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About xoxthisgirlxox

  • Birthday 06/15/1986

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  • Favourite ride
    The Hulk
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  • Location
    walton on thames, surrey

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  1. havent seen any 50% off ones but you can get discount tickets for Thorpe park (and pretty much all Merlin attractions) with your MAP for friends and family...just ring 0871 222 4001 and quote Map Friend offer and you can get adult tickets for £24 instead of £42 on the day. Make sure you ring at least a day in advance of the visit as it's not valid on the day of visit.
  2. awww memories...and the only nice "ride" photo of me haha
  3. Hey guys it opened on the 1st October.... For about 15 minutes.
  4. Judging by the plans, it's quite a mystery, one end of the station is completely open and the other is a big stained glass, unless you mean at the side?
  5. Okay, so I was on park as a guest today and the site is fire high in the works! Not only has the base of the lift hill been positioned the metal gurders for the frame of the the building where erected throughout the day. I never really did think just how big a scale this project would leave its mark but I can safely say this will be a monument that can be seen from all the corners of the park when completed!
  6. hey dano you can't get group discount on annual passes unless you have people who are under 12 and therefore get family passes. each person must have their own individual annual pass if theyre over 12 and pay for full individual rate. But like fosseynator said there's always special deals etc going on. Best thing to do would be to add Merlin Annual Pass on your facebook as they always post when they're doing special deals etc.
  7. xoxthisgirlxox


    It has its dubstep music now...
  8. Yes they do, and I dont think there is a direct contact with them.
  9. Well I thought I'd comment on this seeing as I'm flying out to work there for a year beginning of june! I went last november before I found out I got the job and was literally blown away at all the tiny little details.But I agree most americans just didnt seem at all bothered by theming :-(
  10. I have found that no one in american parks seems to be bothered by queue jumpers when I visited both Disneyworld and Universal last november. I even had a conversation with a ride attendant on Hulk about it and she said "but a lot of people need to go to the restroom so need to go back and meet their group. no one minds" I was pretty shocked to say the least
  11. well those Parade girls are currently number 5 in the top 40! never heard of them or the song though?!
  12. oh my god that is too cute! jeeze ricky what went wrong? :-p
  13. I went on hollywood rip ride and rockit in november and yes the lap bar restraint system they have is AMAZING. it gives you such a greater feel of freedom and I felt incredibly safe just due to the sheer robustness of them. and of course picking from a selection of songs to have blasted out in the speakers just made it 100% more fun!
  14. because it's the new ride. once Saw the ride opened at TP Colossus and samurai became more popular than previous years because everyone runs to that side of the park first. So in the case of Rita because everyone runs to Thi3teen first they'll most likely go on Rita after because it's right next to it
  15. the only maze that wheelchair users are unable to go through is Hellgate - this is due to the narrow corridors and tight corners. all the other mazes you will be fine in :-)
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