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Everything posted by J.S217

  1. Well I love the Idea of this
  2. To me it all looks the same from now with no LED lights but the Skeletons at the end
  3. It sounds so Sci Fi makes me want to read some really good sci fi books and amerce my self
  4. Dreamworks over doing LOL you obviously have not heard how many Kung fu panda movies they wanted, they wanted 7
  5. Tonight I have watched possibly one of the Greatest Foreign language films ever that being the Orphanage yes it has a very creepy tone but over all 8.5/10
  6. J.S217

    Your Thorpe Park

    I like the sound of that Although I would want the B&M Hyper to be earlier on so 2016 with Stormsurge being moved to the back of the Park. with enough room for an Intamin drop coaster like Th13teen but it would be very compact.
  7. I was hoping for just lapbars tbh
  8. ARGHHHHH I have my graphics final project due in today I have 5 hours to get it finished I so hope I can get it done.
  9. J.S217


    I heard some very heavy drum and base all most could be accepted as Death Metal
  10. Incase No one Knows I am Jack Stevens I live around 40mins from Thorpe I come from Camberley it's an okay place I am 16 nearly 17
  11. They should have had Storm Surge Next to Inferno thus keeping octopus gardens and not ruining the Skyline
  12. J.S217


    Last year from opening day to mid june
  13. Vortex and Rush Cycle today was Abysmal -.-
  14. There is a spelling mistake on the new Map also the Coasters look nothing like the rides them selves
  15. That Music is brilliant I remember hearing it by the Red waterfall and in the dark tunnel leading to the entrance with that Vampire Cackle
  16. And Inferno has 4.5 G I have a tshirt that says that ,if it's a Tshirt it must be true right?
  17. I love how they use nerdy terms for Colossus 1 Vertical loop 2 Corkscrews 5 heartline rolls and one Cobra roll :L
  18. J.S217

    Drop it like it's hot.

    Inferno Is Just fantastic
  19. Who knew Colossus has a batwing :L
  20. I personally love the look of this map despite no actual Coaster trains on the tracks and there is no buildings for the Coasters any how so much better than the old look.
  21. Sharknado/Jaws/Place shark film here
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