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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Source? *puts mod hat on*: Also a friendly reminder to all members that if photos are not your's, a source / credit should be given, and permission to post on the forums should be gotten prior to posting.
  2. The season was always intended to finish on the 2nd. That weekend might have been listed as open on the website (they occasionally include special / private events by accident), but it was never planned to be open to the public then.
  3. Zombie Boy (the tattooed person) seems to have been solely used for publicity. He seems to have quite a following and apparently appeared in a Lady Gaga video. Though I've never heard of him personally... And I don't get why Thorpe feel the need to keep chucking celebrities in the park when they can do advertise by themselves easily enough... That video / interview was awful too. The woman interviewing clearly had no idea what she ws doing or why she was there. It also makes it quite obvious that Zombie Boy has nothing to do with Platform 15. Also, I must say I'm confused by the lack of excitement over Platform 15. Maybe Big Top's cold reception last year has caused a lack of faith for many? But I remain confident that it'll be a solid attraction, and that the natural surroundings in particular will make it a very creepy experience!
  4. The entrance has been confirmed to be at the Canada Creek Railways station, to the left of the Blair Witch entrance. So the route goes in reverse to what you were suggesting and finishes by Samurai. That brown shipping container has been there literally years; no idea what it is used for though!
  5. You've completely misread my post. In 2014, one specific season, there was a large group of actors who roamed the park wearing cloaks and robes. They would go round being generally creepy and intimidating. After going round the park once, they would go backstage, decloak, and go round the park again, being much more active and scary. Since they were seen in different clothes and had a different character about them they seemed like a different group of actors. Below is a picture of said actors, from 'findascare' Maze actors are in all black, and have their hoods up to cover their faces. They almost always walk alone on park too.
  6. I think Adam was meaning interactions with other coasters? So it has 15 interaction points, but those points are spread across 5 different coasters.
  7. It was sarcasm, about the very point you're raising. As for the monks, wasn't there some cloaked / hooded characters back in 2014 who walked around in a large group? They were more just creepy than anything; didn't do any specific scaring. Then after a park walk around they'd take their cloaks off (backstage) and just run around causing 'mayhem'. And alternate between the two styles after every park walk around.
  8. Couple of things to say after my ride yesterday... -Didn't hear anyone complain of glitchy headsets / low volume of noise. -Good amount of time spent in the warehouse with the Victorian carriage. But it felt like it was missing a grander reveal; maybe it's just because I'd already seen it, but it definitely doesn't seem like they're not making as big a deal out of it as they should. -The live action sequence was executed really well. Good mix of story, tension and fear - loads of people screaming and running away, only to be greeted with 'infected' actors chasing them the other way! -Experienced a very long green mist sequence, though staff on the train did a good job at trying to keep things going. Screaming, banging walls, leg and neck grabbing. Anything to try and stop people getting bored. Better than nothing I guess! I still really enjoy Ghost Train, but I must confess that after a few rides now, I've really begun to hate the second VR portion. Previously I was able to go with it, and the novelty of VR was enough to keep me entertained. But now I'm used to VR, that doesn't do it for me, so the weakness of it really shines through. It's a shame, as whenever I hear people speak about it, the large majority of opinions seem to be how they think it's an 'okay' or 'good' ride, and go on to explain how much they love the pre show, the first VR, the live action sequence, but then don't like the second VR. Some major improvements / starting again with that could really change how well this whole thing is received on the whole!
  9. I don't think it's been mentioned, but lately the bag room has been closed. So you take your bags on with you, and just leave very large items outside with a member of staff. An interesting idea, but it didn't have any impact on my ride yesterday (in terms of throughput or experience), so I guess it's quite a natural thing for people. I hope it works long-term, though it'd be a shame to not see the nicely themed bag room again!
  10. Also, looks like we can get a nice Cornish pasty at Fright Nights...
  11. There's wood in the trees, so maybe Thorpe are hinting at a woodie?
  12. JoshC.

    Sugar in Tea

    No tea either. Coffee for me. No sugar. No milk. Ta.
  13. Looks great fun. Something like this is has been missing from the UK line up so it's nice to see it happening. This is also an investment of over £16m - nice!
  14. I agree it's sad to see Thorpe history not being kept in its original condition, but given that train has set in a shed for nearly 5 years doing nothing but gathering dust and not being seen by anyone, I'd much rather it be given some purpose. I'd be sadder if they had graffiti-ed some of the old Thorpe stuff stored on display elsewhere, since that's actually seen / used.
  15. I still see your point as a non-point. Before Helix, Liseberg's last major coaster investment was Kanonen in 2005. So between 2005 and 2018, they'll have added 3 major coasters. In that same period, Thorpe will have added 3 major coasters (and a large scale dark ride), and Towers wI'll have added 4 major coasters (Th13teen is a major family coaster). So they're all on equal terms really. Only Chessington is behind. Also keep in mind Liseberg gets millions more visitors than Merlin parks, and there is still competition for them. ---- On a different note, is Kanonen being removed this year or sometime next year? I've seen conflicting accounts and not sure what to believe, and too lazy to find out.
  16. Saw, Th13teen, Swarm, Smiler, SW8, Krake, Flug, Raptor, Oblivion... Ghost Train represents a significant investment also. Bit of a non point. The rumours of an invert sounded very exciting, so this feels a tad underwhelming given that is what I was expecting. Only a tad though asLiseberg has a solid natural location to incorporate a dive machine.
  17. I've never experienced anything overtly sexual in Face it Alone. A couple of things, but they've all been in context. The extreme experiences offered in Face it Alone were all well thought out last year and had context within the maze added to them. It's not just "let's get nude and chuck people about" (which ws what Asylum was like at times I believe).
  18. Can't remember if this has been mentioned somewhere, but I've noticed in the Megastore there is a sign saying that Fright Nights 15 merchandise is coming soon. From what I heard, last year's merch was a trial to see if there was demand for it, and they were going to consider expanding the range if it proved extremely popular. Will be interesting to see what they bring out this season - whether it'll be the same sort of stuff (mugs, t-shirts, pens, notepads, etc.) with new designs, or whether they do expand it more / bring out more maze-specific stuff!
  19. I can't find the source, but it has been confirmed as Intamin.
  20. It's not a planned closure, it's essential maintenance. The two are very different of course. Curse you Marc for saying it wrong.
  21. I imagine Creek Tours is a nod to the previous name of the area (and it sounds a bit better than Old Town Tours in my opinion). I think one thing this has really going for it is the location - it seems to start at CCR and finish by Samurai, so you'll be going along next to a heavily forest. Definitely has potential to be very creepy at night!
  22. Some nice back story; image from TP Twitter.
  23. Pretty sure I win the 'Lives Closest to Thorpe Park' award. Usually takes me 10 minutes to get there. By bike.
  24. I can't see this running any more than 3 trains (and that would still have some horrible stacking), so I'd expect it to run two. I guess being a separate park to PA the number of people in the area will be lower anyway, so maybe the rubbish throughput will be sustainable when things die down.
  25. One original name for Containment was 'Breakout' - since you were locked inside a place with a deadly virus and need to literally "break out". I guess Containment was decided to be more suitable, since the idea is something is being "contained" and you need to stop it spreading. Breakout and Outbreak were written on the green and red wristbands respectively given post-maze. But yeah, Containment is an original idea with no IP tie in; just a coincidence. Much like how there's a film called 'The Swarm' about an invasion of alien killer bees!
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