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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. StevenVig


    little video you lot might enjoy
  2. StevenVig


    Retail Host at THORPE PARKLove It.
  3. StevenVig


    thing is though, Thorpe make enough money, but they want to also make more!
  4. Ricky these are different seats this time.
  5. Thats just Saw: The Ride fastrack ALONE
  6. Doubt it, not when they made over £69,000 on Saw: The Ride Fastrack alone in the first 2 months. Yes thats a true fact before you ask, it was in the monthly staff magazine.
  7. I think they got rid of SRQ because fastrack started for Saw: The Ride. They wouldnt have kept SRQ for Saw: The Ride as Thorpe know they would loose alot of money this way. Because Saw: The Ride is the "hype" at the moment, they know alot of people are going to pay for fastrack. Its all about profits really, they couldnt care less about your queue times or whatever.
  8. Thats right, Thorpe Park allow their Gardeners to climb up the side of the bridge wearing nothing but their boxers and soaking
  9. Personally I find that there isnt really much tension built when queueing the full 2 hours and 45 minutes.....So Fastrack for Saw: The Ride wouldnt be a bad investment, but hey, thats just my take on it. The novelty wears off after your very first ride.
  10. Banned from visiting any Merlin Entertainments Attraction for the rest of the season.
  11. StevenVig


    Except the feeling of dead legs and feet and boredness and stupid chavs
  12. Theyre just royalty free sound clips, mind you it wouldnt be the first time Thorpe have used RCT Sound Clips
  13. They cant stop rollbacks because its scientifically impossible?
  14. StevenVig


    Ultimate Fastrack has ALWAYS been £50 before Saw - The Ride was added. Take it from me, I spent over £350 on Ultimate Fastrack in 2007 & 2008
  15. StevenVig


    The Credit Crunch means nothing to the Guests of Thorpe. Ultimate Sold out today I believe. Along with Retail & F&B Outlets Raking it in...I sold 13 ponchos at £5 each today thats £65 in one transaction.
  16. StevenVig


    I can confirm that as of today Ultimate Fastrack is now £60
  17. I read athe longest post about how the launch couldnt be increased. So it cant be that.
  18. The next time you go you are most likely to bump into me. You do know what I look like dont you
  19. Unavailable Rides are shown on the Scrolling Ticker. No need for a box
  20. A little advertising never hurt anyone Rich!
  21. StevenVig


    Am I the Only person who actually understands and agrees with "Outfit" here? It is annoying when people ask how busy it is, just go to the park and enjoy you day, it really isnt too much to effing well ask. What do you want us to do, change how busy it is? Jesus......
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