Just got back from Chessington. What can I say? Without a doubt the best day trip to a theme park I've ever had. First things first - The Staff. I can't even begin to complement all of the Chessington staff enough, for their friendliness and enthusiasm towards guests. It seemed as though they couldn't have done more for me today, and I can't thank them enough for it. The day wouldn't have been half of what it was without the wonderful staff. My friend treated us both to an Express fastpass, which meant that we had an incredibly high ride count, without queueing for longer than 15 minutes. I now have a new favourite attraction - Rameses Revenge. The ride was being run on setting 6, which was incredible, all 4 times I went on it. The atmosphere around the park is far more friendly than Thorpe, and I could actually join a queue without worrying whether the group in front of or behind me were likely to stab me. I didn't see any breakdowns, and the park as usual had a full ride line-up. All the the ride-ops were fun and exciting, which added something special to the ride experience. I've never actually paid much attention to it, but the theming was absolutely impeccable throughout. I was especially impressed with Rattlesnake and Vampire. All of the rides were being run incredibly well, for example Rattlesnake was running on 7 cars and dispatching at least every 20 seconds. The park was clean, tidy and a pleasure to be spending a day in. All I kept thinking on the way home was, "Why did I have to buy a Thorpe Park Annual Pass?" In no way shape or form can I pick a fault with my day today. Just incredible. There's not really a lot more that I can say. If you work for Chessington in any department and are reading this, then please give yourself a huge pat on the back. I really am, beyond impressed with my visit.My ride count from today:Vampire: 2Bubbleworks: 2Seastorm: 1Black Bucanneer: 3Dragon's Fury: 1Billy's Whizzer: 1Dragon Falls: 1Rameses Revenge: 4Runaway Train: 2Tomb Blaster: 1I am logging on to the recruitment website again as I speak!