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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. 3X3=11!I can prove it if you want me to!
  2. I am getting annoyed with school!In my English lessons, this other teacher always comes in and comments on our work, espically mine. She sometimes finds that I haven't put a comma or apostrophe in the odd place, or I spell the most complicated word wrong once! She says "You use the internet and that can spell everything correctly, they have all commas and apostrophes correctly, so why can't you?" Yet, looking on places like this, people always mis-spell or leave some grammar out. Also, on a less rant note, I now know 3X3=11
  3. JoshC.


    Congratuations!I've had a nice 3 day weekend as my inset day was pulled back from the 7th to the 14th. Anyway, I spent most of it on my DS and I completed a couple if games and now I am bored.
  4. JoshC.

    This Or That

    The name.SAW - The Ride or another name?
  5. I didn't see it on the microsite, and the links aren't working for me! I do wonder if it was real now. Chances of a hack in?I hear everyone planning about the opening day of the ride, but wouldn't the 'Disciples of Saw' get on it first?
  6. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Mushroom.Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
  7. JoshC.


    Well then, the strangest dream I had was when I was 11. Here it is:I woke up in a futuristic Thorpe. Detonator was 1000ft and the cars always went up, but never returned. There was this freaky ride called the 'Doomin' Gloomin' Bloomin' Ride' (or something like that) wear the new Flying Fish is. It was a roller coaster that went underwater. There were loads of other rides that I can't remember.Anyway, I went on this new Detonator. I got hurtled up 1000ft a flew into space. Everyone on the ride died except me. The 'car' landed at my school and these 3 eyed, 10 nose, 17 mouthed aliens were putting everyone in the classrooms. Insteda of playing dead, I got up battled all the aliens. They had these really good looking ray guns and tried disintergrating me, but failed. So then, I grabbed a phone from my pocket and rung the TWSSWT (whoever they are). They came and killed all the aliens. Then they said they were going to change my brain so I didn't remember anything. I didn't like that so I got a ray gun from the rook somehow and shoot the TWSSWT. Then, I replaced all the human brains with mouse brains. Then there were these really smart mice that I trod on and really stupid people eating cheese all the time. Then I changed the fish brains with the pig brains. That was funny. Then I touched this wierd computer and I was in a shop called: BED WORLD ON PLUTO 21109. Then, they put me on a bed and I woke up at 1am and I didn't get to sleep for the rest of the night; worried about aliens. (And I had a SAT exam that day).
  8. JoshC.


    And I just realised you've left out CCR.
  9. JoshC.


    Mark, I hate to be picky, but with your signature saying rides left from the eighties, you left out poor Rocky Express, which I do believe was installed at the same time as Logger's Leap.
  10. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Straight.Old TP style map or new style map?
  11. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Smiley.Flamingo Land or Oakwood?
  12. So why are signatures all of a sudden back in? I thought it was agreed they weren't coming back because they add clutter, take or more space, etc.
  13. I agree with you Iskander. His grandmother dying will lead to some sympathy votes.Personally, I think Obama is the best out of a bad bunch. Niether candidate is the best for being presedient. However, I think that John McCain will win it marginally. Anyone ever heard of 'The Bradley Effect', which is quite likely to happen.Made me laugh at school today when someone said that McCain chip sales will go through the roof if McCain wins this.
  14. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Alicia Keys.Girls Aloud or The Pussycat Dolls?
  15. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but does this mean that Rich will become an admin? Or will there be someone else replacing Phill, if anyone?
  16. JoshC.

    This Or That

    Both as annoying as each other, but Cbeebies it better.Half full or half empty?
  17. JoshC.


    I am never opening the door after dark again until February!A couple of minutes ago, I had a knock at the door, opned at and am greeted by: "We wish you a..." and I shut the door. Yet, I still hear: "...Merry Christmas, we wish..."I hate Christmas Carolers, they are really annoying, espically when I am very busy.
  18. JoshC.

    This Or That

    The Asylum.Thrill Chill at Thorpe or no Thrill Chill at Thorpe?
  19. For some reason I can't quote. Can someone help me please?
  20. Why have we gone from "Don't look behind you" to "Howdy" to "Don't lok behind you" to "Looking good"?
  21. Not sure to be honest. I think that I'm bisexual, but hey, I'll find out soon enough.
  22. The topic seems a bit slow now. We've had the shock of the name, now everything is going quiet. It seems that now track is completed and there's only metal sheets being put round the building, there isn't much to say. There isn't no ideas to discuss and it seems as if pople are justing waiting for the cars to arrive on track or to just go on the ride.
  23. As far as I'm aware, all cars are due on site in January. So I'd guess that testing will start January / February time. If there's another Fen half term opening, I'd assume there'd be some testing you could see.However, I've had an idea. To build up publicity, they could have a test go with a few test riders (the manquein things), but a 'horrible accident' happens a saw a trap or the headchopper element chopped of his head, and now there is great concern for public safety. However, this was fixed to make the ride seem scarier and build up publicity. (I know quite a lot of people like going on Slammer because they think they'll get stuck on it...)
  24. JoshC.


    TPM was blocked at school... until today.To cut a long story short, I hacked into the system and unblocked TPM and YouTube. Thankfully, I wasn't caught (nearly though) and now I can get onto TPM at school. WooHoo! By the way, good luck Martin. Hope it isn't too painful.
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