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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Benin


    BEST MEME EVER!http://www.quickmeme.com/Coaster-Enthusiast/popular/1/?upcoming
  2. Arnie REALLY looks like Slyvester Stallone there... :|
  3. Also confirmed Phase 2 Expansion for IOA, and that Hogwarts (and the shed ) would be going to Hollywood...Not much in the way of details about either though aside from that...
  4. A tourist focused place in London charging high prices?! SAY IT ISN'T SO
  5. Add to the fact Storm Surge is utter cack and yeah comparisons are a bit unfair... ;)Raptor's work as well... The fire might not be on everyday (bloody expensive and wind will factor into it's usage I reckon, a la X2), but depending on where it might be (if it DOES have fire effects) it may not really matter...Though of course, ride promotional imagery doesn't always look the same, Raptor lacks the jungle that the promo was in, doesn't make the ride any worse though...
  6. Plus, you'd imagine that for an anniversary such as the 25th, they'd be able to think of SOMETHING major to add to the park?
  7. Plans are up... Looks horrid tbh...Plus turning the entire area into a sea of logs? I'd rather have the Monkey Kingdom thanks...
  8. Argh!Epic pain in behind my rib cage for NO reason! Can't even breathe or yawn without a sharp stab to it...FML
  9. If people can't accept you for being a ride geek (or whatever term they want to use) then they can bugger off...I'm proud of my geekiness, it's not something to be hidden away anymore I've realised, it's something that I should be proud of in a way... It's a hobby that has allowed me to travel the world sampling different rides and cultures at the same time, and has given me some of the most exciting experiences for a fraction of the price driving some expensive car/bike could give me...So the next time someone teases you about this as a hobby, think about how awesome it is... Very few things are as exciting and accessible as roller-coasters...
  10. Apparently EXCEPTIONALLY crowded today and closed for H&S reasons, with the local Tube station doing similar...Ew... Unsurprising based on last year's visit... But still... Ew...
  11. Yes, because the park needs a stage doesn't it? The same park who originally had a stage in Market Square, then removed it for whatever reason, are building a new one... Whoop de doo...The park does NOT need a show, it needs RIDES, and a decent redevelopment plan... I can't help but think that this Madagascar retheme for Toytown will be rather poor, and it could well be Shrek at Towers all over again... And all it's getting is a stage... Again, whoop de bloody doo...I was really excited for Monkey Kingdom, but once again Chessie pulls out an amazing disappointment for it's fans... Where did 2010's fabness vanish?
  12. ^^Got a source for that stuff? Just wanna read up and see what the consensus is... I thought Phase 2 was solely confined to the remnants of Lost Continent and hence the removal of Sinbad, Poseidon and Mythos... I wouldn't say it would be a thematic problem to have Diagon Alley next door to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, suspension of disbelief is always required and of course it doesn't HAVE to be Diagon Alley...Whilst it would make financial sense to create Potterland 2 - Electric Boogaloo in the Studios, it does reek of a general desperate tying in between the parks, as of course the Studios attendance has seen a rapid death since Potterland's opening... Plus having it in both parks would essentially force people to buy a two park ticket rather than just an IOA one... But an over-saturation of the theme in the resort could provide much digression from the original idea of the area...They could do ANYTHING with the Jaws plot of land... Anything BUT Potterland 2... Hollywood I can accept it being at because quite frankly, it NEEDS something as massive as Potterland, and if they make it as different as rumours say, then it will provide a completely different experience... But two lands in two parks two minutes from each other? No thanks...
  13. Benin


    Lol wut?That's a bit random tbh... YouTube annoys me so much with these violations and copyright stuff...
  14. The Jaws ride at Universal Orlando will (after several times) be closing FOREVER from January next year...http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150406220047852&set=a.208747882851.130990.90867402851&type=1What will replace it? Could be anything... Maybe Transformers? Maybe something else? Just hoping it's not more Potter, over-saturation of it whilst finacially sensible just seems a cop-out to me with the wealth of possible themes Universal could use...
  15. Don't think you'll be successful with that since it closes in January...
  16. It's ok... He'll still be in California...
  17. What part of investment doesn't the park's management understand?Just bored of it now... Get some great ideas for redevelopment, plans submitted, approved, cancelled due to lack of funds... Someone involved with the park (be it the park themselves OR Merlin) needs to pull their finger out and get a shift on...Or sell it... Cos atm, it's going absolutely nowhere and I don't really want to see the park decaying further and further anymore...
  18. Paultons are building something...www.theresnosmokewithoutfire.comWhat... Dunno, but nice to see them continuing the expansion...
  19. Really? A foreign park would use it's own language instead of ours? Learn something new everyday I guess...I'm just unsure how it sounds in my head... It doesn't sound like a roller-coaster by my tastes... Voooooodarn just sounds like a play on Wooden... Quite unimaginative in a way...Personally, hope it's not that... Just doesn't fit...
  20. Benin


    Dazza :wub:Great reception at the match for Speed as well... Thought it was going to be a minute's silence, but the applause was just as good... Amazing how everyone is supporting the incident in this way... Brilliant to see...Of course, it was the most noise the United fans made all game... 5000 people drowned out 47000 without so much of an effort...
  21. Ticking ALLLLLL the right boxes with this Thorpe.Simply not a fault with this ride at all, brilliant stuff. Let us hope that this level of theming continues not only for Thorpe, but across the Merlin parks as a whole.Wonder what all the Merlin haters are thinking right now.
  22. Lol wut?That is... Well... Erm...Not sure...
  23. Could be worse...I'd rather this random Lezbo stuff than some crap celeb being strung onto it for absolutely no reason...I'm indifferent to it... In a way it does work in amongst the overall theme and story, and these sort of videos do exist from crackpots like the character Lez is protraying... But on the other hand it does seem rather cheap in the filming style and the like...Both good and bad really... But as I said, at least 'Thrill Scientist' Brendan or some dodgy awful celeb hasn't been tagged onto it yet...
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