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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. :) anything for you bubbycakes, come back to cwoa :(
  2. The building was used as a dump for everything that wasn't needed - it's been reported that there were bits of one of the trains' chassis lying all over the shop, old fastrack machines, old electronic pieces such as audio racks and the like lying there.Since then, the building has been tidied up (for obvious reasons) and it's simply a concrete floor with a maintenance shed in. The part of the 2007 queue line video included Professor X standing in front of the Programming Logic Controllers (large white metal boxes) in the maintenance shed in the ride area.
  3. Getting into ride operating is very easy - apply for Ride Hosts jobs and if they think you're the right person and strong to lead a platforming team, then you'll be made up to that position.I've operated for 5 months before moving up to Team Leader - I operate occasionally but it really does depend what ride it is, and your work ethic - if you're enthusiastic, confident on the PA then you will absolutely love it!
  4. The problem with Vampire operation is that you need to be seriously stern and so clinical about attending it - and if one person slips then the whole operation goes tits up and you have 10, 15, 20 second waits on lift 2.I know a lot of people here who have platformed or even operated understand this - and regularly having two platformers on three trains is better than four platformers on two trains.
  5. The plaque is very small, but if any of you are lucky enough to work in Tomb, (lock off first) and take a look. The whole ride is full of history - a lot of old park memorabilia is in store cupboards in the middle of the ride.
  6. If they did the street theatre it'd add so much to the theme, for example the pirate wondering about Mutiny Bay is awesome.Here's to hoping!
  7. Kevin


    One carriage trains aren't even carriages, it's like a bus on rails.Which according to TfL, is a tram.That's by the by though.
  8. It'd help his cause if he actually worked!He's being fixed at the moment I believe, probably be working next week or at least in time for half term.
  9. They have the interactive characters out every day around about 11am, either the runaway Osterich, or the runaway Gorilla.Off peak times, Spike and Cinders will be out in LoTD at 11.30am and 3.30pm. Regardless of wether they ride Sea Dragons or Playhouse.
  10. The reason that Griffins prerecords and a fair bit of Fury not working, is due to the fact the rack is in one rack and amp system.People are looking at splitting it up into 3 separate ones so that there is more space for things such as Fury Dispatch, and the station atmosphere loop. Sir Walter Squirtalot may also get some sound effects.Watch this space!
  11. Stop taking it personally Will.
  12. A billion rep to young Jordan - he raises a very valid point!
  13. As in stopping the train, once to dead speed.Yes Peter, I know others use it but that doesn't mean stress doesn't occur. And think of the flipping pain if that train stopped dead with one set of brakes!
  14. The only thing I'd improve about work is common sense.That is all.
  15. I think James has a very fair point - the amount of the fricking time people run down the stairs either onto the platform, into the path of an oncoming train or across the track. Fortunately they've got the set apart exits now but it's not easy at all.The trains would be a lot faster if it didn't stop twice but think of the massive stress that would be put onto both the brake fins and the brake plates themselves. Massive problems would eminate!
  16. Gotta love having one main support beam.So when it shears off due to the epic stress, the WHOLE thing will come down.And don't give me that 'oh they've tested the design it'll be fine derp derp derp'You'd be surprised.
  17. You've all signed a media policy - can you refrain from posting such silly things.
  18. Good to hear you had a good day - Fury is affected badly by the weather unfortunately.And post your feedback to http://www.chessingtonfeedback.com - the feedback received is very useful!
  19. Kevin


    It's in a separate adjoining building - look at aerial photos on Google Maps and you'll see it.
  20. It died (well if it didn't open I suppose it didn't die, just didn't start up) in the morning.
  21. Issues that would have lead to guest experience being damaged...Hence why it wasn't sold.Common sense.
  22. A good looking fangirl, I'm amazed!Maybe Ellie too.
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