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Everything posted by Benin

  1. For it's target audience yes, it is thrilling... More thrilling than X, that's for certain...
  2. Not sure that those riders are having 'fun'...
  3. If it's on RCDB then it counts... [/end thread]
  4. That's... Arguable... Especially considering since Rameses only really Rattlesnake, Land of the Dragons and Wild Asia have been the major developments park wise...
  5. *cough*Swarm*cough*... EDIT - Also, "you're", what sort of example of spelling and grammar is that from the owner?
  6. No, it doesn't NEED to be a RMC hybrid to be defined as 'good'... That's just an unfair statement to make considering there is a reasonable amount of perfectly good (and great, and amazing) actual wooden coasters out there that have been around for years without being a hybrid or having inversions...
  7. Bugger, I forgot this thing has one of them spiral push lifts... Everything about this ride just screams "I'M GONNA BE TURDIO!"...
  8. I'd hope not, Intamin Woodies are vastly over-rated... GCI please...
  9. It doesn't need my help...
  10. This year being the exception of course... I don't really know a time where Towers had something akin to Slammer's downtime... Besides, if that comment isn't the kiss of death on Thorpe, I don't know what is...
  11. What you get when you build rides in the EXTREMELY hot Californian sun...
  12. Oblivion died a week or two back, unsurprisingly as they had to wait for a new part, the focus was on Smiler being fixed up... It's been down ever since...
  13. Not really, cos of the way Chessie works it's seasonals, I doubt there will be many returners from last year returning from whence they came... And there's always a air few newbies for Summer anyways... So I wouldn't hold breath for decent staff appearing...
  14. +1 for loving the "Go ride Storm Surge" space
  15. Benin

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being inexperienced...
  16. So apparently all you need to take down a ride are some ladders and blocks of wood? My degree taught me nothing...
  17. Port Aventura is the new Disneyland Paris... Also, lots of love for Dollywood, I approve of it... Although it's funny how Cedar Point and Europa are on everyone's lists, yet they're parks on the opposite end of the spectrum... Shows the difference between America and European park styles...
  18. Repainting them red... Methinks the rumours of Mexicana becoming generic Wild West land might be a little bit true...
  19. That's my "ride looks slow in testing video" box ticked then in new coaster bingo...
  20. Calling Blackpool tacky isn't really an insult though, indeed, tacky is what I'd expect from a British seaside park... This tacky level is seen in the dark rides, I wouldn't say that they are all of top quality though... Alice in Wonderland is so crap it's fab for example... Aside from that there's only 4 others and even then they are not what I would call top quality... The TLC is only a very recent thing though to large quantities... Nick Land has made them have to revamp the park a lot (and has probably brought in the income TO revamp bits and bobs), the state of Beaver Creek beforehand was dire... And let's not say they keep all their classic rides, otherwise what about the Whip, Turtle Chase and Noah's Ark?
  21. Actually done all of them listed... Though I've not done PotterWorld or Shambles (yet) and haven't been to WDW since 2001... For me, it's two words, Tokyo Disneysea... That is literally the only park in the entire world that I want to visit desperately...
  22. Film of 2014 confirmed...
  23. Bearing in mind only about 5 people on the forum have actually been on Smiler so only their vote counts
  24. Looking at the trains more... Great concept, bad execution... Biege? </3 Everyone and their dog are putting lights on coasters now though...
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