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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Great find - loved watching it (even if those characters were your typical cringeworthy 90s characters...). Looks like it's from 1996 or 1997, as I can't make out Wet Wet Wet near Depth Charge.
  2. Unless it's changed in the past few weeks, it's been like that all season (though, I think they were more relaxed about it over summer)!
  3. http://www.imascore.com/en/soundtrack-fuer-the-mystery-of-hocus-pocus-hall-in-chessington A bit more info about the soundtrack. Seriously love IMAscore <3
  4. Grr, my blooming student house this year seems to have been riddled with problem after problem so far... When I arrived: - The radiators in my part of the house didn't work. - I couldn't get WiFi in my part of the house. - Two of the 3 communal showers on the ground floor didn't work. - Had regular power cuts. After a few emails with the Landlords (who have just yesterday got back from a 3 week holiday...), finally had all of that fixed. Though, in saying that, the radiator in my room is still dodgy. And now, the heat sensor in the kitchen is seemingly overly sensitive, so it going off when it shouldn't be, causing the REALLY REALLY REALLY loud fire alarm to scream all throughout the house. And, on top of that, the washing machine (which we have to pay to use) leaves all our clothes ringing wet after a cycle, and the dryer (again, which we have to pay for), doesn't dry our clothes, but just simply heats them up. On top of all of that, our of 24 people in our house, I seem to be the only one who can be bothered to actually try and sort any of this out, or email the Landlords to let them know about the problems. It just seriously annoys me that no one else can be bothered to do anything about it, when it's all stuff we need sorting out. And, whilst I'm ranting... Someone from Halls last year has managed to secure on campus accommodation again this year, for health reasons. She has chronic fatigue syndrome (I don't know what the proper name is if that isn't the proper name, but meh) which affected her badly a few years, and the travel to and from campus each day (which is probably a 40-60 minute round trip, depending on traffic) would exhaust her too much. Fair enough. But, her boyfriend lives in the same house as me, and she's spent every day this week, bar one, staying here, and making the exact same journey which everyone else does! Don't get me wrong, staying over once in a while is fine; not against that at all. But when she's managed to get on-campus accommodation - which is very hard to get at the moment - and then has only used it once or twice, it's just ground my gears a bit...
  5. Flying Turns is probably one of the more infamous bobsled coasters to come from America. A custom made ride by Knoebels in Pennsylvania, the coaster has been plagued by problem after problem after problem, and has been under construction since 2006. However, yesterday, pigs flew after the ride had finally opened! A couple of pictures from Coasterforce member ECG - http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=878648&sid=90193fa8b270753674326da256230a72#p878648 Also, here's a night time POV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oPULFIcUhuk Actually looks like a fun ride as well, which is great to see. It's great to see that the ride is finally open!
  6. I don't know much about sales and stuff, but isn't there the Think 25 policy? I think it's for alcohol mainly, but if someone looks under 25, staff are meant to ID you. It would make sense if the same policy applied to 18-Rated games. Surely you have some form of ID on you all the time anyway, so it shouldn't be too big a deal anyway?
  7. I'll start by saying I haven't physically read any reviews (don't want the mazes spoilt of course), but I've just glanced at the ratings people have given... But it's strange. Last night, CITW seems to have been consistently highly rated, and BWP is very low down. Yet, it was completely opposite for a friend of mine who visited the staff preview night, rating CITW as distinctly average, and BWP as the best of the night. He did say BWP was very atmospheric and was one of the first to go through it (which could change things possibly I guess?), and it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was still brilliant. Hopefully the park will use this weekend to tinker with things and see how the public responds to different ideas.. Good luck trying to do that - according to ScareTour's Twitter, there's apparently 17 possible routes!
  8. And? Many probably knew the line up long before it was revealed, and didn't say...
  9. Double post IMAscore have uploaded the music for 'The Mystery of Hocus Pocus Hall': Sounds decent!
  10. Despite all of Chessington's flaws this season, at least they have the ability to make an interesting sounding back story: (Image from their FB page). Will enjoy following the build up!
