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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Lower Dome music, is a compilation of different TP Tracks such as Rocky Express and Colossus FN Station 2007
  2. Mania Hub ForumsThorpe Mega Store or Sweets and Souvenirs?
  3. The effects just make the ride look so much better! I'm so happy to see their return.
  4. CCR actually runs through Canada Creek only, as the barrier point closest to Samurai is the "breaking point" between the two areas. So the side of the barrier which has Samurai is Lost City.
  5. I wasnt just saying that because I work in Retail, its just something ive noticed whilst reading this topic.
  6. StevenVig


    Your absolutely right Chris. Both the Ticket and Wristband are Signed and Dated. However, the ticket is not usually required and acts more as a receipt Ride Hosts will not usually ask to see the ticket and will only require to validate the date on the wristband.
  7. I hate how its always just the Rides Staff that are praised. Agreed, they have the main key role for the Guest. But Every Staff Member plays a key role in every guests visit. Other Staff such as Retail, Sales & Promotions, F&B, Presentations and everything else, all go unoticed. Tbh, If it wasnt for Retail, Sales & Promotions, F&B and Admissions, there would be no Thorpe Park.I think a little credit should be given to these departments as they are left in the dark, we still try very hard to keep the magic in every guests visit![/Rant]
  8. That would be Blue Moon - The MarcelsClicky - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-avJPsuArgs
  9. Profile Spam.

    Love yooh.


  10. I too am feeling generous after a good day.http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mj4bmxzlznz
  11. If anybody is interested, this is the current Menu for The Fried Chicken Co. at Rameses
  12. Saw suffered a severe breakdown today from 12pm and did not open for the rest of the day if anyones interested.
  13. When your in a rush for a Job Interview its nothing to do with laziness
  14. Very very far away from Thorpe, dont walk it, if you go there Bus it. This isnt even sarcasm, I'm actally serious, it took me an eternity to walk from there to Thorpe.
  15. I'm feeling slightly generous today, so I am giving you guys a small snippet of the Saw Queueline Audio.Whitenoise has been added for protection.http://www.mediafire.com/?jn0im5nkydq
  16. Keith if you read carefully, its theming!
  17. StevenVig


    I second that! D:
  18. Thank You everyone for voting for me previously!Heres another entry
  19. Yeah the audios been turned up again! The Speakers just under the Rotating Blades haven't been touched though, as evident from End of Day Music, which might I add is always a pleasure to listen to from the start.Although the lighting has claimed to have changed, I have not noticed this, nor have I noticed anything else apart from the body. I havent seen a toilet, bathtub or a sawn foot. Hmmmm
  20. Welcome to Thorpe Park Mania, Mark!
  21. All of the Saw Audio has been turned down.
  22. His real name is Iskander!
  23. StevenVig

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    Windows Live: stevevig701@googlemail.com
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