I'm genuinely interested - I've had a good read of this forum and I'm really sat here wanting to know what's actually wrong? The park has probably had the biggest investment I've personally ever seen if I'm quite honest - regardless of 'other things' that may affect my vision as others may think!The park really has had shedloads of non specific investment - the infrastructure of the park has been massively upgraded. I fully understand that wondering guest that goes by doesn't know that Buccaneer has new bearings to make sure the ride runs smoother than previously. Or the fact it's been painted majorly (not perfect though), or a new brand new electricity transformation upgrade to ensure that power cuts don't happen on a local stage and that the park runs efficiently power wise, or a proper heating system for Sea Life, or park signage taken out and new branded ones put in, or all park shutters now have paintings on them to advise guests where to go when shop is closed.It's not just physical - it's also things such as a brand new training scheme for all staff members on park, to ensure it is a much more rounded and appropriate approach to new and existing members of staff.All in all - I totally agree that yes it hasn't added to guest experience but such blinding amounts have been invested to make sure that the park does not fall on it's feet quite so easily.