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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Take a look at this please.Clearly states maximum of 4 guests on any ride, with the exception of Rumba.
  2. Kevin


    What's the joke? Ya Mama is actually quite a good song!
  3. Wow, talk about absolutely dire attempts. Nothing like defacating over some amazing adverts, right there!
  4. Great day too, sorry I didn't come onto the ice but the bar was too cheap!
  5. Thank christ it's only got two trains for the moment - we all know what happens with three..
  6. Considering the ride cost £12 million, your point is disregarded.
  7. Kevin


    Was this the same BBC3 program that essentially said drugs are ok?Reminds me of the stoner bloke from tool academy, how cliche can you get.. :\
  8. Kevin


    Definitely thought the same as Mark when I saw this...!
  9. It's fitted with OTSRs in line with manufacturer and insurer recommendation I'd imagine, and that probably will never change!
  10. Kevin


    Brighton is pretty decent for clubbing.. unless you're titted out of your skull and you dance and leap about and then twist you ankle, and fall to the ground in agony.Buzz killington for me.
  11. The system isn't there fortunately just to make the park look good - it's there to benefit those who genuinely need to use it. I'd go into the details of how and why people do need it, but that'd be a bit out of place unless you use/have used the system before.
  12. Kevin


    To be fair I had just completed an illegal manoeuvre, what else did I expect?!
  13. Kevin


    Passed with twelve minors, first time.Wrote car off 5 months down the line.
  14. Kevin

    News Desk

    You've got a PM, please take a moment to read it and then reread the topic.
  15. Kevin

    News Desk

    In following of above post...If anyone needs a hand, please don't hesitate to PM me, about anything and everything!Thanks
  16. This is a forum guys, seriously stop this behaviour.If you are getting into a heated debate, maybe think about stepping back from the argument.Remember - the key to posting well and being successful on this forum is If this was happening in real life, what would my response be. There is a minority that is slowly turning into a majority that are having picky little fights that ruin the forum for everyone else. As ever, if you have a quibble, PM the person themselves or a moderator!
  17. I bet half the people on here have never even gone to Chessington giving the place a chance. I prefer it a load more to Thorpe, because it's great fun and not set in a horrendous atmosphere. And for the purpose of replying - just don't. If you don't agree with my point then keep it to yourself or try and shoot me down, thanks.
  18. Kevin


    Police Squad, STOP!!
  19. I think you're very rude and brash however I don't think ElectricBill put it across in the right way.Take this to PMs guys if you're going to start bouncing insults all over the forum to each other - you're wasting my bandwidth and my time.
  20. Lets be honest - if it's not Coasterforce its fine.Welcome to the forums!
  21. As I've said before sir, unfortunately the Samurai left this park 7 years ago.
  22. Better not drive there then... anyone offering lifts from Guildford station?
  23. Hate to pick apart posts but..It was by Sprint! Moving on!
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