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Everything posted by James6

  1. James6


    Sorry for double post, The ride is now a "Poll-ercoaster" You get a very nice look at that trim...
  2. Like others, the one ride out of all the ones I've done that scares me every single time, I don't know what it is about it, whether it's the unpredictability or just the force of the drop, but it's fantastic These rides just don't quite have the length for me to be 5/5 though.
  3. ^^ Everyday I seem to realise more and more how many people nowadays are absolutely pr****, and I don't understand why.Don't take it to heart, a similar (Although not quite on the same scale) thing happened to me a while ago, sadly the only thing you really can do is ride it out.
  4. James6


    I definitely agree, but please, PLEASE! Be high capacity, that park doesn't have a single ride that does well with queue's!And I only got to ride Jungle Coaster when it became Caravan on rails: The Ride, and if it had to stay like that, it's better gone to somewhere where it can run as a good ride.
  5. James6


    Ah maybe it's just showing it's a similar size to the Dragon, which I'd be quite happy about.And are you absolutely sure it is identical? I can see some parts of it are similar but can't quite fit it in exactly, may be my poor memory though...Edit: Yes you are correct, it is identical to the Dragon, looked a bit closer and yes
  6. I still am of the opinion that it would have been worth the little extra investment to keep it in operating condition.
  7. If anyone would like to see the Black Hole as it is now.It's been refurbished by Gerstlauer and is looking nice and new and shiny http://www.coastersandmore.de/previews/belantis/belantis.shtml
  8. James6


    ^ Ah yes, I remember reading that somewhere, also wasn't another idea where your the cops and your chasing the robbers after they've just robbed a bank. Or am I way off :)If I remember correctly, other theme ideas included the obvious LEGO racers.
  9. I personally believed it was poor speech on the map when I first read it, if that is the case, they will realise after just a few weeks of opening that people will be annoyed about that and barely anyone will actually end up enjoying it.I can't see why it would be exclusive for Hotel Guests as isn't it just a walk through? What would anyone really gain by it being only for Hotel Guests?
  10. Went to the park today and although it was 10000x busier than I was expecting (and the park was expecting for that matter) Had a fantastic day and couldn't agree more with Mikey and Fever!
  11. Construction update from today Also, this can't really ONLY be available to hotel guests can it?
  12. James6


    Sounds exciting.Apparently this is the layout of the new coaster. Taken from TPR.
  13. Sorry, I am completely lost, anyone got a picture/ recording or anything ?
  14. James6


    Possibly the worst time, to admit it, but lifelong Chelsea fan :P
  15. Sounds brilliant, what did you see backstage of and remember to keep us updated
  16. I never really experience it really. It does do that shunting though before the turn into the 2nd lift, the bit that runs parallel to the queue. Everywhere else it's fine :PI would like to see the trains upgraded though to Vekoma's new restraint's pictured below;Would improve the ride a bit I think
  17. James6


    Yep, -Drop out of station and turn -First lift hill-First Drop with trims- High speed turn- Airtime hills through forest (Which would be amazing without trims)- Twisty bit through forest- Second lift-Turn into Crypt- Crypt and "Secret Section"- Backwards Section (Underground Helix)- Back above ground, switchbacks-Launch back into Station.
  18. Ha, will definitely be interesting to hear what kind of jobs you'll be doing and what roles you'll have around the park. I looked into doing it myself and it would have been unbelievable, but sadly I am too far away to have gone there every day for 2 weeks.
  19. James6


    Basically, the problems with Thirteen are rumoured to be that the ride is reaching the Second Lift Hill too quickly, there the ride thinks it'll overshoot it and go into the Crypt too quickly so the ride shuts down. This is even with the trims! This is just a rumour but would explain what has been happening where if the ride does stop on the 2nd lift it can't be re-started if full of people. The fact that the ride has often been running with the back cars empty also suggests it is a weight issue, hopefully Alton can get it sorted soon :PDoesn't sound to good but hopefully will be sorted and ideally, will result in the trims being removed! (Information gathered from Towers Times)
  20. Loggers Leap yes, but Depth Charge I disagree on. Poor throughput and takes up a huge amount of space. Not exactly exciting and lasts seconds. Really poor ride in my opinion.
  21. Your doing Work Experience there ? Lucky you, let us know how you get on and what kind of things you do. :PI assume it'd just be safety talks and a tour of the park I'd assume.
  22. James6


    I assume it's just new staff getting used to the ride, it seems to take teams longer to get used to it which would therefore make loading times slower. It also seems to be a ride where even if everyone is putting maximum effort in, one person can slow the whole thing up hugely.
  23. ^^ ^ At the moment it seems to just be down, no "ups" at the moment
  24. From what I've heard, it's been absolutely packed. And that Stealth has been very VERY unreliable being up and down continuously through the day. Or not even opening till late in the day.
  25. ^ That I can agree with, I'd love to have, even banners in the theme of the area, welcoming you to the different area's. Would be fantastic I think
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