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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Well done to anyone who did in their results today. I feel very happy & relieved I do t take G.C.S?E's & A levels anymore, the education system is a mess with the fluctuating grades & ever growing difficulty of work.
  2. Samurai is still a popular ride as I'm aware seeing it receives 30-45 minute queues on moderately busy days (more so than other flats bar Rush & Detty). Whilst I'm unsure what's happening with the ride, when I did my Swarm lift my guide did say that the ride is just getting some TLC and the park generally like keeping their rides, though who knows. A new updated one could do the job well IMO especially if there is now a park version.
  3. So Air-Gatew have released an article from comments of one the guinea pigs for WC16 which has been described as disappointing and even offensive. Link http://airgates.co.uk/2015/08/12/wc16-disappointing-and-offensive-says-thorpe-park-guinea-pig/ Taking this with a pinch of salt for now however the article suggest an IP is imminent (would've proffered an original idea IMO no IMA score then )
  4. Rats are generally common at themeparks due to their outside location, they're probably just hidden away though.
  5. I'm not the biggest fan of Avatar really, however this area is shaping up to look very impressive and I am holding off an Orlando trip until this area opens (based on my current financial status). It does seem though a lot of their projects are taking a while to complete though as apparently the area's construction is behind schedule which may result in this area actually opening early 2018 (instead of the mid 2017 one). Hollywood studios is a new kettle of fish altogether as the last couple of years we've seen a large handful of attractions close along with the park's former icon demolished, whilst most of these additions were t the best it's not really a good sign seeing so much disappear and nothing replacing it. The only added addition in the next couple of years will be the third midway track which will soothe the massive crowds the ride gets but won't help the park. The reboot needs to happen soon, as with everything else happening at EPCOT & AK, I can't see the reboot starting until 2019 at the earliest and rumours I've heard so far are Star Wars Land, an Indians Jones attraction & varied Toy Story play land which for a 1 billion price tag seems excessive. D23 will hopefully shed some light on this however. Whilst the park's developments seem to be lagging behind universal lately (one could argue are the park who are improving the most as a whole of the Florida parks) WDW is still a racing horse in the park game as at the end of the day the park's are getting a lot of investment in and all park's last year saw growth (even Hollywood studios) and judging by that continues the Magic a Kingdom park us very likely to exceed 20M. Least WDW is progressing more than the later Eisner years and more important, Sea World who have dived under faster than Oblivion.
  6. The first three spaces of my dark ride top 10's are all at DLP so far ( Tower, Pirates & Ratatouille) and they're all fantastic dark rides, very much like a lot of the others there (except Armageddon). The UK still has some top notch dark rides, Hex,Valhalla & Duel (to a much lesser extent), but it does need some new ones plus existing ones enhanced and renovated. The current rotting States of Tombs & Bubbles (once some of my favourites & in top 10's) is appalling and judging by 2016 plans they will rot away further.
  7. Been through Fury's queue line before with the stench and it isn't pleasant, a smell between fermenting food & sewerage. Surely there's a way they can solve the problem, even if it involves putting smell pods or something in that part of the queue line.
  8. Very brave & inspiring person, she has taken this very well. As bad as things were having a keg amputation & everything, things apparently could've been a lot worse as apparently she was close to death at least twice during the rescue after the accident due to an escentisl blood vein being damaged where she had to keep getting medical attention. The amputation was done immediately as it was the only way to save her life.
  9. Post sums up Chessington 2015 very much, In the 90's & late 80's lots of care & effort were put in to the park and was a magical place. Then in the 2000's things started getting half done on the cheap and weren't as well themed, in addition once grand theming decayed or was eventually removed altogether. The 2010's then which brought some hope in the form of Wild Asia, but then the decline has continued as more once great theming was neglected becoming worn and tired before being completely removed & unreplaced (falls, vampire, ramesis, tombs & mine train) whilst once immersive ( neglected) level queue lines are being culled for cheap cattle pens & there is a general 'only fix or update this if it brings guest & money attitude). The accommodation & other activities have improved noticeably but the rest of the park hasn't kept in line with this looking worn, tired & forgotten, not being a patch on its magic making days.
  10. 7/10 has apic of my fav thorpe ride with fire, but the dungeons
  11. Yeah that might work, Also having read the article, I can confirm that the (perhaps dreaded) Treetop quest thing is happening now (for 2016) and will be near the Explorer hotel area apparently, where it's actually I don't know. I meant Toadies site in addition to where peeking & the game things are located
  12. The stuff these guys do is highly interesting and a lot of it at all the park's is very good. Can't wait to see what theming they do for the merlin parks this Halloween.
  13. Went to Pleasurewood Hills with a few TPMers a few weeks and ago and it''s quite a nice small park really, Hobs Pit & Marble Madness were my favourites and hyper Drive was alright. Created another vlog of the day too. P.S Enigma is (still) on one train I'm afraid.
  14. I reckon the shape of the tunnel will be for a London Underground like setting. Hope it isn't an IP in all honesty as the last two park additions have been plus I'd rather have a new unique immersive soundtrack by the IMA score crew than the recurring TV/movie theme in all honesty (especially since two of their best dorks for UK parks will now be redundant for the future).
  15. This park is for coasters, which is where I see the point Layout looks exciting enough though, logos decent too. Safe to say dive coasters are getting back in to fashion again really.
  16. That theming looks Phantabulous, this will be one hell of a coaster when it's finished.
  17. I've heard some very good things about this woodie (maybe only second to Wodan in terms of the European ones). Apparently there adding 4/5 more rides next year (which if true will be very exciting). Tayto is a small park growing in to greatness from what I've seen and heard.
  18. So WC16's going up, Samurai's going down, what an interesting time we live in

  19. Samurai is now almost completely dismantled. The end of the end, or extensive repairs? Samurai seems to be even worse than Slammer for reliability nowadays
  20. 8/10 it reminds me of me getting the first train of the ride this year
  21. Somehow 3 (shocking considering Thorpe is the main park on this forum)
  22. The building doesn't seem as tall as I was expecting, plus those arches concern me a wee bit. If this new ride turns out to be like Vengeance or that thing at Shrek, I'll be very disappointed.
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