People/members on here bitching about you/people you care about, especially when what they are saying is completely untrue. If you're going to talk about me behind my back at least get your facts right.
More so, I'm sick of people complaining about the apparent 'bitchiness' of TPM and how 'it's corrupt' and they 'hate it'. If it's THAT bad, just leave and don't bother coming back. If people are as bitchy as you make them out to be, they're not gonna give a flying monkey about you leaving as they all 'hate you anyway'. Also, if you hate the bitchiness, why the hell do you contribute to it?! Bit hypocritical isn't it...
I'm not gonna name any names but you know fully well who you are. I don't really care if this post comes across as a bit bitchy, I will happily say that yes I can be a bitch, but I don't go around bad mouthing TPM for it when I myself can be part of the problem. I also don't try to pass the blame onto someone else in order to make myself look better.