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Deleted Users

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Everything posted by Deleted Users

  1. Deleted Users


    "Even a toffee apple can be rotten but you have to take a bite to be sure" - some drunkard at a WDW cast member party.
  2. I have a group of friends at my school and those are the only people that I can stand to be with (private single sex schools suck and most of the sterotypes about the people are true) and because none of them are in my lessons I don't bother to say anything. It's somewhat different for me though as I am moving to a college for sixth form so I don't need to glad hand anyone anymore at my current school. Outside of lessons we get called childish, gay and stupid and yet we go out with girls the most (but we don't try to get their clothes off whenever we see them so we aren't consider cool), and some of my friends have already done some A levels before GCSEs (not that I think our current exam system tests intelligence but that is a whole different arguement). TLDR: who gives a damn what other people think, just have fun.
  3. Still haven't managed to get to Chessie as the train lines suck getting there for me; it's makes the journey 90 mins longer than going to Thorpe. I should be going this summer though!Anyway, welcome Dan!
  4. Deleted Users


    Junior Apprentice tonight. The candidates are so bad but it makes it entertaining to watch at least.
  5. I was thinking about trying to get GaGa tickets but I may be going on holiday the next day so I don't want to deal with trying to get some and not being able to go.Anyway insert rant about exams and parents here.
  6. Personally, I was extremely anxious at my first meet (March this year) but the members were very friendly (Professor X, Ellie L, Adam Y, Holly, Peaj and Skunky to name a few). It may come across as people trying to avoid you but the truth is they are friends who are trying to catch up after not seeing them for a long time. For that reason it's a bit ridiculous to expect people to gather round you and demand your attention towards them. Both parties need to put the effort in.I agree that the meets could do with some more structure so maybe the next forum competition could be to come up with meet ideas and the mods/admins can pick one between them for the next meet. Will, FN seems to be only happening on busy days this year so that could be difficult.
  7. The staff are just very speedy at checking restraints. Even on one of the busiest days of the year at Universal Hollywood, only one ride had a queue over 40 mins (admittedly it was 90 mins but still). I too am avoiding Harry Potter spoilers which will be near impossible as I am friends with someone who can drive to IOA in under 10 mins. However, Spiderman x10 would class this ride as near perfect.
  8. Deleted Users


    I think Origin feels the most complete with a good mixture. Resistance really lacks a 'powerful' song like New Born or Citizen Erased. Showbiz is finally growing on me. Overall I think the albums compliment each other very well though in concerts so they can have very varied setlist. Heads are going to roll if they play Guiding Light when I see them though...
  9. Deleted Users


    Yes, Origin of Symmetry is still their best album though.
  10. Deleted Users


    I have her/his album! Ellie seems to have stayed up late again and will probably complain about having to wake up early today
  11. Deleted Users


    Gorillaz on the 10th of September and Muse on the 11th of September for me. Now to find someone to drag along to Foals in July..
  12. This is just guessing but due to GCSEs and most schools closing at 3pm at the earliest, it won't impact the park until 3:30pm and it will probably only be the local schools. There may be a few who straight from GCSE Physics (finishes at 10:30am) but that is only 1 years worth of people.
  13. I am no longer able to attend this meet. To cut a long story short, my parents believe that even though I haven't had a proper holiday off from revision since last summer, I shouldn't have even 1 day off during half term.
  14. Just put a smile on his face and be done with it On topic: on the face of it Europe does look like a pack with just a collection of solid rides like you said but after this trip report I will do some further looking into it and see if I can get there eventually.
  15. The throughput would be less than 14% extra due to platformers having to secure the 4 more restraints unless Thorpe hired an extra platformer which I highly doubt. It's pretty common to see stacking with only 7 rows.
  16. This is why I wouldn't mind Thorpe getting a Floorless B&M. At least quality/smoothness is nearly 100% garanteed.
  17. Deleted Users


    Yeah it's because Saturday was the first date announced and Friday was announced a week after Saturday sold out. I actually quite Lily Allen, The Big Pink did the song 'Dominos' and the other band is probably a local one.The one thing that gets me with buying tickets is the service charge which isn't even the band's fault. In reality it probably costs a penny or so for each payment to go through the servers.
  18. Deleted Users


    Thankfully I managed to get both sets of tickets in pre-sales so I wasn't running around like a madman on the general sale days.
  19. Deleted Users


    Gorillaz tickets booked for their show in Birmingham in September. So excited and seeing Muse the next day as well!
  20. Deleted Users


    I thought Piplup was one of the better Water Starters due to Empoleon's Water/Steel typing and it has good base stats.
  21. Deleted Users


    If a man who cannot count finds a four leaf clover...is he lucky?
  22. I think a lot of terrorist threats and incidents wouldn't have happened if we didn't charge into the Middle East under the guise of finding weapons of mass destruction which could be launched within minutes or something rediculous.Anyway, I think all of the parties have major flaws so I guess I am hoping for a hung parliment..
  23. Deleted Users


    Plane tickets booked for Boston which is near to Six Flags New England, home to Bizzaro which has been voted best steel rollercoaster in the world 5 years running in the Golden Ticket Awards! Leaving on the 1st of August and getting back on the 8th. Bizzaro Pov
  24. This feels out of place on a Theme Park Fansite.
  25. Very, very busy. Bank holiday weekend and Saturdays are normally the busiest day of the week anyway.
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