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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. JoshC.


    Mr Hicks, the long straight part represents the lift hill, the helix part and dead-end are at the end of the ride.
  2. JoshC.


    Full plans are now avaliable HEREThe layout was correct from the ECC. Great theming on paper.Still doesn't show the cars or the exact type of coaster it will be, so that is where the world's first is likely to come in.
  3. Unfortunately, I have plans on opening day. Mainly taking my girlfriend to the park for their birthday, so I won't tag along with you lot. Sorry.
  4. I think that it isn't a good idea having the entire area not suitable for under whatever. For families, it would mean having to drop their children off too far from them, and that could cause distress for parent and child - espically with how the world is today.Also, having all that theming would be costly - espically with actors. I think the queue will have plenty of theming - and too much theming would be bad.(P.S. The ride WILL be suitable for at least 12 and overs - or else they wouldn't be able to enter the Ride it First competition.)
  5. JoshC.

    Forum Posts

    Why are people complaining about 'strictness' on this forum?Look, what rules are there on forum posts? Well...Don't be rude.Don't post anything which is false.Stay on topic.How hard is that?!Everyone can express their views, but if they are breaking one of the above rules, then they are bound to be deleted. I think the only reason why people feel this forum is strict is because they are making the admins be strict. They are acting stupid and breaking the rules. If you obey the rules, then admins can be more lenient.
  6. If you look HERE then you will realise Thorpe are saying it will be in CC for ease for them to locate. It is pointless creating a whole new area for one attraction and one shop that can't expand (as it is on a island) and it is pointless changing CC into a theme which is too strong to keep going for many rides. It is also pointless shoe-horning it in with CC to make it 'fit in'.Therefore, the ride will be in CC, but with no actual relevance to CC, but to just make it easier for the staff to loacte. Got it?
  7. I remember reading somewhere, although I can't find where, that the head-chopper will be stationary. I doubt H&S would have a fit if it were to move - what is the difference, it wouldn't be any closer. I think it is best if they don't spin, as it creates more tension and a bit more fear.The actual speed hasn't been confirmed yet - just to let everyone know.
  8. I know this is resurrecting an old topic, but according to the park's website HERE, Annual Passes price will be put uo to £150 for a single person on 1st January 2009. Until then, you can but an Annual Pass gift voucher for £122.34 and redeem it when you next go to an Merlin attarction.2009 ticket prices have yet to be released, but I now expect a rise to about £35.
  9. I know I went completly over the top. I was in a bad mood and took it out on the wrong person - as per usual.
  10. I'm glad me and friend aren't the only ones. How odd. Maybe the police have found Jigsaw and shut him down...
  11. I hate all that small text on the TV. You hardly get 5 seconds to read a paragraph when you are trying to focus on what they are selling. It is fine on posers, papers, etc. but on the TV it is just plain annoying.I just think it is stupid when I see that 'Under £500, only £499.99' thing. Yeah, it is there to lure stupid people into thinking they are getting a good deal, but it is just ultra annoying.I now also am, you could say, temporarily banned from Tesco Addlestone for "being over-agressive with a member of staff". I complained after buying a 6 pack of crisps that had the wrong flavours in them - and were out of date. I said it was mis-representation, bunch of rubbish, are you trying to kill me (over emphasise or what!?) etc. I got slightly angry with the member of the staff - well he was a 19 year old odd chav who was stupid and not very helpful - and started raising my voice. The manager said that I was being over-aggresive to him and blaming him when he had done nothing wrong, so he said I would get a refund for the crisps and suggested I shouldn't return to the store until after the new year. So I see that as a temporary ban. [/rant]
  12. JoshC.


