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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. The concept renderings certain suggest they're different, but it's hardly a reliable source of information. I'd rather the trains had a different design to Raptor, mainly because I believe The Swarm can look more vicious than Raptor, with their huge teeth and bright red eyes. I've said before how I almost want the trains to be 'ugly', like it's baring it's teeth angrily. The red LED eyes would definitely be the cherry on the cake.
  2. Lift hill structure is nearly finished:Was ist das in der foreground? :oPhotos from Wodan's Facebook.
  3. This post is like consumerist fashion overload. You could buy cheaper to stop them using it? Nobody needs designer moisturiser.
  4. Woah, woah! It's like Coaster Force up in here!Nobody gives a rat's arse what plane it is - it's a bloody plane! When have we seen one of those at Thorpe? In England? On any rollercoaster? The only thing that looks real to me are the engine nacelles, and there's no way you can determine which make/model/year/amount of times used/whatever-other-variables-we're-trying-to-pin-down just by a couple of defunct plane engines.The fuselage is clearly fake, and the wing is too - no plane with four engines has the second one that far out on the wing.But who really cares? I'm content we've got the plane, considering not two months ago we barely had any track. Now shut up and sit tight for the arrival of the guaranteed-to-be-amazing trains and further themeing.
  5. Sidders


    Seriously missing my two kittens Louis and Willow... I want to go see them, but I don't know where they are or who has them My parents gave them to my sister's boyfriend's boss when I was last at Thorpe. I came home to find they'd been given away and I didn't even get to say goodbye. :'(
  6. Sidders


    I actually really like this. That's odd.
  7. If that's going to Thorpe with the pumps on that setting, we are going to get drenched.
  8. Sidders


    Excuse me whilst I go search for my jaw and my ears... Jaw's on the floor and ears have just been blown off.
  9. Good spot Diesel, and on the topic of the engines, has anyone else thought that maybe the fire effect will erupt from the back end of the nacelles? This seems to be what the concept poster is implying anyway.
  10. Sidders


    Rather amusing moment regarding my school library's printer today...It's a tired old thing; faithful, like any printer should be, and it does it's best to get the jobs it's sent done on time. However, it is not without fault, and that fault is that at least ten times a day the whole thing has to be opened up due to a paper misfeed.As usual, I had printed something, and as it happens there was a rather long queue of people waiting to collect their printed work. The new librarian, who started on Monday, was also there trying to sort the printer out. She clearly she did not know what she was doing, but she was still an authority figure so we all kept schtum and let her try to do her job. Then a nerdy little boy in Year 8 pushes past everyone intoning in some strained, nasal dialect that he's "a technician". Bollocks. But anyway, the guy has clearly irked some people, as well as the librarian, and he then talks us through what could have gone wrong with the printer, literally narrating like he's demonstrating to blind and deaf people. After a number of technological and irrelevant murmurings he exclaims "Bother, I've cleared the job list". This is met with a chorus of groans and some ripe language from the upper sixth (there's now about ten people in the queue, with numerous others having already given up).Mind you, his efforts weren't completely in vain. He opened the in-tray and carefully extracted a piece of A3 paper that had been printed but not ejected into the out-tray, taking extra care not to rip it. The paper is dispensed with ink-side-down, and so, turning over the A3 sheet, this arrogant little... "individual"... showed us the print-out of a trollface and the caption "U MAD BRO?".Of course, those in the know pissed themselves at the fact that the printer had been trolled by, well, a trollface, which also managed to troll a snotty Year 8 at the same time.
  11. People seem to be forgetting, when they compare the possibility of low-functioning rates on interactive effects to "the Tidal Wave incident", that it was not a Merlin decision to simply stop using the fire tank. It was necessary because Tussauds wanted to install Stealth and in doing so, removed the gas cables that fuelled the fire tank.But then again you only need to glimpse at Colossus' Medusa fountain or Nemesis Inferno's volcano smoke to see that there are effects that are left unused and in disrepair. The Medusa fountain looks like she's just vomited down her front and the water at the bottom of the pit is just stagnating. Surely an SUD would be a worthwhile investment?But back on topic, The Swarm's reliability simply cannot be called yet. There's far too many factors in play and none of them are concrete so at best we have guesswork. If we look to Merlin's previous coaster instalment, SAW, then regardless of a few mishaps here and there, the reliability for the ride's interactive elements has been reasonably high. So really, it could go any way.
  12. Kevin you've eaten poop?
  13. Sidders


    *resurrects*REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep) is when our brains momentarily paralyse our bodies during sleep so that only our brains are functioning. It's then that we dream, and it's called REM sleep because of the way we use our eyes as if we were awake - we are looking at our the various aspects of our dream as it unravels. These periods (usually lasting anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour) are interspersed with moments of "deep sleep", or "Stage 4 sleep" (REM is Stage 2). During this period of deep sleep, we forget the content of the dream we just had in REM sleep, which is why we can only remember that last dream we had before waking, if any. You may have experienced those times when you're having a lie-in, and you're pretty much on the brink of waking up, but you don't - you keep your eyes closed consciously while you're able to capture brief - and usually, the more unusual aspects - of your dream in this thin veil of unconsciousness - this is REM sleep being experienced just before you wake up. If you decide to stay in bed further, you might find yourself in the same position again (on the brink of waking up), only, an hour later, because the transition to and from a period of deep sleep has erased the memory of the earlier dream and period of REM sleep. If you wake up during a period of REM sleep, you are likely to remember the contents of your dream more, because you woke during it. If you wake during deep sleep, when your brain itself is having a rest (though not completely dormant), then you do not remember any dreams, because the deep sleep has erased them. Some people have trouble recollecting their dreams because either the thought of waking up and "facing the day" as it were, means that the dream slips out of your memory even if you wake during a period of REM sleep. People waking from REM sleep often find getting up easier, but those waking from a period of deep sleep are often much slower to readjust themselves to waking up, and will take longer to get out of bed. /psychologeh
  14. Dayum, that fire engine took some serious damage! This is looking really nice right now. Let's just hope they also theme the small amount of what's left of the interior panelling for the front end of the plane (the side visible from the mainland) so it doesn't look like a spanking-new, shiny piece of metal.
  15. Yep. There were some very odd votes. I was nice and decided to count your's, even though you broke a small rule.
  16. Don't forget guys, the voting closes on December 18. Plenty of time to votes. So far I've received ten members' votes. If you've got a spare bit of time on your hands drop me a PM with your votes. I won't bite...
  17. THAT'S TWO THINGS. :PJackR loves a bit of branded clothing...
  18. Sidders

    This Or That

    'LOUD'. 'Talk That Talk' is dire, but so is 'LOUD', only, a little less so.'Teenage Dream' or 'One Of The Boys'?
  19. Sidders

    This Or That

    Kevvy you just killed the game. VERE IZ MY QVESCHAN?
  20. Quotes some very obscure - most likely magic mushroom-induced - trip to Thorpe Park in his...
  21. Sidders

    News Desk

    Perhaps one of these?For those little moments in life where being a Moderator becomes trying.
  22. Sidders

    This Or That

    Leviathan. Dragon Khan and Shambhala are going to look like someone's torn the American flag into one long strip of fabric when it's finished.Cedar Point's Raptor or Gardaland's Raptor?
  23. No Neil I'm the same. I just feel like, with this video and the previous one (or at least, the last one to make it onto here), they have completely killed the mysteriousness of Lez Cougan as well as his use as a character in what looked to be a very good plot.
  24. Sidders

    This Or That

    Deutschland.TTF or TPR?
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