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Everything posted by Paul

  1. People at school always say to me, "You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you were gay!". So many people have said it now, that I just find it funny when they do and reply, "Maybe I am!". I say that I'm not gay loosely, for the fact that I'm not in and never have had a same sex relationship before. I don't think I can really say what I am until I've had experience in relationships with both sexes.
  2. I can see where you are coming from, but most of my family/friends who have been through Years 12/13 (AS/A Levels) said that on the whole GCSE's were more complex and difficult, and Year 11 was far more strenuous than any other year. I suppose it's also down to your options, as different options have different timetables/lesson structures etc.
  3. I chose Music, Drama, French and Spanish. I really regret taking two languages now, the amount of times I get get confused between the two is unbelievable!Besides those four, this year I am doing English Language, English Literature, Maths, Statistics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Personal Development. Apart from taking two languages, I don't really have any other regrets with my choices.
  4. Paul

    This Or That

    VansNike or Adidas?
  5. I know that when I go to my first meet-up, it will be a comfort to see lots of people with some form of TPM ID on. It would make it easier for me to approach the group that way, and to find people who I haven't seen before by their user name. I think it would be great to have badges with everyone's TPM username, real name, and a little TPM logo at the top.
  6. Paul

    This Or That

    WalkDodgeball or Volleyball?
  7. Paul


    I love....JazzBluesCountrySoft RockSome ClassicalSome PopSoundtracks:P
  8. I've had two days of Year 11 now. All I can say is, the work is already difficult, I already get too much homework, and I already hate the majority of my lessons. It's not going to be a great year for me....
  9. Either way, badges or cards, sounds like a great idea.
  10. Paul


    I have a random tip for anyone on here.... Are you tired of making spelling mistakes and then being slated for it?Then you need.... Safari!:PSeriously though, open your forum page up in Safari Internet Browser from Apple (if you have it), and when you make a post, it underlines all of the spelling mistakes (like Microsoft Word). You can just right click and it corrects it for you. If you don't have Safari, it automatically downloads when you download iTunes.
  11. Usually, it's very uncomfortable to have water or anything sprayed in your eyes. But on rides where water is sprayed directly into your eyes (SAW, Rameses etc), riders don't seem to notice. Obviously the red dye used isn't going to be an irritant substance, it's just common sense to make sure that it is completely harmless. Even if it isn't red dye, there must be a red liquid out there that is skin/eye friendly, and non-irritant.
  12. Hey Mohs, Welcome to the Forums!Happy Birthday for tomorrow!
  13. I don't understand why "coming out" is such a big thing. Straight people don't "come out". Do people just presume that if you don't say a word about your sexual orientation then you're straight? It's as if being straight is normal, and you only have to say if you are an exception. It's completely wrong. If someone asks me my sexuality, then I will tell them. I don't feel it's necessary for me to run around shouting out my sexual preferences, whether I am straight, gay, or otherwise.
  14. Be who you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Everyone has their own life, and is entitled to do what they want with it. If I meet someone who has a problem with my or anyone else's sexuality, then I don't have the time to waste on them. People treat sexuality as quite a large factor of your personality in my school, which I really hate. In my opinion, it's no-one else's business what your sexual orientation is, and it shouldn't be a factor that affects friendships/family relationships etc. I have friends of mixed sexualities, and to be honest I don't give a flying monkeys about what sexuality they are, it doesn't affect their personality in any way.
  15. I like the idea of having red liquid, but I very much like the idea of just having red lights on the water, like Tim said. It would be just as realistic in my opinion, although it would be quite good if riders were covered in "blood" when they exit the ride. (As long as the dye is not clothes or skin staining obviously!)
  16. Paul


    I know about ride working areas, but do ride hosts usually work on the same rides within those areas all the time? I'm only asking because every time I go to Thorpe Park, I recognize some of the ride hosts, and they always seem to be working on the same ride every time. I always see the same person working on Colossus, Samurai, Slammer etc every time I go!
  17. I've downloaded a new ride for my RCT3 game (Screamin' Swing above). Can anyone help me out by telling where to put it? I.e.: which folder?Many thanks.
  18. Paul


    That looks (well sounds) pretty awesome!
  19. Paul


    I really hate trick or treating, my friends ask me to go but I really hate it. Last year I didn't do anything much, the year before I went to Fright Nights. This year, I'm looking at going to Hocus Pocus and Fright Nights, although if I can only manage one, it will be Hocus Pocus without a doubt.
  20. I can't believe how clean and clear the water looks, especially compared to Loggers Leap anyway!
  21. Bit of a random quote, eh' James?
  22. Although Beanoland is good, (Billy's Whizzer) I don't spend an awful lot of time there, and it wouldn't really make a difference to my day if it was closed. I can't see any connection between the power cuts and the extended closing time.
  23. I'm not 100% sure on this one, but I would have thought that there would be some sort of manual operation available, for use in emergencies etc.
  24. Oh right. The gondola is locked/unlocked as part of the programmed cycle. The ride ops have manual control over the water fountains, and that's about it.
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