    According to Towers Almanac, it could have a castle theme, with a run-down tower looking like the actual towers themselves.So, by the looks of this layout (if it is real) it is unlikely it will be manufactured by B&M. I think Premier is the most likely manufacturer.How is this a world first though? (We were told this would be a world first).
  13. If that turns out to be true, I will kill myself before I get on the ride. I hate that song, even if I was to distort it.I hope for some heavy drum beats with TV static and a distorted Jigsaw voice playing. Then of course the TVs making a story.(Also, welcome crushdlemon. I'm not being mean when I say this, but an admin will probably tell you soon anyway. Can you try and use capital letters and punctuation all the time and not use text talk. It makes it harder for me - as well as others - to read. Thanks)
  14. The cars are going to be a rusty brown colour (hides the real rust ) with some bood splats. There car floor will be very bloody. The restriants are thought to be covered in blood along with rust colours. I have even heard that there will be Jigsaw's face on the back of each car with a number above it.
  15. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Santa Claus. Father Christmas is an imposter.iPod or MP4 player?
  16. Now, I think it might be a good idea skipping out this month (if that does happen). It builds a little bit more suspense and it makes it talked about.Also, I think it would be nice if they did still show a video (or videos) after the ride opened. Perhpas it could show some of the riders videos and still have Jigsaw making annocements, that would be quite unique.
  17. Neptune's Kingdom is good the way it is. It is small and family based. It shouldn't be extended an it should stay how it is.If there's going to be an area with family rides that are 'bigger' and a family roller coaster, make a new themed area on the islands.
  18. JoshC.


    I played THE GAME, not just a game, THE GAME.Guess what, I WON LOST!I think, I have such bad memory!
  19. I found on YouTube. I know it hasn't got the same layout, etc., but the theming it has is very nice. I'd be pleased if the theming was like that on the real ride.Also, has anyone thought that this might be a stunt from Thorpe trying to build up a bit more suspense for the video, it might be THAT good, and it just backfired.
  20. Considering it has been made for Wikipedia, the map is okay. It gives a rough guess where the rides are.Anyway, as for CC future, all I can say is: overload of chavs, loud, probably another new ride coming in in the next couple of years and no rethemed Samurai. (It is still sitting at the park.)
  21. Firstly, the reason for the videos being linked to the number 13 is because the ride is going to be themed around SA XIII But seriously, if they had made teaser videos life previous ones for Oct, Nov and Dec and released the ride's name in January, it would have been much better and less hype would have gone into the SAW theme and would be happy with a great themed ride AND not complain about all this hype. But I guess we have to remember, the whole world is not made of fan-bpys, so it probably was the best time fot Thorpe to release the video based on everyone.
  22. I don't want anything giving away part of the story line just yet. Something very cryptic would be nice. Then, if you solve a puzzle given in the video, you find out something else about the ride.However, the videos are becoming a bit of a pain. Now the name has been revealed, everything has gotten a bit repeatative. If they had released in on January 13th, the novelty of it probably would have just kept till the ride's opening, then we wouldn't hav all been annoyed by all this stupid hype!
  23. There was a bit of a 'Wow factor' for me about it being SAW with Lionsgate, but not a OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!I think that Merlin are doing something good (a decent themed ride), but roller coasters themselves are starting to run out of ideas. I mean, there is practically everything. You can be above the track, below it, 'in it' (pipelne), be spinning, be backwards, be launched, be in the dark, swinging all of the place, 'flying', water, near enough everything. Perhaps the next big step is ride interactivity to the extreme. Maybe a spinning coaster where you spin the car, like a teacup.It will be interesting to see what SW6 will turn out to be.Anyway, I've gone a bit off topic here (sorry).
  24. Yep, too much hype if you ask me.Perhaps of the name had been revealed in January or February, all of the SAW hype wouldn't have been annoying as we would have actually riden the thing. I wonder how many people will be disappointed with the ride if itsn't as good as they were expected it to be?
  25. It is likely that it is a Thorpe fake account that is spoiling us.From what I can tell, a lot of the SAW videos they have used have been from the films, but then edited in voice, camera cuts, etc. Also, if this is 100% real, then it says that it is only a PREVIEW. However, a nice cryptic video would be very good this month.
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