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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. J.S217


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NltlWLy3DTs okay I can officially say I'm obsessed with this song
  2. ^ Lovely drawing and you drew Inferno Pony 8/10
  3. I believe in 2016 we may not be seeing a Roller-coaster but my biggest bet is on worlds first experience maybe a dark ride maybe not.
  4. Although now it's going to become I think Pizza Pasta?
  5. Not Posters there decals
  6. For me I'm going to stick with Samsung since they are already 2.5 years ahead of apple in technology and software my next phone will be samsung galaxy S 6
  7. You are going to be disappointed
  8. So guys The Swarm's great fun isn't it
  9. You do realise they did that last year with X10
  10. Well I shall be visiting today for a few hours after college time to test out how good through puts are
  11. I am grieving the loss over what I used to be the Queen of Speed now vines are slowing me done and scaffolding.
  12. With allocated time slots RnR would work fantastic on mazes as in the application on your mobile had the 5 mazes and it had a virtual wait lets say 50 mins you could do X/Slammer/Rush then it will be your time for CITW
  13. J.S217

    This Or That

    Hocus Pocus Grandnational or Megaphobia
  14. R&R would work fantastic for mazes I mean there will be no queue there for it will be amazing with so many times going in and out of mazes and re doing mazes yeah I'm excited if you can not tell
  15. J.S217


    I fell into a bottomless pit trying to escape from the fears of what scare me a lot like dolls and darkness and clowns and these creatures of some sort that only snap peoples legs a few times
  16. J.S217


    ^ X //:R3w1nD
  17. surprisingly another B&M at number 2 and A gerstlaure?
  18. 2015 I think the most possible thing we will see is a spruce up of Rumba Rapids and return of Themed areas.
  19. Had a fantastic weekend top 3 moments: 1.pillow fight/building a fort 2.Riding Grand national and 3.Blackpool illuminations. I did not think highly of Valhalla may of been because we waited 1 hour and a half don't get me wrong as a water ride it's great as a dark ride not so great the effects where cool but it left me after feeling (was that it). The big one was brilliants but very rattly Steeple chase one of the scariest rides I have ever done and the wild mouse is another rather scary ride I had done. Ice blast first launch brilliant rest of it boring.
  20. when you have no Talent but wish you had some
  21. Where's the video I'm in so much excitement I need something thrilling to watch before Battle of Five armies
  22. ^ Rush Slammer Samurai and Detty and the Dodgems please
  23. I get emotional at the smallest things I know I will be in bits at the end of year 13 because I will be scared and not knowing what I'm going to do after I don't want year 13 to end to quickly I'm not going to UNI so that's what I'm scared of is the near future this year has gone too fast I fear 2015 will go just as quick.
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