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  1. Like
    Coaster reacted to BigBobJones in Vampire   
    Oh I was so shocked on Saturday I had to ride the Vampire for a second time as I could not believe my eyes.
    It was the first time this year that they were... *cough* running a good operation. They were sending out the train before the other one was hitting the brake run. When on the ride you didn't sit in the dark section, the train continued straight into the station.
    Was this just a fluke or have they changed their ways....
  2. Like
    Coaster reacted to BigBobJones in Zufari   
    If anything, I would prefer they removed the seats and had it as a walk through indoor queue with Chase Van Driver on the screen telling you more about Zufari.
    I always try to walk straight through the pre show if I can as I can't stand the Gozy bit, ok the first time, but gets painful the more often you do it.
  3. Like
    Coaster reacted to Benin in Park Operations   
    Staff members selling Fastrack should not be making up the queue time and go by the queue time given by the queue time board...
    The flat out lying to get people to fork over money is indefensible...
  4. Like
    Coaster reacted to OldFarmerDean in Park Operations   
    MOD EDIT - Split from derailed Saw thread.
    There were people using fast track and they just sent them up the other bit of queue inside the building... I must say it was cheeky, the queue was advertised as 45mins and had someone out the front selling fast track, when intact we queued about 20mins, not much less than the people who had used fast track as they let a few in at a time, which I though was very unfair on people using fast track and a money making scheme by Thorpe, although the queue line was correct and no one was selling fast tracks when we went on it a second time a bit later.
  5. Like
    Coaster reacted to RubyRed95 in Fright Nights 2013   
    Ahh been away from this site for quite some time- though I have been following Thorpe's updates on their website- and literally so much has happened!! I think these new mazes have a lot of potential, but there are a few things I can't help but notice:
    . Thorpe played the whole event off to be 'reinvented' with 'all new mazes', but essentially only two seem to have been completely scrapped- The Passing and The Curse.
    . My Bloody Valentine is sounding like a rebrand of Experiment 10, and although I expect the re-theme will be fantastic, will be a bit of a let down for those who went in E10 if it's too similar.
    . We've lost a maze ='( even if The Passing was an upcharge one it would surely have helped with queue control :/
    . You're Next had the potential to be an incredible maze, I feel like they really missed out on a great opportunity there.
    . Not really a downside, but I find it a little strange that The Asylum is the one non IP maze still standing. I get that it's super popular, but I would've thought that Thorpe would have held on to one of their newer investments. That said- I guess if Asylum is what draws in the crowds then that's what they need to keep.
    HOWEVER, all the above said I am SO excited now. I have my tickets booked and I'm beginning to count down the days in the back of my mind. I'm very interested to see what's going on with this Blair Witch scare zone, and I heard some rumours about SAW Alive getting some new scenes... any proof of this? As a SAW fan, that would please me very much, especially with the exceptionally high standard of theming in that maze. VERY curious about The Cabin in the Wood's and will be trying that out for sure! With an attraction so unique, this could end up being a real crowd pleaser, though admittedly it's kind of a risky move doing something so radically different, though I suppose it worked when they took a leap of faith with Experiment 10. In my opinion, I feel that My Bloody Valentine will be the scariest. I mean... the claustrophobia combined with being separated and the feeling of being chased by the killer... terrifying. I can't help but wonder if we'll get to hear that creepy gas mask breathing sound when he approaches. I'm hard to scare but I think that will probably manage to give me nightmares xD As for Asylum returning.... YAY <3 I regret not going in it last year SO much <3
    Oh and also- a while back, didn't Thorpe mention something about putting 'scare ratings' on the mazes? Wonder if we will be seeing any of that...
  6. Like
    Coaster reacted to JoshC. in Fright Nights 2013   
    Just realised this still hasn't been answered..!
    Basically, a scare zone is a dedicated area, usually filled with actors and such, who aim to scare you. Some parks like to just turn an area into a scare zone, which you can freely walk around, and there's actors there who aim to scare you. The UK Merlin parks have done two scare zones between them: Zombies at Alton Towers and Dead End at Thorpe (it was only around in 2010). Both have just been pathways, with theming and actors in there, and have worked in a way that they let a certain number of people through. However, they rarely, if ever, have a queue. It's unclear how the BWP scare zone will work.
