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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Just to let everyone know, you can only get them in Red. No other colours.
  2. You bought yours when they were first released at £1.00, the Saw: The Ride Syringe Pens now cost £1.50
  3. Yes, thank you "furiouspanda" thats what we have been discussing for almost 2 pages......
  4. Me thinks the link is slightly broken. I heard Vortex SFX in the Neptune's Kingdom Loop yesterday.....
  5. I think the word your looking for is Typical They're there all year round, they are just used during Fright Nights.
  6. They have added these huge plastic panels to the area where the guns are. It's destroyed the look of that general area. I'm quite enraged about this.........
  7. Its actually £1.20 with AP Discount They are back in stock, and are selling like hot cakes! You better get yourself down there, before they all go.
  8. I'm considering purcahsing a Geiser System. Theyre so refreshing. haha
  9. I would personally like to see the Gas Tank on Tidal Wave releasing burts of flames, main reason being Ive never seen it for real. I never visited during those years. I would also like to see the Water Tower on Tidal Wave working again.Thats about it. xD
  10. and potentially hit me in the eye? No thanks.the guy above who edited those photos, I really do hope you dont actually work for IL, slyly letting us know that this will be happening. I tell you what you wont be the most popular on here if thats the case!
  11. First of all Picsolve is just terribly overpriced, it's so overpriced, that I dont even want to work for the company!Saw: The Ride DVD's, a good idea, price needs to be reconsidered alot. I think with these it's all about timing. For guests its just pot luck really, theres not much you can do. The camera's I presume are timed when to record and when not to record. This is because, perhaps its all controlled by the computers in the Photo Unit, say a guest wants to purchase a DVD, the computers that burn the DVD's take a few minutes to Burn and Produce, in this time new video cannot be brought from the cameras to the system, so the operator in the Photo Unit may have to wait until its all clear and the system is ready to record again and send the next batch of videos down to the system.I dont even know if thats how it works, but thats my take on it.
  12. This is Biiiiiigg Bob Jones telling all you crazzy Stealth challengers out there, to wish Iskander one of Amitys regulars a very happy birthday!
  13. I didnt understand it either.
  14. Bit Random, but has anyone ever seen the water from the Drop being turned off at the end of the day? I saw it on Sunday and thought it looked quite cool, you could see the water slowly making its way down revealing the wood underneath.
  15. I find that No Smoking sign ironicI'd love to see a video of the laughing witch tbh. That was good themeing, I remember her head used to move back and forth left to right while she was laughing. Ahhh good old days
  16. Seeing as Rob does work there..........
  17. StevenVig


    Blur - Song 2Clicky -
  18. Its not a download, but its as good ashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0MEzZArNLw...feature=related
  19. It would probably be like one of the Food Stalls in RCT3, where they break down more than the rides! LOLI still dont get how A Sandwich Stall can break down :s
  20. Colossus Cog ChainInfernos Train Catching onto the Lift ChainStealths Brake Fins LoweringChain Starting Up on Saw LiftThe Continuous Sound from Tidal Waves chainTidal Waves Boat going down the drop
  21. Or you just leave them with your bags like your meant to?
  22. This recording has been posted somewhere already.
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