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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Matt 236


    Alton Towers has depressed me a bit this week, so I decided to do something positive to learn and create a piano arrangement from the theme of one of Alton Tower's best rides. https://youtu.be/z7AnbPtTUkA All of this was learn't by ear [no sheet music]
  2. And sound wise, regardless of what epic soundtrack plays outside, there will still be this prominent squeaking noise which will be another victim of Splorm Spurs
  3. Twenty years ago, the park was the grand gem of the UK and even to a less extent, Europe likely being only 2nd to Alton Towers in its golden age. Now unfortunately the place has reached its epitome (excluding the zoo) with theming falling apart and being removed and rides that are looking tired/dated, the majority of whom can't cope in a park that is receiving increasing numbers of visitors is may exceed 2 million guests in the near future. I still love Chessington despite its many flaws, but the place needs serious improvements, rides need re theming,reprinting and reworked with a few even needing rebuilt altogether (glares at skyway). Since first visiting in 2006 (which although to an extent is already two years in to the park's still continuing epitome age), the park looks even more tired now than it did then. 2014 for me looked like a year of change and hopeful future seeing more thematic centrepieces, a new interactive enclosure, redesigned park spaces and a quirky retheme of an ageing classic. Despite knowing it would be a low investment year 2015 has been a bit disappointing as aside from gaining a decent new show and rethemed penguin enclosure, there's a lot more the park needs than this and seeing fury rebuilt without a lick of paint and the Ramesis's ageing but grandi'sh entrance snd queue replaced by a cheap tacky cattlepen. In its current state, I would put it 6th place in terms of best UK park's as stagnation has been so bad and with Paultons are doing next year, unless the park really pull some major plans out the back, it'll be a further step down.
  4. The wheel thing is the first potential flaw I've seen in the ride, hopefully it's a tempory measure
  5. I paid £15 for mine, and to think I could've got it for £10
  6. Whilst it's been a very gloomy couple of weeks for Towers, there's finally some good news! The food Loop style restaurant proposed for Forbidden Valley has now been approved at the park as well as a hotel extension (which I'm not sure what's happening there). Source Towersstreet Can't wait to see this restaurant launch at the park next season.
  7. Park hours are now up for the 5-6th Sept (on the hopeful likely assumption this will be the final date) Disneyland park is open 10am-10pm both days (magical hours from 8am) whilst the studios will be open from 10am-9pm, closing just an hour before tha main park which is great to see the place open longer now. Ride availability wise, the only attraction confirmed so far as closed is It's A Small World (Mr fish isn't happy)
  8. Scarycoasterboy beat me to it http://www.orlandosentinel.com/travel/attractions/theme-park-rangers-blog/os-wet-n-wild-closing-universal-2016-20150617-post.html Even though Univesal will be receiving the far more up to date and visually impressive Volcano Bay, it does feel a bit of a shame they are closing this place considering its central location, size and popularity on top of being the first water park in America. Also, wonder what they'll do with all the rides there plus the park won't have a water park for a while too.
  9. Further bad news which may further salted an already bloody wound, dancer Vicky Balch who is still having trouble recovering may now be considering an amputation. Not good news at all, I'm starting to wonder whether the smiler won't reopen now for a while.
  10. Hopefully this will be far from the truth when it opens, whilst the article seems to be a it on the negative side of over budgeting, unsatisfactory parties etc. the park definitely has its large share of supporters as there's already 50k likes on the park's Facebook and the opening night has now also sold out (source Dreamland FB). Many prominent Themeparks have had bad starts in the past. Disneyland's opening was a disaster, Universal didn't get near as many guests as they first expected and DLP or as it was called then, Euro Disney was a complete failure. I know this is a bit different but this park should hopefully be a success. On another note, wild mouse should be a good addition even if it's very mediocre. Any news on when the scenic will open btw?
  11. Well let's just hope they do a lot more work there as a new shop is not near enough to make it the park's primary car park. Also, the entrance there isn't as picturesque or eye appealing as the lodge car park as instead of being greeted by the burnt stub mansion with lots of forested areas and animal enclosures in the distance, your immediately greeted by the backside of fury (no pun intended) which like 80% of the park needs some work done to it (fresh paint please) and upon entering feels immediately like you are immediately in the centre of the action too quickly which for first time visitors doesn't quite have the impressive aspect of walking up to the action areas and walking past the quiet bits to get there. I hope they spend lots of money on the park next year, as they need too!
  12. I am unfortunately not, but I have some in the freezer for another day (my nan bought some from her last trip).
  13. Well I guess they need to get the Smiler repair money from somewhere, The grass car park is a massive place (much bigger than I expected) it to be and I think it's becoming the main entrance slowly. £10 though for lodge is far too much and to not get it free on premium is a disappointment (plus it's a nicer entrance in to the park as well). Good job I have no plans to visit Chessington until Halloween, and when I do chances are I'll be training it!
  14. A nice updated/brand new skyway would be nice, one that's more interactive with the altered zoo layout, higher capacity and more modern but still fits in to the park since the current ride turns 30 next year (it opened a year before the rest of the original themepark). Chessington really needs a good few seasons focusing on repairing/replacing all the rides from the park's early years, or essential,y anything that's not the zoo, market square, scorpion, wild Asia or Zufari (to a lesser extent).
  15. Dreamland Margate has been a place that I have always been interested in for years and when I found out it would be reopening this year I knew I had to plan a visit, after all it's the nearest park to me with a woodie (with the others either being in the north, East Anglia or Wales). This is why I have decided to hold an unofficial trip/meet up there this summer to check what has been perhaps the most exciting 2015 development in the UK. This is not a meet by all means as there's no specific plans/arrangements apart from having a great time and exploring the park and possibly surrounding areas. The trip is currently scheduled for Saturday 11th July 2015, which loosely may also be my TPM birthday celebration trip too. The park's openings hours that day so far are 10am-8pm. For anyone who's interested and would like to join, feel free to comment below or any form of PM or communication you request. Further information on the park, prices and how to get there can be found on the Dreamland website. http://www.dreamland.co.uk
  16. My next (foreseeable) visit to the park is for MOS in a month and I'm still expecting it to be closed. Saw may not reopen until August for all we know.
  17. Ok, the results of my planning are in and just like the original haunted house application, the plan has been refused Unfortunately home authorities have stated my plans as impractical due to work Sunday and on top of the party on Saturday, there are further complications until now I wasn't aware of. Enjoy oblivion guys See you at MOS
  18. Having chosen the worst weekend to visit Alton Towers this year, I made (yet another) Vlog from my day out there which shows there's still quite a few things you can do at the resort even when the park is closed.
  19. I like this, this themepark queue time thing is very helpful to see what queues are like on Patk or just to see what's going on somewhere.
  20. Matt 236


