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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Well, no, because it clearly says to celebrate the opening of DBGT......
  2. Oh you're still here then......... You always have to get your two cents in, dont you?
  3. The Bose Acoustic Wave Cannons are not on and have not been on for a good number of years.
  4. Honey everyone else will only ever eat the pie, I just bake them. ?
  5. Insider couldn't be anymore outside about secrets and inside knowledge.
  6. It's probably in that state right now.....
  7. The infamous Merlin Pig Snort & Torch Scare, I bet you!
  8. Listen that thing was bloody intense!!!!! Forget the Jungle Bus at CWoA, this was crazy LOL
  9. I'm doing a Ryan Seacrest and posting this here before any of you do it first I don't care what any of you say, good day.
  10. They used to wear harnesses before, then they stopped, not sure why. Might have something to do with the reliability issues its had recently
  11. £200,000 says that the uniform will not change.
  12. Brilliant Snaps! Good to see themed uniforms, although I would argue that they are bland, and effortless, just like The Swarms hi-vis jackets
  13. Just a quick one Does anyone else think the name of this category should be UK Attractions, rather than parks? As places like Sealife, Dungeons, Shreks Adventure etc aren't parks.
  14. StevenVig

    The Dome

    Where would said offices go? There is a lot more down there than you think.
  15. When I give them my money, I expect a decent service, but alas that seems to much to ask....
  16. Unacceptable, they should have an appropriate cooling system that can be used in all conditions.
  17. I literally have no idea where this whole notion of Saw: The Ride being rough comes from. I have never felt it to be jolty or uncomfortable, but I guess that's just me
  18. StevenVig

    The Dome

    Two reasons why this will never happen 1) The lower dome is home to Staff Areas, Back Offices etc 2) There simply isn't enough space for a ride anywhere there, but you would only know that if you have been down there.
  19. You cant just create a username called Insider and expect everyone to automatically believe you. What is your source? Where is the proof?
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