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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. I would say look at the chat logs... buy you can't. Anyways, have this instead...
  2. Scuse me, that was my find. (Can't remember if you were in chat when I posted that...)
  3. Smidget


    Yeah, well, I'm up for saying hi come September!
  4. Smidget


    I'm doing Forensic Psychology I swear Portsmouth is such a popular uni with TPM members
  5. Smidget


    To be perfectly honest I really didn't like Harry Law - the flats aren't separate so ANYONE can walk past your room. But you're not me so Yeah you can go self catered in Langstone but you don't get to choose that - it's luck of the draw. I didn't want to be part catered but it's so nice knowing you don't have to cook a meal in the evenings I'm a fairly fussy eater and I manage okay. The self catered halls in Langstone are Langstone Flats and Trust Hall, but Trust is shared bathroom facilities What course are you doing?
  6. Smidget


    I am indeed at Portsmouth! Are you thinking of going there then? Erm, depends what you're after... The city centre halls (Guildhall) are (obviously) in close proximity to the uni buildings, but they can be really noisy at night and get a ton of fire alarms. They cost more to live in and they're self catered. Oh, and James Watson smells pretty disgusting. They do make going on nights out a LOT easier though because you're pretty much on top of all the clubs. Langstone Student Village (I'm currently there) is 3 miles out from the uni campus (free bus service though). It's a bit cheaper to live out here (rent is less), and if you're in QEQM (which I am), you're part catered so get one meal a day cooked for you. The QEQM rooms have a lot more storage space, and nicer bathrooms - I have a proper shower instead of the wetroom that the other ensuite halls have. It's MUCH quieter out here, and I have never had a fire alarm as of yet (feel like I'm missing out on a fundamental halls experience though). Also, if you want to bring a car to uni you need to live here. Nights out from here are more difficult as the bus stops taking people back at about 00:15, so you need to get a taxi back which costs about £8 (but if you rally a bunch of Langstoners together it's not so bad). The other halls are Rees & Burrell - they're by the Southsea seafront (about a 10-15 minute walk from the uni) and they're both fully catered. Apart from that I have no idea what they're like (except that Burrell looks terrible and Rees is stupidly expensive). Best bet is to apply early because you're far more likely to get what you want... I left it a bit late and got put in Langstone, which wasn't my first choice but it is cheaper to live here and the bus service is fairly regular and free. I found that living further out means I am going out less due to the effort/extra cost of it, so I end up not wasting my money on booze!
  7. Well we found a deal - stay on park at PortAventura for a week, all inclusive including flights for less than £500 each so yeah, we went for it! Means we get to go to the beach and stuff too
  8. Smidget


    To eat or not eat a Tesco burger? That is equestrian.
  9. The thought of Furius Baco does scare me some what. But new B&Ms to experience!
  10. It's because Thorpe is boring... I mean, what?
  11. You guys like doing what Ian and I do don't ya? First Disney, now PortAventura...
  12. Or you could just not buy one until you next renew?
  13. That implies that you HAVE to buy a drinks capsule... Surely you mean it's so people aren't using drink capsules if they don't have a pass? I have bought my new pass, but according to you I cannot use it unless I also purchase a drinks capsule, which is ridiculous. EDIT: Re-read your post and I think I get what you're actually trying to say, but it's been worded poorly. I think.
  14. Sunday 7th April is my birthday... Just saying Should be good for any of those dates but a Saturday would probably be better.
  15. Smidget


    I'm pretty sure the only ways we're allowed back at Portsmouth are by becoming an RA or being an international student! Although one of my friends was saying that if you have struggled to find a house/housemates and tell the uni then they will let you back into halls, but I'm not sure how true that is. Honestly, now I have a house lined up, I can't wait to move out of halls and into the house! Not only is it a nice house (as nice as student houses get anyway), I'm going to be living with much better people! I'm with 6 other people again, but instead of random people they're my friends! Genuinely excited about it. The only (potential) downfall is that I'm lead tenant, so if someone doesn't come through with their rent it's my credit rating that gets ruined. Han, I'm scared of heights too but I'm going on a plane this September! I'll let you know what it's like
  16. I never did write a full list of what I'm planning on doing... but it's exactly the same as Ian's, minus the bit about the uni sending me somewhere (I ain't that special ).
  17. I WANT TO SEE WRECK IT RALPH! Damn UK release date being so late
  18. Smidget


    You should go for the house you showed me over Facebook. It looked amazing!
  19. Smidget


    Ahh sweet. I'm in rubbish halls anyway so I'd rather move out
  20. Smidget


    Ahh how come you're allowed to do that? Well, at Portsmouth you can stay in halls past your first year but you have to apply to be a Residence Assistant or something, which sounds pants Similar thing?
  21. I've had that happen, and there was an occasion when I tried to post a reply in a thread and was told "Sorry, your post is empty" despite the fact I had just typed a message. I got the same message when I tried editing a previous post, but this hasn't happened since. Has it happened to anyone else?
  22. Smidget


    Sidders - I found this place, I booked the viewing and I'm lead tenant so hush, your argument is invalid!
  23. Smidget


    People whining about finding a house are doing it wrong... got housemates AND a house in under a week
  24. Holiday to PortAventura is all booked up now - win!
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