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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. It ended on tuesday. Sorry to burst your bubble there!
  2. StevenVig


    Theres already a fastrack topic, rendering this topic pointless.
  3. I Do have the soundtrack, however I purchased it from the iTunes Store, so unfortneately I feel its wrong for me to send out something ive paid for. Oh no now I sound really mean.
  4. btw, if you do listen to it, try and listen to the whole 18 minutes, it changes throughout the track
  5. thats not your desktop, thats the image you use on your desktop!
  6. its over now offically I think
  7. I was feeling bored today, so I had a stab at making my own loop for the Saw Plaza. Although it will never be used, it cant be used anyway. I just wanted some feedback as to how effective it would be if it were to be played in the plaza.If anyones interested, all the music used is from Saw 3.http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?urjwdz2mnyl
  8. Ahaha, oh god that was quite funny last week!
  9. Id just like to quote myself and say that this was posted in the wrong topic. I'm sure this was posted in the Stealth Topic.....
  10. Well the entire track can have only one car running at any time, so that makes no difference anyway
  12. There is no discount on fastrack for annual pass holders
  13. Thats exactly what fastrack was before they implemented the charge....
  14. Well the Buy One Get One Free Offer for Yorkie Bars ends this tuesday. Perhaps the entire sponsorship is ending too?
  15. Well first of all Tobins Contract doesn't state that he is required to provide recordings for Rides & Attractions, just the film. Secondly, the audio isnt even created by Lionsgate.
  16. Well I mean its like James said. Tobin Bell would cost an extorshinate amount. Your right too though, dialogue has been used from the films. Part of the Queueline Dialogue has been taken from the film, the mini speech when you arrive back in the station, exit stairs. All these have been used from the film. However, they couldn't have done this for the Queueline Videos, where Billy is saying something that is not said in the films. For Example, the word Thrill Hunter is not used at all in any of the 5 films. They've done a good job though, doesnt sound that much different
  17. The stock has probably been lost in transit, 10,000 were meant to be coming in on Monday.
  18. The areas or "lands" if you will, are still referred to when working. It's easier for us to locate a specific place within the park. For example, when we refer to somewhere in Amity Cove, usually we'd say "blah blah blah from Amity"
  19. StevenVig


    Sorry but Rush was on one swing the other day while I was working. This was because of a reliability issue.
  20. Yes, what Ricky said.Also, Billy's voice was always recorded with an American Guy. Infact, the same guy does Billy's voice for the ride, however it has been slowed down alot.
  21. That somewhat annoying Shaeen boy, seems fixed to me.
  22. It actually enrages me when people state that being Straight is "Normal". It isnt, every sexuality is "Normal" theres nothing abnormal about them.
  23. O2. iPhone being the main reason. But even before I had one, theyre a fantastic network. Great Coverage, Great Offers, Fantastic Price.
  24. StevenVig


    That's why they can check the website again in the morning before they leave?
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