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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Benin


    Considering a Mondial Supernova used to sit in the spot it's not impossible for a ride with a larger footprint to be placed there...
  2. Benin


    Well apparently Submission is (finally) being removed... http://www.towersstreet.com/news/2014/submission-retiring-for-2014-season/ Probably 2015 addition then?
  3. Benin


    Glass House is pretty good too, though I tend not to go there often... Roast n Relish though
  4. Benin


    Getting rid of the Crossed Ribs? Shame, I like that outlet brand (BBQ) tbh...
  5. I always thought the lyrics to Baco were: "WheeeeeeeOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOI'MGOINGTODIE!"
  6. Though it would seem Merlin's definition of 'replace' is to level everything and build and Merlinised version of it...
  7. Was it always like that then? I unfortunately missed out on that Flume on my visit, I don't recall it being on the Q-Bot which could well be the reason why I didn't because the place was awfully busy and I had sunstroke... Not my best park visit ever...
  8. Suvat is good, but it isn't a true reflection because the acceleration isn't constant in real-life... We did Oblivion as an example at university, the difference between Suvat and real-life results is incredibly drastic... For the record, RCDB reckons the max speed is 74mph...
  9. Benin

    The Smiler

    Different manufacturers, different wheel assemblies... The fact is that it's not actually rust in the same vein as an oil stricken Colossus, but clearly some paint has been taken off at points of high contact between track and train... The orange colouration is down to the now bare metal reacting to the air... Oxidising rather nicely if I say so myself...
  10. Benin

    The Smiler

    Friction causes objects to lose layers of paint, who knew?
  11. Benin

    The Smiler

    Either that or they're fixing all the bolts in place...
  12. So there will be a partially indoor queue... There's also a short video about one of the near-misses...
  13. Benin


    Spinning Spider at that TPM meet a few years back was mental... Still, Chessie's Carousel has the awesome spinning carriage of death...
  14. Alternatively, a good way to see it is that the parks will add whatever they want whenever they want... These cycles were very much reliant on all the parks being of equal success to each other and given that now all the income goes into one big pot the 3 year cycle system was slightly out-dated... It's not the end of the world if we don't get a new coaster in 2015, unless any new addition is cheap crap...
  15. Aside from the fact that it focused on a SLC...
  16. So basically you say it's down to the engineers being lazy? It's not very emergency is it if it's on all the time?
  17. Benin

    Doctor Who

    Ah yes, classical judge every aspect of the new Doctor's personality off a still image... Or we could wait? Most of the individual aspects/quirks get introduced in about 5 minutes of the first episode anyway...
  18. Benin


    That's because in 1994 they designed queuelines to be interesting and interactive with rides... Shame now they must all be dull cattlepens with barely any interactivity at all (bar Smiler, but that's because you queue under the actual ride)...
  19. Benin


    How about a decent looking entrance? That'd be good...
  20. You're really loving the DLP times atm aren't you?
  21. Not content with using IPs that are past their sell-by date, it's now time for 3 year old memes!
  22. Was it ever actually confirmed Mexicana was gonna change? I honestly don't remember... I think we just assumed that Scorpian Valley was going to be Mexicana... Sub-areas though... Why?
  23. Who likes pics of snow covered B&Ms?
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