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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I much prefer the display board shown there at Thorpe anyway. It's much better themed, and the one at Alton shown there is just really ugly in my opinion!
  2. Paul


    Just thought I'd post this here, because I couldn't find the Thorpe Park Jobs topic. Thorpe Park are currently recruiting for Fright Night Maze Actors! I thought this might appeal to some of you on here. All applicants must be aged 18 or over. Rate of pay: £70 per day.
  3. Paul

    Forum Posts

    I don't really know to be honest, but I agree it would be great!
  4. Paul

    Forum Posts

    Yes that's fine, I was talking more about the occasional member you see that has a signature that uses more like 30 lines +. When they're that long, it just becomes annoying having to scroll through them every time time you read one of their posts.
  5. Paul

    Forum Posts

    I don't think there is a strict limit as such, but obviously it's better to keep signatures short.
  6. I know loads of people who have had them, it's not uncomfortable or painful to them, it just means that you don't remember the part of the ride where you blacked out.I didn't realize quite how common it was!
  7. Paul

    Thanks for the comment, sorry I was a bit late replying, I forgot to check my profile! :)

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  8. James is right, if you had experienced a red-out, you would have known it!
  9. Paul


    Thank you, I'll have a look.
  10. Basically a rush of blood to the head.
  11. On my first ride on Colossus back in 2007, I'm not sure if I had a black out, but when I came off the ride I couldn't remember anything from the loop to the last inline twist. Like I said, I'm not sure if it was a blackout but it could have been. It hasn't happened to me on any ride since. If it's happening to you often, then yes I would advise to seek medical help.Although if I was to say something, I would think that blackouts are very common and not something to be very worried about. Red-outs are what you need to worry about.
  12. Thanks for all the information, it's very interesting!
  13. Yes, that's good. I would happily pay that for a TPM lanyard.
  14. Paul


    Yes, make it Live! Great idea, thanks . Also, I was thinking of having a body wrapped up in white sheets with blood stains on it hanging up by the neck. Then when people get near it, drop the body slightly.
  15. Paul


    You've given me loads of ideas Ross! I think we are having a halloween party this year, but I would certainly love to have a Fright Maze as well, maybe on Halloween night. We have a pretty empty garage, I'm thinking that I could do something with that. And also, it has an electric front door, so I can imagine that it would be amazing to have everyone waiting on the drive, and then when it is ready for a batch of people, I could play some music (maybe the rush whispers if you've heard them) and have the door slowly opening for everyone to walk inside. I somehow just don't think that it could be convincing, I really want to scare the hell out of people! Any ideas?I know that sudden loud music will scare some people, but I want some more convincing ideas really. For the past 3 or 4 years, I have put a speaker outside of my house in the porch bushes, and played loud music when people knock at the door, and atmospheric music throughout the evening. It really scares some people, but most just seem to not really care. I really want to be able to scare the pants off of my visitors!
  16. I agree, I really like the look of that badge! I agree with Sebastian, I think put your real name under your TPM name, and then the badge would be perfect!
  17. You've gone completely overboard on this. James wasn't complaining, nor was he being selfish.
  18. Paul

    Bad Injuries!

    A couple of years ago I fell over on a gravelly playing surface, and cut up most of my right knee. I lost about 1/2 pint of blood, and managed to get quite a large piece of gravel lodged under my skin. I've still got the scar!
  19. That's an easy one. I would go for the iPhone & Merlin Pass. I went on a water sports holiday in year 10 with my school, and it was good, but nothing special. A Merlin Pass would last you for a whole year as well, whereas the holiday is only 10 days.
  20. I agree with you, in that I can usually judge a queue line by looking at it. But if I'm in Lost City for example, and I want to know the queue time for Logger's Leap, I'm going to have to walk all the way over there to have a look, whereas before I could just look at the information board in Lost City and decide if I want to go on it or not. Earlier this year, the queue times displayed on the boards were definitely more accurate than previous years, and most times, I found the boards to be accurate within 5 minutes.
  21. Wow, this is the first time I've seen this new system. I can't bring myself to understand the point of the new system, it's just confusing and unaccurate. What is wrong with having the actual queue times? It's going to be really confusing now when I look at the information board and it says: Colossus: 1SAW: 3Nemesis: 2Quantum: 1Zodiac: 2etc etc. And I agree, 30 minutes is not quiet! I usually go t the information boards to find any queue with a 5 or 10 minute wait, and then do those rides. Now, I'm actually going to have to go to each individual ride to see what the queue is like. I am so wound up by this, it's so f**king stupid!
  22. Paul


    It does look very good! I'm tempted to get my own ticket!
  23. There is currently a job vacancy for a full-time Food & Beverage host.
  24. Yes! I don't think that I can exactly say that I have a preference of same/different sex relationships, when I have only had experience with one before!I feel that it doesn't matter of the persons gender, if you have a great time with them, then that's all that matters.
  25. I think the best thing to do is wait until I have both finished my A/AS levels, and then we can continue this discussion!
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