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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Further updates from the Book of Face! Including the Blue Fire interaction...
  2. Who wants a construction update on Shambhalalalalalalalala? Cheers to the PA Community!
  3. Makes a change from most of it being gone cos it's decided to throw it at the guests
  4. How hard would it be for Thorpe to attach a motor to the rotor base to allow it to turn?It might happen, it might not, it won't make or break the ride that's for sure...
  5. I don't ever remember being told about locii... Then again, circles aren't exactly Level 3 uni level of work (Level 2 on the other hand )http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locus_%28mathematics%29For random reading...
  6. What the DICKENS is a locus?EDIT - As another thing stress and strain on the outer seating assembley will be VERY different as well and needs to be taken into consideration, what with directional and speed changes interfaced with air resistance and other forces acting upon it, can't make these things too intense...
  7. Hmmm, I might have to revisit the park this year at some point, be interesting to see how it's developed in the infrastructure department since my last visit...Wonder how Valhalla will look....
  8. Not a lot of construction happened on the weekend, they gotta have SOME time off
  9. Hmmmm, the question is do I use Finite Element Analysis or Approxiamate Energy Methods to work out those stresses ;)Excellent article though. The Engineer in me cried inside.
  10. Might buy some stock in Kleenex, enthusiasts will be buying A LOT right now
  11. Revision is the bane of everyone... It's so mind numbing, but you know it's needed...
  12. Considering ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" means absolutely NOTHING, I'm sure most people would rather some form of actual comment, such as "It looks FAB", or hell even "<3" makes more sense than just what you put down...
  13. As part of my end of exams celebrations, an ARNOLD weekend was determined...Everyone's favourite Austrian body-builder turned actor turned governor, has had sooo many classic films, few of which I have actually seen... So of course, it was set into motion from Thursday that Arnold would be viewed... A lot...As iffy as Arnold is as an actor, he has featured in a very varied amount of films, of course, many of them are essentially him beating the odds and destroying as many henchman as possible, but that's what he's best at... But with since things like Predator, Kindergarten Cop and Total Recall to list a few, his resume is a mixture of 80s action cheese, comedies and some of the best one-liners in cinematic history...TO ARNOLD! GET TO DA CHOPPPPPPPPPA!
  14. Dunno, posting pointless stuff can only get you so far, you do sometimes actually have to back it up with good posts to get away with it...
  15. I'm not sure. I would lean more towards Air's being longer due to the nature of the position. Although if someone looked they would probs be quite similar due to the leg room.
  16. Well you have a lot of space in front of you and I don't think the PR would be good if someone put their leg out to be destroyed by a giant coaster wheel.
  17. Or they have two trains because that's all that can physically run on the available block sections?Stealth of course is the exception due to Rita's constant mess-ups and they wanted to have a spare train.
  18. Benin


    Facebook babes
  19. I do exactly the same regarding solely park (and culture, I'm not THAT much of a goon) trips...Granted my Italy trip was chosen to coincide with Rainbow Magicland and Raptor's opening, but due to date issues we missed out on Movieland Studios... That to me, rather than forcing to cancel the trip, gives me incentive to go back (same for DiVertical and the constant nagging in my ear regarding it as well)...Of course that won't happen for a while, but missing out on new rides is a way of life sometimes, I had 3 years in a row where my park trips each had a park building a new ride (coincidently all launched coasters as well)... Either way, if Europa announced their 2013 ride between now and me booking the trip, I wouldn't hold it off at all, because I want to go this year a damn lot due to Blue Fire and Woooooodan... But it's all personal preference and since I have a lot of free time I intend to make the most of it
  20. Can you start posting like this more often please?This is quite right: The front of the train having gained kinetic energy regardless of how little it may appear (these trains are MUCH heavier than Inferno's or Colossus' let's not forget), then it will probably gain a surprising amount of speed necessary to both complete the inversion slowly but with the right amount of build-up and anticipation. Then of course the more weight off the lift hill means the more speed being built up and (insert engineering babble here).Then the back row will get whipped around and descend upon the rest of the course relatively furiously, as per any ride's back row to be honest, Raptor's back row was a particular highlight of the ride on that first drop, with a bout of airtime rarely seen in a B&M.This is going to have such re-ride factor on a ride which already has that due to the seating style.
  21. It'll probs really CRAWL through it. Like Hydra at Dorney Park, kind of a similar thing (though the tyre drives in the station will help somewhat).It won't launch though, B&M don't do launches. Hulk is the exception and that was created by Universal's team rather than any B&M involvement.
  22. Benin


    I never got to see any of the posts
  23. The lift hill will NOT be launched. At all. Ever.
  24. Benin


    *Goes on holiday**Posts on TPM*Least I had someone try to impersonate me when I went away, come on
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