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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. The park only does ERT for Hotel guests in Wild Asia; LoTD is opened (except Fury) for people in Explorer Gate.
  2. Kevin

    The Smiler

    This - a thousand times this.
  3. Rameses has a new setting!That is all.
  4. Kevin


    My comment clearly upset Kabir!
  5. I'm genuinely interested - I've had a good read of this forum and I'm really sat here wanting to know what's actually wrong? The park has probably had the biggest investment I've personally ever seen if I'm quite honest - regardless of 'other things' that may affect my vision as others may think!The park really has had shedloads of non specific investment - the infrastructure of the park has been massively upgraded. I fully understand that wondering guest that goes by doesn't know that Buccaneer has new bearings to make sure the ride runs smoother than previously. Or the fact it's been painted majorly (not perfect though), or a new brand new electricity transformation upgrade to ensure that power cuts don't happen on a local stage and that the park runs efficiently power wise, or a proper heating system for Sea Life, or park signage taken out and new branded ones put in, or all park shutters now have paintings on them to advise guests where to go when shop is closed.It's not just physical - it's also things such as a brand new training scheme for all staff members on park, to ensure it is a much more rounded and appropriate approach to new and existing members of staff.All in all - I totally agree that yes it hasn't added to guest experience but such blinding amounts have been invested to make sure that the park does not fall on it's feet quite so easily.
  6. As confirmed on the CWoAR FB page - Mack's official response is that it's been changed for 'security' reasons.So there you have it gentlemens!
  7. As Dan said; it wasn't meant to a be a slated post.I was simply putting other peoples comments into perspective.
  8. Like you and every other member of the forum with whom you argue - give stick and accept stick Benin..And another good input there from Ryan - great work.
  9. Haha well OK, thats fine if you want to bring personal things into the forum.Or not.What do people think of ignorant backstabbing people then? Damned I hate them!
  10. If you're going to reply to my posts then grow up and realise how immature you're being in posting back such a response.Any valid point to add?Thought not.
  11. You going to quantify on that or what?
  12. I do but that doesn't mean I should discriminate against you - tiptoeing around the elephant in the room won't achieve anything.More than 10,000 people have died in the recent Japanese Earthquake and resulting Tsunami. That's game over for that many + 16,000 that are missing. Nothing else. Gone.I appreciate this is a rant thread but life could be so much worse. Remember that.
  13. Kevin


    Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tapppp
  14. And are also great friends - partners - people to rely on - nice - have a laugh with - ENJOY YOUR LIFE WITH.Christ this forum is so negative, CHIN UP ALL OF YOU!
  15. Kevin


    Implying that you do work!
  16. I've had a good comb of the internet especially ADIPS bulletins and there is nothing about it - the restriction has been briefed out but details will be released soon I think.
  17. Kevin


    awkwardddd thought the same :\
  18. Kevin


    more rebecca black banter
  19. Don't be let down buddy - it's the worst you can do to yourself.Consider every option, and there are loads!Check out open.ac.
  20. Don't mind me, just starting my coffin up.
  21. Agreed about the foot massage, enjoyable!
  22. Implying the hosts will not buckle at people complaining at them.ARGUMENT DESTROYED
  23. Kevin


    Then surely you'd blame the manufacturer...?The amount of cracks rides do attain and have to be repaired is way, way beyond peoples imagination!
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