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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I think it's in the region of 50-60. The current one could have up to 112 rooms I think, but only one row is up, instead of two.
  2. So, the application has been approved... http://planning.runnymede.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Generic/StdDetails.aspx?PT=Planning%20Applications%20On-Line&TYPE=PL/PlanningPK.xml&PARAM0=183854&XSLT=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/Runnymede_AA/xslt/PL/PLDetails.xslt&FT=Planning%20Application%20Details&PUBLIC=Y&XMLSIDE=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/Runnymede_AA/Menus/PL.xml&DAURI=PLANNING
  3. Great find SCB - thanks for sharing! I knew a couple of people that had this project whilst they were at college; it was something that really got everyone's interest from what I heard. I don't know if they are still there, but some of the designs were placed in the Thrills Workshop. There's a couple of photos of some from when Mer got a behind the scenes tour with the ECC last year - http://s100.photobucket.com/user/mlp_03/library/SWARM?sort=4&start=all&page=2 (all credit to her for the photos of course, and I hope she doesn't mind me posting them! ). I remember that the queue line layout shown in that plan was also the original one they submitted, but thank goodness they changed it. Also, I'm glad that those water pumps aren't there just before the station - imagine being stuck there for 5ish minutes with them going off..! Out of all possible locations though, I think the one we've ended up with is the best... I can't be the only one to find it funny that one of the possible locations actually was alongside Monk's Walk either, after all that PR hype? Maybe it was true all along...
  4. Interesting that the trailer shown for the Saw one is the final film. I wonder if there's any chance that an additional scene might be added from that film then; though I do have some doubts in honesty. And yeah, the CITW description has been updated, including the scenes. Based on the new description, I wonder if there are not only alternative routes, but also alternative endings as well?
  5. JoshC.


    And obvious discovery of the year goes to the findings in this article... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-24046971
  6. I think a Blair Witch maze has the chance to do this. It can only utilise a tension building experience in my eyes, and use the likes of strange noises, unexplained sightings and themed scenes to build up to a finale. It depends on how they want to execute the maze though, but I think we will see a tension-based maze for Blair Witch.
  7. Am I the only one who feels this maze is screaming out to use the old Experiment 10 containers - plus a few extra? I know MBV will be there, but still, it seems a bit strange, does it not? Will be interesting to see what happens... Spoiler about the film ahead...
  8. Got you both I'm afraid! It was actually the second one! I recently broke my right ankle, not my left; talk about me being sly.. But yes, I did indeed start Thorping from when I was 6 weeks old, and I do own a pet corn snake called Norbert. Here's a picture of him as well...
  9. Hmm, I'll have a go now.. 1) The first time I went to Thorpe Park I was 6 weeks old. I went to the farm on that day. 2) I recently broke my left ankle. I torn a ligament, 'pulling' off a bit of the bone, whilst playing football. 3) I own a snake, called Norbert. I named him after Hagrid's dragon from the Harry Potter series.
  10. Interesting that they're saying the entire event is only suitable for 13+. I wonder to what extent on park theming and the roaming actors will go to then? With the bookings opening on Friday, I get this sneaking feeling we'll see some more info come out by then too... Gutted I can't make the preview event due to uni, but oh well.
  11. I wonder if the 'will it get retrakced?' debate will crop up over closed season?
  12. ^^I believe that link was in relation to a comment about most of the budget going on the IPs, and not the theming / actors. EDIT: Here's the post: http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/9761-fright-nights-2013/page-28#entry166521 ScareTour, as you can imagine, are well-informed about many Halloween / scare events all around the country. They seem to have a pretty decent relationship with Merlin as well (organising behind the scene tours of mazes at Thorpe and Alton, for example). So, what they say is probably more than an educated guess; more a well-informed prediction. I can't think of a time when anything they've said has been wildly incorrect, either, so I'm quite happy to more or less take what they say as fact. Of course, they could be mis-informed or have just got the wrong end of a stick, but I'd say ScareTour are more than reliable when it comes to things like this. In saying that, I'd be rather surprised if the entire Blair Witch attraction took place by Inferno and up towards the farm, say. It would be extremely 'linear' for an attraction, and there'd be loads of potential distractions too.
  13. You go fishing regularly? You don't seem like a fisherman to me!
  14. We don't know if it's even going to be used for FN yet.
  15. Behind Inferno is an interesting spot for Blair Witch. Hopefully it is more behind the old MHFS spot and up towards the CCR station, so other noises don't ruin the experience. Hopefully Monks Walk won't cause any issues either.
  16. Not saying it is at all. I thought, for some reason, Hair Raiser was a stand up, showing that one has been built after 1999. As that's not the case, the point I was trying to make is completely void.
  17. Ignore me then, I must have caught the dumb and temporarily lost the ability to read.
  18. Just came across this... http://rcdb.com/9647.htm Can't find anywhere that it was a relocated, so it seems like the odd one has popped up. Wouldn't say this means Thorpe, or anywhere else actually, is likely to get a B&M stand up any time soon though.
  19. Thanks for doing the TR Peaj; really enjoyed it! Also, this photo never fails to make me laugh...
  20. I can't say I've ever even been in the area before, so I guess my opinions mean very little. However, it's nice to see them splashing life into an old area, and I guess the success of it will come down to the theme and rumoured IP. Another IP for the park would be interesting though, considering they already have 3, and they looked into giving Smiler an IP too... I've also read speculation that it may be a 2 year investment, with a new ride / kids coaster coming our way in 2015; would be nice to see. The fact that they're removing this signing barn though is a shame. From how it's been described, it is a piece of magic just a child, which is what the park should be about. I wonder if they can get a 'different piece of magic' there instead.
  21. I've had a couple of thoughts spring to mind following the little bit of talk about Chat in the Shoutbox... Is there a chance of maybe having a 'specific chat time' once or twice a week? It's no secret Chat has become quiet (I know people may say that's down to the time of year and that, but compared to this time last year, and previous years, it is dead), so maybe having a publicised time for when Chat should be busy could bring people back into the Chat Room and make it used more regularly? Look at when the TPM Quiz was going on; a time was set, and people made the time to specifically go in there for it. Maybe, a 'Discussion Topic' (even relate it to a topic on the forums, like 'What would you like to see Thorpe do for 2014?') could be created for people to just chat about a specific topic and have a laugh at the same time? As I say, just a couple of random ideas that have come to mind. But maybe using Chat for 'bigger things' may encourage more people to pop in and use it on a regular basis again?
  22. Well you should go to Thorpe and get one then Mark.
  23. Afraid not! It looks pretty much like the promotional poster though. Nothing different from what we've seen.
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