cannons have - and I've always considered this one of Thorpe's cleverer themeing ideas - fired at the surrounding buildings and left impact marks, so what more do you want?
  10. That's actually a very extreme Stengel Dive; I think it was scarycoasterboy that pointed this out in some other topic. Either way, look a lot more impressive than the last Stengel Dive, which sort of of looked like it didn't really have any snap at all (cough cough SkyRush).
  11. Sidders


    I thought part of the enormous cost to keep Slammer running, in conjunction with it's frequent tantrums, is that S&S no longer manufacture parts for the Sky Swat? They've had to contact external companies to build the required parts for Slammer when they need replacing since S&S stopped the production of the Sky Swat in... 2008? 2009? I forget when, but I like your idea about Thorpe giving it some serious TLC - would be far more logical than trying to justify the cost of anymore quick-fix solutions, but it does beg the question: half way into the open season, why is Slammer behaving like this when surely, a sufficient level of maintenance should've been carried out during the closed season?
  12. The date wasn't finalised by TPM - it was the only date Thorpe they said could do the event, so if you have an issue, don't blame the organisation not fitting into your schedule on TPM.
  13. No source, no credibility.
  14. Sidders


    Awful, awful voice. Reeks of desperation posing as actual soul. Sounds like she's chewing on a tennis ball.
  15. Sidders


    I'm surprised the whole femme fatale business with naming a ride after a female never took off. Imagine it - SW7: GWENDOLIN.
  16. The park will close at 6:00pm that day, with the event being held for approximately an hour after, I'd imagine. A safe estimate would be 7:00pm, but it may be later depending on what/how long the talk/tour and exclusive extras is/last.
  17. Rather hoped I'd be able to make this one, but no matter. Well done to everyone involved in getting this opportunity to commemorate the ride that well and truly signalled Thorpe's development from just another UK water park into the thrill park it is today. Hope you all have a good time! It'll be interesting to see if those "Exclusive Extras" will be the plans for the Premier Rides launched coaster originally planned for Colossus' spot, plus further insight into why they were dropped in favour of what we now know as Colossus. Btw... INFERNO ERT NEXT YEAR PLS.
  18. Sidders


    Calvin Harris: proof that all handbag house DJ's wet dreams depict them playing to a Ibizan crowd bouncing unanimously to their music, when in reality, they look like a nerd in a shirt in a box.
  19. Excuse the bad language; its all in good humour... I want that god damn cat.
  20. Sidders


    http://www.digitalsp...the-undead.html It looks soooo good! TPM Zombie Mall Meet, anyone?
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