    Also, MBV looks like it'll end up pretty much being a clone of Experiment 10, though with a couple of scenes moved about. If it ends up like the 2011 maze, I'll be happy, but at the same time, it's a shame they didn't take the opportunity to increase the length of the attraction. Though I guess I should wait before passing too much judgement...
  7. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Fright Nights 2013   
    Nice update, thanks!
    I reckon that box in the middle of MBV's woodwork facade will be a place to sell sweets and stuff part way through the queue.
  8. Like
    Coaster reacted to SteveJ in Zufari   
    Ha. But I'd rather they got rid of Gozy than Chase Van Driver!
  9. Like
    Coaster reacted to FrightNights04 in Fright Nights 2013   
    I was on park yesterday and saw some wire mesh out side, il put up photos in a bit
  10. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Fright Nights 2013   
    Wow! Great update
    And I think you would be alright posting that as it wasn't you who took the pictures.
  11. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Fright Nights 2013   
    For the crawling section of MBV, I've had an idea.
    It would be really good if they could have you crawling through a tunnel with wire mesh above you, where Harry Warden (the gas mask guy) could "attack" you from above.
  12. Like
    Coaster reacted to JoshC. in Fright Nights 2013   
    http://instagram.com/p/eNTyWjkgAS/ - Judging from this update, it does really seem like MBV is going in the arena. I really still thinking CITW would have suited the arena, all the more especially after looking at those photos, and MBV suited the old Passing site. It will be interesting to see what does happen though..!
    Also, I think those photos are fine - they were taken from areas you can access. The request was more about people accessing areas which are off limits.
  13. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Fright Nights 2013   
    Asylum is returning!
    *punches the air*
    And also, that gas masked man chasing you through the maze will be brilliant!
  14. Like
    Coaster reacted to EC! in Rant   
    This..... This is why I get annoyed with people because they say something is rubbish in a one sided response and when you say you like it they launch a vicious attack on you, I mean its like what the hell I'm allowed to have my opinion. yeah so rant over, but yeah that is one thing that grinds my gears haha
  15. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Glitch in Fright Nights 2013   
    Don't go in it then.
    With four brand new mazes, you can't complain about them bringing back one of their old mazes (which was actually what started Fright Nights in the first place, but with a different name).
    Personally I am thrilled that they are bringing it back!
  16. Like
    Coaster reacted to EC! in Ride Accidents   
    I&#39;m not surprised they are filing for a Lawsuit, it did seem like the restraint wasnt on or checked properly. I hope new safety measures are enforced now!
  17. Like
    Coaster reacted to Glitch in Fright Nights 2013   
    Love how the BWP has been left so mysterious anything could happen with this attraction.
    The heritage of fright nights has to be kept this is the signature attraction that keeps the fans coming back.
  18. Like
    Coaster reacted to THORPE PARK in Fright Nights 2013   
    Damn... you've cracked our code!
  19. Like
    Coaster reacted to pluk in Fright Nights 2013   
    I'd be glad to see Asylum return, it is a very solid maze and has no need to change.
  20. Like
    Coaster reacted to MarkC in Fright Nights 2013   
    I had a bit of a problem loading the pictures on my phone so if any of you have the same problem, here they are



  21. Like
    Coaster reacted to Matt 236 in Next Big Thing - 2016 Development ?   
    A woodie would be a perfect coaster for Thorpe. It provides thrills, speed and airtime which is what the park needs.its a shame mr Varney disagrees though.
  22. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from BigBobJones in Storm Surge   
    Why o why couldn't it have been like that?
    If it had been like that (with a covered station as shown in that picture) then it would have made all the difference.
  23. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Matt 236 in Next Big Thing - 2016 Development ?   
    If Thorpe were to get a woodie, something with this level of intensity would be brilliant!

  24. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Matt 236 in Storm Surge   
    Why o why couldn't it have been like that?
    If it had been like that (with a covered station as shown in that picture) then it would have made all the difference.
  25. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Storm Surge   
    Why o why couldn't it have been like that?
    If it had been like that (with a covered station as shown in that picture) then it would have made all the difference.
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