  11. Whilst not particularly exciting news, Thorpe are extended the Mexican Cantina so it includes more indoor seating... http://planning.runnymede.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Generic/StdDetails.aspx?PT=Planning%20Applications%20On-Line&TYPE=PL/PlanningPK.xml&PARAM0=185229&XSLT=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/Runnymede_AA/xslt/PL/PLDetails.xslt&FT=Planning%20Application%20Details&PUBLIC=Y&XMLSIDE=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/Runnymede_AA/Menus/PL.xml&DAURI=PLANNING From the looks of the plans, it seems they're going for a very Mexican theme, with cacti, and 'gun shots' against the building.
  12. Just because there's no need for them to decorate them, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't though.
  13. Today is 83 days till Christmas...
  14. I noticed that, but it does seem like the leaf at the bottom is covering the word 'no'.
  15. Thorpe have also instagramed this: http://instagram.com/p/e-D_moEgBG/ "The scariest movie of all time"? Hmm, maybe not...
  16. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.637092849668547.1073741839.114248348619669&type=1 A few new photos of construction (possible spoilers)! Blair Witch is seeming interesting...
  17. I haven't voted for any of the first 3 dates due to being at uni / travelling home from uni. The rest I should be able to make; a little unsure about Sundays at this stage, but should be able to make it.
  18. 10 years ago, Thorpe Park were graced with the introduction of Nemesis Inferno. It was B&M's 22nd Inverted coaster, a type of roller coaster which had proven most popular over the previous ten years. Billed as 'the world's greatest roller coaster experience' and having a name that obviously was leading itself to be a successor to the extremely popular Nemesis, the ride had a lot to live up to. Unfortunately, Inferno didn't live up to hype. From what I can gather, it's not a particularly highly rated B&M Invert (it's hard for me to judge of course, having only been on two B&M Inverts, but this is based on what I've heard across various forums, and based on the, Mitch Hawker Poll, where it ranked 123rd, if you feel that has some validity) and is seen as a 'good, but not great' ride. It could also suffer from the criticism of it being a 'cookie cutter' B&M, to a degree. So, instead of being a successor to Nemesis, it ended up more being the runt of the two - not that that's a surprise to anyone really. However, when you wash away the hype, the expectation and the comparisons, Nemesis Inferno is, simply put, a solid, well-rounded ride. It's nothing special, but not everything has to be, and sometimes I think people expect everything to 'be special'. Inferno is easily the park's least-gimmicky major coaster (something which I think is indirectly highlighting on the park's website as well), which, in a way, makes it more appealing to the general public, especially as a 'starter big coaster'. My first ride came a year after it opened, and in honesty, I don't remember being particularly impressed. Okay, maybe impressed is the wrong word - I did enjoy it and that, but it felt somewhat lacking to me. For various reasons, I rated coasters such as Colossus, Dragon's Fury and Vampire as 'better'. However, as time has gone on, it has improved in leaps and bounds. I think it's safe to say that the ride has aged incredibly well. Like modern B&Ms, it is quite smooth, yet it has aged in such a way that there are a couple of intense moments; specifically the vertical loop. From about 2006 to 2011, it was my favourite coaster at Thorpe, and second favourite I'd been on, which I think does speak for itself. Last year, for some reason, it didn't rank as well with me; I can't quite explain why though. It just 'felt' as if it wasn't as good as I thought it was. It's tenth year, though, it has come into its own. Fast and intense, with the audio and effects really showing that it is a good ride. As said earlier, some could criticise the ride for being a bit of a 'cookie cutter' B&M, just sticking together some tried and tested elements and creating a decent ride without really doing anything innovative. The pre-lift section is fun, but feels wasted. Unfortunately, the tunnel which it goes through requires the effects (mist and lovely red lights) to be bursting onto you; this is very hit-and-miss. After the near-100ft climb follows the 'standard' drop to the left followed by a forceful vertical loop. A zero-g roll follows; these inversions are quite possibly my favourite inversion, and this one is quick, relentless and unforgiving. We get a surprisingly low, ground-hugging turn, which takes us into the first of two 'interlocking corkscrews'. Personally, I don't rate the corkscrews; I don't particular feel like they are a worthwhile part to the ride. They feel very bog-standard, and just thrown in because they work on other Inverts. Thing is, the whole 'interlocking corkscrew' thing doesn't exactly shout out to anyone 'Look at me, I'm an exciting ride', yet I almost feel it was designed to have it in mind, and took away from a potentially