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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I wouldn't call any of the food at Thorpe a delicacy. There's nothing there that you can't eat anywhere else (sure, their doughnuts are hot, but you can get doughnuts anywhere. You can buy noodles anywhere, etc.), but that's not too big a deal to be honest. I like the advert overall. Still not entirely sure on the voice over (just not a fan of the voice, doesn't sound particularly exciting, more annoying really). But hey ho
  2. New advert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DknGVRWLLhg
  3. JoshC.


    Ride type spoiler ahead...
  4. All day?! That must be the first time it's been closed for an entire day!
  5. JoshC.


    I guess the idea could be to see if guests preferred the idea of riding with lighting inside the pyramid or not. Regardless of what type of lights they use, using lights would create a different atmosphere, and the park may well have planned to use the 2010 idea as a tester to see if that atmosphere would be well-received. But alas, we'll probably never know, so let's not worry about it all, ey?
  6. Listed Banossus as one of your favourite rides on your profile.
  7. From TPM's Facebook. Being able to see it in context reaffirms my thoughts that it will look quite nice when finished.
  8. I voted Paulton's and Thorpe. Oakwood is going to be too much of a stretch this year really. For the record, I can only do mid-to-late August though. Is there another John Wardley event?!
  9. Please don't hate me for starting this topic so early in the year... So I've noticed on the FN section of the new main site, they've got this... https://www.thorpepark.com/events-experiences/events/fright-nights/ Would seem to indicate that they're all returning, as I would have thought on a new website, it would have been easy to give the most relevant information (so, even if they don't want to announce new mazes, they could just say horror mazes based on Lionsgate films, for example). Could simply be a mistake though I guess.. So, what would you like to see at Fright Nights 2014? New films for the mazes? An Asylum retheme? Keep the same themes and focus on park-wide theme? Discuss!
  10. It's certainly very different! I'm a bit unsure how I feel about it to be honest. At times, it feels a bit too corporate-like for my liking; it doesn't look like you're looking at a website for an exciting theme park. Just feels like it's missing something a bit more exciting or quirky really, but not quite sure what... And on the 'How tall are you?' sliding scale on the Rides section of the site, they need to edit it so that when you say you're 2m tall, you can't go on certain rides (like Swarm) which have a 1.96m restriction
  11. I remembered that this was the general rule after I posted this... Maybe not then.
  12. Attended a meet at Chessington World of Banverntures.
  13. I've seen those sweets being sold for the region of £3 in a shop in Addlestone. Oops.
  14. "Ban: The Ride" shouldn't be your favourite Thorpe coaster Then again, many people may just think 'Ban the ride' altogether...
  15. JoshC.


    Why not just get an Intamin Aquatrax?
  16. Looks pretty cool; though dangling 200ft in the air with nothing but a bit of rope seems rather scary. Would be nice to have a platform beneath you or something. I'll stick to walking up lift hills...for now.
  17. Paige, it's time to "feel the heat" of Nemesis Banferno. (ie - banned for loving Inferno)
  18. It's not really hijacking the topic; it is partially related after all. As for the whole roofing / building allowance thing. Due to essentially being an island, there are risks of floods and stuff, which make it problematic with the amount of floor space the building can have. Shipping containers I believe are loopholes to the system essentially, since they're not technically permanent buildings, meaning the park has more allowance for actual buildings. I'm not going to pretend I know much about it all (because I don't!); IanNem described this to me a while ago at a meet. Maybe he may know more / be able to shed some light if he has the time. As for a direct answer to the question of the thread, the island next to Swarm had two potential flat ride locations marked out, as well as a coaster, so it is quite feasible for there to be one of the new island. I dunno whether it will happen, but it would make sense, since there wouldn't be any major support rides anywhere near that location. A dark ride seems less likely to me due to the restraints on the buildings, especially so close to the lake. It could be a possibility, but I personally would be surprised if it happened.
  19. I could have gone for the old student drinking rule of 'spillage is lickage', but I think they may have gone down less well...
  20. CBeebies Land has been mentioned a fair few times via social media, and it even has its own Twitter account. I bet families are well aware of it and if they have children, will want to wait to allow them to go and experience it. It's slightly different to Smiler considering the target market (ie, young children) are probably unaware of it at the moment, but no doubt their parents will be!
  21. Typical. Can't do any of those weekends due to exams and being home the 28th/29th (which would normally be a good thing, but I'm only literally home for a few days in the period of 16 weeks, so I can't do that). Had the 21st/22nd been an option, I may have had a chance!
  22. So I went to the fridge today, open the door and then BAM, a bottle of wine falls out and smashes. Turns out it had been precariously placed in the door, not fully upright and balancing on other things. Don't really think it's my fault, as all I've done is open a fridge door, but the person who the owned the wine feels like it is my fault because she 'wouldn't have but wine somewhere it would fall'. She's even been hinting that I should buy her a new one, which I just thinking is stupid. So yeah, morale of the story - don't place big bottles of wine awkwardly in your fridge door.
  23. I noticed that on my visit last month. Pretty sure when the area first opened it was 50p a pot? For the amount of nectar you get, £2 is just a ludicrous cost, especially if you go at a time when the lorikeets are hungry and one greedy one eats your entire pot.
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