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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Thorpe's running low on smoke machine funds then?
  2. Just to add my opinion: Inferno's charm is not in what it tries to be on a more superficial level (what Thorpe and Merlin try to market it is), such as the link to the original Nemesis, but instead it's real beauty is in the more technical aspect of the ride and the ride experience. It's easily Thorpe's most reliable roller-coaster, not needing weeks/months of down-time a year; it's got Thorpe's best ride music; has Thorpe's best hourly throughput, is easily Thorpe's smoothest ride and, if you play it well, offers the most intense ride on park. It's simply a classy little B&M Inverted roller-coaster with no big, boastful record-holding claim to fame. It's a coaster that offers a smooth, enjoyable, well-paced ride with plenty of foot-choppers and closer contact with the scenery, without having to rely on gimmickry that's fast-expiring now that other parks are installing rides that belittle Thorpe's records. Next year, all that'll be left of Thorpe's coaster record will be an uncomfortable Intamin multi-looper, an average accelerator, and an Oblivion wannabe that got too excited for Halloween.Unlike Colossus, Stealth, Saw and even X:\No Way Out, it doesn't claim to be anything it's not, because there's no real marketing angle other than the link to Nemesis; sure it's a slightly generic coaster layout-wise, but you can't say Tussauds didn't at least try to theme it well - and it's a far more enjoyable and engrossing theme than Saw's sporadic, IP-assisted themeing. Colossus may have the most 'loops', Stealth may be the tallest and fastest or fastest accelerating or whatever; Saw may be the 'scariest', but Inferno claims to be none of those and exists as a modest little coaster simply doing the rounds for the general public with far more taste and concern for their neck and back muscles than all of Thorpe's other coasters put together.And as for Mark being able to cast a view of The Swarm without it having been built yet - well, he's on a far better ground to judge than any of us in this conversation because, you see, he's ridden Raptor.But yeah I'd also like to ask B&M if they still have the two other proposed plans for Thorpe's 2012 coaster. And is it possible that the coaster that appears on Island A on the MTDP was one of these original plans?
  3. Got a lot of love for Theme UK with these updates.
  4. PM an Admin (Marc or IanNem). Tell them what you'd like your new username to be and they'll change it when they have the time.
  5. Hash-tags. Especially when people aren't on Twitter. Also, Twitter.
  6. Who were the real masterminds behind the 'THORPE PARK Inversion'?
  7. But they could do that with one Cougan, surely? I just don't see why they've done this all of a sudden instead of something a little more realistic. Why would the swarm want to turn victims into the same person? The one person who knows about their existence (other than the government). I liked the whole Google Earth-assisted hype video but this is incredibly cheap-looking and a tad uninventive - notice how all the Cougans appears to be squatting in the bushes at Thorpe Park?
  8. Shame they're doing this after all the hype about Cougan being so realistic and generally going to town with the whole crack-pot in-the-know man with a few loose wires. Sure it means it's getting people involved but it strips away the realism of it all.
  9. Sidders


    My badly-carved pumpkin:It seemed to work; we only got one visit
  10. Not sure I'm very keen on the domination of the steel mesh fencing if I'm honest. One thing that always annoyed me about the Saw Island is that the whole place is very metallic and therefore very sterile-looking. Add to the the paving and the boxy station and it just looks far too squeaky-clean and calculated as a whole area; hardly menacing in the slightest - you really notice the transition when you finally leave the Saw Island and enter Canada Creek, passing the back of Colossus and suddenly realising you're back in traditional Thorpe.I'm just concerned that the over-use of the steel mesh will create a similar alienation from the well-themed Amity Cove/Neptune's Kingdom areas that the Saw Island proposes.
  11. I'll BET it was! ;) Like ruthteh thpoonth... :P Saladfingerrrrrs!

  12. Your name is Sarah of course! :PAnyway, you do a Maths A Level
  13. So, you put Valeria Jizz Hands Teacup's Curleh Wurleh in your Gruffalo whilst molesting your Banoofers?

    Absolutely amazing. (I still can't use the Shoutbox! :P )

  14. Has the clearly more aesthetically pleasing pre-2007 Zodiac as his avatar. :lol:And yes I remember those... That was back in 2009 wasn't it?
  15. OH. REALLY.Well... you're not wrong. I'm awful.
  16. Is better at playing this game than TPGG and Rattlesnake
  17. Sidders

    This Or That

    The Daft.Jesus, that took too long.+ or - ?
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