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Everything posted by Smidget

  1. Smidget


    So I didn't get the job, but it was only because the other applicant had experience working behind a cocktail bar whereas I have none. The manager said I was amazing on my trial shift and I am definitely good enough for the job. Obviously they don't want to waste time and money training someone when they can just hire someone with experience already. I feel a bit down about it, but I'm really happy that I didn't get rejected because I wasn't good enough - I was, it's just unforunately someone was (in their eyes) better. Which is how life works, I suppose. And now to hand out more CVs...
  2. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?
  3. Sidders is not old! I take great offence to that so 0/10 for being young Although if I'm going to give a serious rating then 6/10. You kinda look like you have no arms
  4. 1. Pour oil into the 3 gallon container first, then pour that measurement into the 5 gallon container (so you have 3 gallons in the 5 gallon container, and the 3 gallon container is empty). 2. Once again, pour oil into the 3 gallon container, then pour that into the 5 gallon container. As the 5 gallon container is already 3/5 full, it will only be able to hold another 2 gallons, hence you shall have one gallon of oil left over in the 3 gallon container.
  5. I've seen so many statuses praising the fact that she is dead. The lack of respect some people have really angers me. Yeah you may not agree with some of her politics, but at the end of the day she was still a human being with many people who loved and cared for her. For example... "We were owed big and balance delivered. See ya Maggie you f****** troll." Gah
  6. Didn't even think about that if I'm honest. I'm not sure if I have, but I'm still motivated to work out more and tone up. The whole weight thing bothers me less than how toned I am - as long as I am a healthy weight and I am happy with how I look then that's cool. Was just a bit shocking to see it had gone up. If I work out and my weight increases then I'll know that that is because of an increase in muscle, it's just I haven't done much working out and I have gained weight. Sneaky muscle
  7. I weighed myself at home yesterday (I don't have scales at uni) and I weigh about 8.5 stone too. And we're about the same height so yaay! Not gonna lie, I was a bit put out by it because before I came to uni I was hovering around the 8 stone mark, and I can't work out where this extra weight has come from, nor where it has gone. My mum said I don't look as if I have gained anything, I haven't gone up a dress size, I haven't grown... so I really don't know. I don't go out drinking very often because I can't afford it, and I eat better now than I did when I was at home. It's odd I wouldn't mind getting back down to 8 stone, or maybe a bit less. I know my main problem is tone, and the fact I'm going to Spain in September has given me motivation to start getting into shape. At the moment I've got a lot of other things going on so it's a bit difficult to fit in time to exercise, but it's something I need to force myself to do. I bought a new bikini yesterday so I would have more motivation, and once my loan goes in later this month I'm going to get myself a sports bra and some decent trainers so I can start running Hopefully I'll get a job soon too, which means I'm likely going to be walking to and from work, around work, etc., and won't be sat on my butt all day with nothing to do!
  8. Smidget


    Just had a trial shift as a bartender and it went really well! Won't know if I've got the job until Wednesday but both the manager and the bartender I was shadowing seemed really impressed - the bartender himself said he really hopes I get it Yaaaay!
  9. Smidget

    Youtube Videos

    This is just hilarious!
  10. LOL! I would love to see this picture
  11. I have important final exams in May, so that one will probably be a no as I'll need to revise as much as I can, ideally. A maybe for all the others though. All depends on what I'm doing jobwise
  12. Oh yeah, whilst I remember... Another guy I know came out to his parents through his dad walking in on him getting it on with his boyfriend. I think it'd be best to not come out like that, if you can avoid it! I'd say just do it whenever you are ready. If the people who want to be in a relationship with you can't accept the fact that you're not ready to come out to your parents just yet then maybe they don't care about you as much as you'd think (sounds harsh but if they did care surely they would accept that you're not ready?) I'd say if half of you isn't ready to come out, then maybe you shouldn't do it.Of course, this could all be rubbish advice because I'm straight, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to come out early, then regret it.
  13. That what you did? Erm, one of my friends came out as bisexual and her family were totally, 100% fine with it, as were her girlfriend's parents. We were 15 at the time. They didn't tell her younger brother her sexual orientation until he was a little bit older, probably so he was old enough to understand it and not make lesbian jokes at her. Unfortunately most of our school weren't so accepting...
  14. This sequel really doesn't sound like it's going to be very good... In my opinion anyway.
  15. Peaj totally looks like he's getting ready to propose in that group pic
  16. Ian makes Ryan have an accident... without actually having anything to do with Ryan's accident. Nice
  17. Smidget


    Not gonna lie, dogs begging like that is one of the most ADORABLE things ever!
  18. Maxy and I are basically twins. Purple hoodie win.
  19. OMG LOL! Nearly wet myself laughing...
  20. There won't be a fight at any meets EC! - people who don't like each other just don't speak to each other at a meet. They'll be civil towards each other, but won't engage in conversation, etc.
  21. Sorry, but I know that's not true. Before I stopped joining the Skype conversations (which wasn't that long ago) I read some bitchy comments you made about some people.
  22. Smidget


    You're overtired. Sleep deprivation can be extremely bad for you. Google Peter Tripp. Obviously there are individual differences between people, but still! If you really do have a lot of trouble sleeping there is a LOT of advice on google about what to do. Search for it and use it. But pulling an all nighter really isn't healthy, especially if you do it often (or stay awake till the stupid hours of the morning). There are loads of bad long term effects...
  23. Smidget


    Guess I'm a boring old fart too then, eh Josh?
  24. Not going to lie, I know at least one member who has felt personally attacked by Mer herself, although I am led to believe this member just let it go as everyone else of the forums made them feel welcome. This includes both mods and admins, so I'd say they are doing a fine job. Apparently she was talking about me here. It seems it's not okay for people to talk about what is going on in their lives, or their boyfriends, even if he himself is a member of this forum. One thing I don't understand Mer, is if you feel there is such a problem with TPM, and that it is indeed pathetic, why do you keep coming back? I am not by any means saying you are unwelcome here, and if you choose to read this post in that context then you are definitely misinterpreting it. I personally just fail to see why someone would keep returning to a place where they supposedly feel victimized and bullied. Furthermore, if you do have a problem with members (and indeed admins) on here, why don't you just PM them with your problem, rather than running off to Skype to bitch about them? I'm not just sticking my nose in here for the hell of it - I am one of the members who was in on this joke, so therefore I am a 'bully'. I myself have actually felt picked on by a few members on here, but I just let is slide. At the end of the day, this is just an internet forum - there are more important things in life. Oh, and I'd like to add that anyone who has felt picked on by me in the past I have apologised to, and we have sorted our differences. Unless of course people just haven't told me how they have felt, in which case I'll apologise now!
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