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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Depending on fire damage, I doubt it'll be open next season...
  2. Best thing to happen to Bubbles in years... Santa must have been having a cheeky fag...
  3. Benin

    TPM Awards 2013!

    The park awards *facepalm* Then again, my votes were based off rides I did this year... But Baco second best international coaster? People are just being wrong... Thank god for Wodan...
  4. Benin

    TPM Awards 2013!

    2nd is the 1st loser...
  5. We know that GCI at least have been trying to get over here... I wouldn't be surprised either if Merlin have pondered the potential of Colossos in the UK either... Think it's always stemmed down to the parks following the market research...
  6. I'm gonna regret not renewing it already aren't I? Unless of course they plan to really push the Membership thing...
  7. £14 million eh? Guess that extra £9 million is due to the hotel/zoo bit rather than actual investment into the rides... Scorpian SOUNDS good, but Merlin PR speak is always dubious... Need further convincing... AMAZU? They must have hired someone from Cedar Fair recently because all the names sound absolutely awful in recent times... They should definitely move Creepy Caves (back) over to Mexicana now, could even expand the Sea-Lion Bay area as a result (if only for backstage times or stage)... Need to see if Scorpian Express delivers I would say though...
  8. That's exactly what they did... I do need to visit this park, though an old Wild Mouse won't exactly entice me to... Hard to get excited about the UK industry atm isn't it? The only parks that can build anything don't do things very well and the rest can't afford to build much if anything at all...
  9. Was literally about to post this... Expect a boom of them over here then in the next few years... Probably mostly on the continent first...
  10. It's likely that the Monkey/Bird garden will fit into the theme of the hotel, but that'll be the only area doing so...
  11. The park dont have an Aztec area, and I believe they won't be getting one anytime soon... Could be wrong though, but there's no need for either area mentioned to be rethemed to the Aztecs...
  12. Plopsaland's Draaaaaaak coaster has digital photos (5) AND on-ride video for €2...
  13. Thorpe are the only park to have done such a thing (and the sound system doesn't work very well let's be honest)... But, 2 things? There's a lot more to be done than that... That Merlin's parks don't really believe in infrastructure improvements is shocking... The improvements to X were the very definition of polishing a turd, whilst providing a ride younger people could go on whilst spending as little money as possible... Such is the Merlin way really... Slightly better than DIC's ways of running minimal investment for maximum returns (mainly as most new attractions do have some thought behind them, apart from Storm Surge), but it's not that much of an improvement...
  14. Assuming they return the 4d cinema and train it will be scoffed at because of their removal the other year because of not suiting the target market at the time, cos Thorpe were silly... It's not necessarily rides that the park needed (although a dark ride replacing the arena and/or X is ideal), but it's providing other things to do... If you don't feel like doing a ride at Thorpe (after lunch as an example), your choices are limited to queuing for one or sitting on a bench... A show, gentle ride or a farm did wonders for this situation when they existed, but now it's just rides... In order to be successful (especially with families) parks need variety of things to do, but Thorpe didn't see this and as a result we've had crap like Storm Surge and Saw Alive because they felt a new ride every year was needed... I repeat, it's not necessarily rides that the park needs... Although of course an Air Race wouldn't go amiss...
  15. I think Dan meant worthwhile investments during none coaster years... When was the last time Thorpe invested into anything worth the money that wasn't a coaster?
  16. You haven't been able to get MAP discount on ORPs since 2007... You still can on the Photopasses if I recall though... Food is expensive, but at least the quality is decent, lot better than most parks (including the basic Disney offerings)... Towers Monopoly is the only thing that doesn't garner discount (though we managed to get discount, Wahey), considering the increase in quality of the park merch since Merlin took over, I don't really see an issue with the pricing, as it's all pretty normal... Besides, Europa charge nearly €100 on a jumper, and Disney charge €50 for a hoodie... That's bad...
  17. I also hd a further think, and I wonder that if Chessie's hotel can be full due to those using it to access London, could Thorpe not play more on it's location near Heathrow and the M3 to push bookings? It could easily fill a full on hotel with more than just park guests... Hence why Towers went for the holiday camp idea earlier in the year...
  18. Why would I when I live so close? The point still stands, going against a Travelodge as the low budget thing won't work for Thorpe and it's new market, ergo the change in name and colour scheme of Crashpad... Changing the look of the hotel will make the steeper price compared to Travelodge look more worthwhile to potential guests (especially if they chuck in park ticket deals and stuff)... Besides, the newer Travelodges are pretty fab, you stayed in one of them yet? I highly recommend it... Sure you don't get a great view, but then that's why you pay £40 a night... Then again, having a tiny shipping container room never appealed to me in the first place...
  19. As in "Oh crap, the Travelodge will be better than CrashPad, better make it sound better than it actually is"?
  20. So basically one African and one Aztec block? Meh at this tbh, an extension to the hotel was bottom of my list of things Chessie need to do to improve (Zafari's menu being one of these things)... It's not going to improve days out for the majority of guests and the hotel was one of the (very) few things being done right (aside from Zafari)... Defo a year to visit non-Merlin parks at this rate...
  21. That system is in place on Desert Race so it already works... Krake has the bag drop seen on Swarm and the like, it doesn't work due to bad placement, but guess they learnt a lesson... That station looks a bit like Baco :/
  22. Towers must have been doing the same with Smiler's breakdowns then... And Chessie probably does the same... So a park would deliberately start up a story about a sensitive subject (the other example stories you used are very much in the same vein as Towers plastering Smiler logos on sheep or the awful things Morwenna did or Say NO to BO, silly little things that appeal to the Red-Top papers that take minimal time to get into the paper) in order to drill up business? Now, I'm not a marketing person, but surely there are many better avenues to choose than to focus on mental health? Towers a couple of years back did a clown protest for their event, which was both suitable and clearly silly... Fabricating a complaint about mental health suitability for an attraction? To me, that's just as likely to backfire on the park more than anything... Although why would the park need to resort to such tactics if the Lionsgate presence made the event the best Fright Nights ever? Why can the parks rarely let the rides and attractions do the advertising? Why not promote the event as they did on here, mentioning that it's THE UK horror event to visit, bringing HHN to a new level, etc? Is it an amazing piece of marketing? The only well would be to actually tell if attendance levels were better this year than last, although these will be skewed due to the presence of CrashPad and of course the Lionsgate name, so it's actually impossible to tell if this stunt (and a very, very daft one at that due to the nature of the topic) helped or hindered the park...
  23. Put yourself in the park's shoes though, after all the crap that was spouted this year about Asylum and the rather bad image it did paint of the park to the general public, would you really want to risk more OUTRAGE? I doubt we'll see Asylum again after this year... One thing any park doesn't want to do is potentially put off people coming in the gate for whatever reason... It'll just be based off a violent horror film and then people will complain about that instead...
  24. Not completely centred on Thorpe, but it involves it...
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