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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Banned for your OCD....
  2. Banned because I just cba anymore. Seriously, YOUR BANNED.
  3. I think it actually *is* a Front Row Queue. Believe it or not the fish when it reopened got considerably busy for what it is. But when theyre scrapping the SRQ System, they have to replace it with something else, otherwise it would look silly
  4. Banned for purchasing Fastrack. Ban made permanent for buying it at a TPM Meet!
  5. It's all good and well to restrict who can ride, but if this is supposed to be temporary until something permanent can be implemented, I'm just wondering what they can *actually* do to prevent this, other than be extra vigilent
  6. Banned for lack of activity....
  7. Banned for being 15 years old
  8. www.chessingtonjobs.com just got a new look, one that coincides with its Main Website. Looking Good.
  9. StevenVig


    Your not missing out on much
  10. You read it on here, not sure from which user
  11. Technical Aspects of Madagascar Live, such as the Control Booth, pictures of the lights and any special effects.The Jumbos
  12. If you can buckle yourself up in the test seat, youll get on the ride. That is after all, the entire point of a test seat.....
  13. There is a test seat out the front for a reason.....
  14. Drink Responsibly yes, not get smashed on purpose. Running an Over-18s event requires more planning and resources than an under-18's. This is purely because there is a bigger risk that something could go wrong, because the night is alcohol fuelled.
  15. The reason why there isnt an Over-18's is probably because people like you deliberately get smashed, and cause trouble that can be easily avoided. By say, not having the event at all?
  16. See I wasnt the only one who said it!!!
  17. This meet was excellent!Had a lovely day! Was great to see quite a few new faces.CELINE!! I shall see you soon my new found love! :wub:Pictures please!
  18. But you can compare against the figures from the same time as last year
  19. It's probably a Retail Unit being made, that way they can remove the barrow
  20. Took the liberty of capturing a clip from The Swarm Plaza for your enjoyment!http://www.mediafire.com/?401jr94qa04c8te
  21. Latest Desktop at my new workplace! Same image I know, but the desktop is more cluttered
  22. I hope everyone has a smashing time today!
  23. I think the park need to have someone sit down for a day and completely reorganzise and reprogram the link, it will cost them next to nothing and will really improve the system as a whole
  24. But you just said they made an apology? Y'know I dont even know what the big deal is for you?
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