more interesting element. Anyway, enough of the negatives. Following the interlocking corkscrews, the ride meanders a little bit into the finale; a figure of eight helix. Whilst the meandering feels a bit unnatural and against the rhythm of the ride, the finale is fun. The best elements of the ride do come in the first half, which makes the second half feel somewhat lacking; a shame really, but I guess that happens in a lot of coasters to be fair. Theming-wise, the centre-piece volcano is visually striking and impressive. Okay, so what if the other side of it is just a tin-shed; it doesn't actually take away from the appearance, and it just generally is a pointless thing to worry about. There's so many ways money invested in finishing it off could be spent, most of which would be a much better idea. Other than a few bits of rockwork, and long-gone crocodiles hiding in the pools, there's not really any other bits of theming, which is a shame. However, I can't see how much else could effectively have been added to the ride / ride area. Along with the tunnel effects, there are the geysers which sometimes works; always good to watch them when off-ride. What really sells Inferno, though, is the scenery - all of the trees, foliage and so forth makes you feel like you're in some tropical area, and you actually are nearby a real volcano. It just works - perfectly. So, that's about it really. Inferno is probably Thorpe's most consistently rated coaster; very few people I know of 'dislike' or 'hate' the ride, and the general opinion of it seems quite positive. In a way, that's what's made this blog entry very difficult to write (4 months in the making, on and off), because it's hard to describe the quality of a coaster like Inferno when everyone more or less accepts that quality. However, being 10 years since it opened, I felt like I needed to do it, and had promised to do one following my Saw, well over a year ago... And I leave you with this: Feel the heat SNOW. (Taken on 4th April 2013; Inferno's 10th birthday!)
  19. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, Alton Towers are no longer able to afford Photoshop when designing their concept art, and so could only resort to free software and Paint.
  20. *Insert generic 'OMG NO IT HAS OTSR' comment* ------- Looks like a decent coaster for what I guess is a small-ish park. Nice to see some theming coming along too; anyone reminded of the Th13teen marketing with those wraiths?
  21. These random pictures the park are posting are really cringe-worthy, regardless of if they relate to the park or not. I'm not sure if I like the style of marketing or not. I appreciate they're going for a more family-orientated market now, but it just feels like they're trying to go for cheap and pointless laughs...and failing. :/
  22. JoshC.


    Whilst I agree it's unlikely to be replaced, I wouldn't count it out just yet. There's still time for a replacement to be sent in, etc. Though the park would have to stick to a tight schedule to open it for the beginning of the new season. Then again, it could just be replaced by something which doesn't require planning permission; a picnic area or something for example.
  23. I'll be interested to see how having the Cabin inside goes down. There's not exactly a lot of space in the area, so it needs to be used well, so it will be interesting to see how effective that will be. Great to see the accuracy in relation to the films, and am now expecting a lot of detailed theming inside the mazes.
  24. JoshC.


    From what I'm aware, ORPs have always been taken automatically at Thorpe. There's an obvious different in quality, which is to be expected really. I'm not sure if I'm correct in saying this, but I think at one point, you did have to give your address, pay upfront, and then have your photos posted to you with 7-10 days. Again, as time went on and technology improved, I think you were able to collect them on the day, after a short wait (which I'd assume is longer than we currently have to wait). I do have a couple of ORPs at home from the late 80s / early 90s of Loggers Leap and Dragon River (now Dragon Falls) at Chessie which I haven't scanned up yet (when I pop home from uni for the weekend in about 3 weeks time, I can do it then), which show how they were quite different to nowadays. For example, in some Loggers Leap ORPs, you can make out the Hudson River Rafts in the background; a boat ride from the lake which Loggers surrounds. The Dragon River ORP had a sign next to the boat, which showed the name Dragon River, along with the park logo and the year. Hopefully that sheds a bit of light, though I expect some other members know / understand it more than what I do. This is the earliest ORP I currently have uploaded, which I *think* is from 1996 or 1997. Pretty sure you could get these quite quickly after your ride, but you can see the difference in quality:
  25. Yep, Chessington is a FAMILY park; it should cater for everyone. Closing at 6pm (or whatever ridiculous time they're closing at) does not cater for everyone.
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