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Everything posted by Smidget
Sorry guys... I'm just glad some people were able to take it as a joke and not immediately assume they are being targeted/bullied.
I find it really frustrating when people think it is perfectly fine, funny even, to go around bitching about other people. Yet as soon as someone bad mouths them they throw a hissy fit, go around bitching some more, and then try to act like they are an innocent victim. Grow up.
Oh shush Han, your legs look fine!
I just mean when you next see her, don't act hostile towards her or anything. You're bigger than that so ignore it
Haha Can't believe how rude your grandmother has been to you though - what right has she to say that? Don't be rude back though, that never works.
Wasn't talking to you James...
The world doesn't revolve around just a few people... If there is nothing to say that something is aimed at you then don't assume it is.
Some people I just accept this behaviour on *cough* Marc *cough* Simpson *cough*
Han - going backwards on trains makes me feel queasy too, yet I found going backwards on this fine! It did make me feel a bit ew at first, but I think trains are much worse.
You say that Han, but I don't bother with the Internet on my Blackberry (although that's mostly because I don't like the Internet on it and don't want to pay for it when I'd never use it), and I wouldn't call myself old fashioned! Some people just prefer not to be on the Internet 24/7. Granted when I get a better phone (SOON ) I'll probably pay for Internet on it, but I still doubt I would use it ALL the time. In some ways I think the lack of using the Internet on my mobile means I'm less reliant on it - I know people who get mad if they can't access Facebook through their phone, whereas I just really don't care. So currently I just use my phone for calls and texts, but that will probably change. I'll admit that if I'm in a WiFi hotspot I do abuse the Internet on my iPod (providing the access is free), but that's mostly using a joke app rather than Facebook/Twitter.
I find people checking their phone, whether that be texts (unless of course they've heard one come through) or Facebook/Twitter very rude when I'm talking to them. I get annoyed at Ian when he does it. But when you multitask you're not as focussed on one thing - your attention is needed for both. So it comes across as you're not listening/are bored, and rather than say anything you're just going to check your phone. This can be very rude. (Not you personally, in general )
Ryan and Tommy for Sexiest Males?
1) Yes, absolutely. Whilst I still enjoy forwards more, it is a brand new ride experience, and I fail to see how that is a bad thing. It hasn't ruined The Swarm, as there are still plenty of forward facing seats. I suppose the only complaint is that the back was really good whilst going forwards, and that's obviously gone now, but unlike some I really don't care about that. New experience ftw. 2) Yes, it is. Once again, I fail to see how more themeing is a bad thing, especially when so many people complain about a lack of if (enthusiasts are funny creatures, seems you can never please them). 3) I voted billboard, but I like the plane wing too. They all add something to ride, so this one was a bit difficult to answer. I do find the helicopter to be quite effective too, whereas I don't really notice the others.
Being told contradicting information regarding an essay worth 100% of your unit mark. I followed the instructions we were originally given, only to find out after I submitted my work that they had been changed (she didn't post on Moodle that the instructions had changed, I found out from my friend). It's not like I even submitted my work stupidly early, the deadline was today and I submitted it yesterday afternoon. I suppose on the up side I emailed the unit coordinator and was told my mark should be unaffected as these things are 'desirable, not essential'. Even so, it's appalling for an academic to do something like that. To top it all off she's my tutor and I feel really bad for bad mouthing her as she is a lovely person, but I'm angry as this could have all been avoided had she actually posted somewhere that she had changed some of the instructions. What a joke.
Josh, you live right round the corner (when you're not at uni anyway), so you have no need for Crash Pad
I never said you're not entitled to an opinion. As for ''Merlin do what they do.. live with it'' - what else are you supposed to do? They're not going to listen to a small minority who disagree with/don't like what they have done, are they?
Guys, I may be a giant ice cube by the time we get to Frankie & Benny's.
The link works fine for me.
They're testing to see whether a hotel will work. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean they shouldn't go ahead with it. I'm sure for most of Thorpe's visitors it's perfectly fine.
I LOVE THAT FILM! Although I'm scared to watch it today as I fear the graphics may ruin my childhood love for it. I watched Ghostbusters the other night and realised how fake the special effects look, yet when I was a kid I would have sworn it looked real.
I am really not looking forward to the appearance of the group photo at the end... So cold. So wet. Not a care in the world other than wanting to get the hell out of there and go somewhere warm and dry!
I have an idea... why doesn't EVERYONE just drop this and move on? No one can change what has been said, so just accept that is has been said (you don't have to agree with it) and move on. Judging by the amount of posts people have made essentially telling RideAddict he is wrong, it's obviously falling onto deaf ears. Quit feeding the troll and move on... On another note, essay writing is a bore, but it's super stressful when one essay is worth 100% of your unit grade and you can't even submit a first draft. If first year has caused me to stress I dread to think what second year is going to bring!
Well, you look confident in what you wear! Ahh yeah, I've never used a sewing machine even though I did a GCSE in Textiles - mostly hand sewed, then was told I should just paint stuff on fabric because I'm better at that and I MUCH preferred doing that!
Ahh Han, I like your style! I think you have the confidence to pull it off. I think customising clothing is awesome, it's a great way to make sure you're never wearing the exact same thing as someone else