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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. Sign me up as long as I can be the doll XD
  2. Hmm I smell major fangirling XD Besides I seriously hope the next ride to go is.... STORMSURGE....talking about sounds how about the faint roar of Inferno gradually disappearing in the tunnel and the Colossus anti rollback.
  3. ^Or abolish fast track for good and have RnR and standby and then see what happens
  4. It looks fantastic but will it ride good?
  5. In case any one cares 14th I got my As Results U in Graphics LOL I DROPPED IT IN APRIL C in Communication and Culture Media Production Btec no result since it is a 2 year course Currently on a Distinction Travel and Tourism Btec currently on a Merrit again 2 year course aim for a Distinction* again
  6. 1.Rush 2.Inferno 3.Rush 4.Inferno 5.Rush 6.Inferno 7.Rush 8.Inferno 9.Rush 10.Sunken Gardens
  7. Can't help breakdowns/or the queues it is summer holiday after all and staff can be a lucky dip but that is like any park
  8. J.S217


    I fear if Oakwood is not bought out by a large company it may become like American Adventure.
  9. For me it's Smokers I mean cool you smoke but I don't want cancer okay
  10. I have we have been the final ones in the park before at around 11 for summer nights
  11. J.S217


    Are you hinting at something?
  12. My idea for saw 8 was a bit like your dream I'm twisted tbh in truth
  13. well cheapest Ive worked out is £80 that includes the Pleasure Beach Tickets (£20) and depending on the B&B I would give approx £25-30 a night plus food each night and lunch (If I go chips,N,Gravy will be my lunch both days)
  14. I have been looking at train prices and £192 return no thanks :/ which is a shame I would be going in the Merlin mobile but sadly little Bluey is dying.
  15. it feels odd like Purple dots in my vision then it stays with me for about 2mins after the ride
  16. I have blacked out a number of times on The Swarm Nemesis Nemesis Inferno not so much on Colossus though
  17. November 7th but no uk release yet sadly looks pretty good tbh.
  18. All you people saying they should do Dead silence sorry to burst your bubble but that is not Lionsgate the best bet we will see is texas Chainsaw Massacre and maybe Jessabelle but I believe jessabelle is only available to watch on video demand online.
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