    This surprises me greatly seeing as the ride is ten years old and was the last ride installed prior to Merlin buying the park's in 2005. However the issue does sound feesable considering in recent years the ride seems to always close during rain (I think it's another of those that can't run at night either).I think this would be the final nail in the coffin for the 'old' adventure land we knew even though that very much died in 2010 with just the surfer & Atlantis rides just left on top of the new haunted house ride (could we see another re-themed area I wonder?). If these plans are approved (which I hope they are), I can see Dino closing down at the end of this season, maybe even before the end as the hotel would involve quite a lot of ground work. Most redeveloped rides/attractions of previous years have closed in September/October time.
  21. Unfortunately Colossus is the Nicklodeonstreak of Thorpe Patk I.E it's often on one train. Whilst Swarm is sometimes criticised for bring on one, it's much worse with Colossus and it's been on one far more this season as its been on two.
  22. Matt 236


    All sounds interesting stuff, however I'm still concerned of all this going ahead seeing how clogged the traffic around that can take up to hours to clear from park closing, but it's good the park trying to tackle its traffic issues despite limited resources and it's tricky area. The hotel expansion is no surprise to me at all, considering that the main hotel is always running on full capacity, the way otherMerlin parks have expanded accommodation recently (notably Chessington) plus how close proximity the expanded area is to the main hotel actually is. It's a shame we will likely be losing Dino Safari, which is a decent little ride with some great models even with its low throughput which is likely around 300 PPH and often receives long queues on busy days (being Legoland is often), but if this is the only option for the park to allow further expansions to the park, then so be it I guess. Chances are it'll be a new second hotel (castle theme), but likely joined to the other hotel like the ones in Towers & Chessington. I've heard from another source (Southparks) if true, windsor council is looking at increasing overnight accommodation in the windsor area and even though this like the other hotel will be three times more than other nearby hotels, this may well be the sweetener the park needs (if approved). The haunted house is a ride the park desperately need as it ticks all the boxes of being another immersive experience, indoor/dark ride attraction, high'ish throughput and another attraction older guests can probably enjoy. In addition to some slight amendments, I just hope this can go ahead even with the issues previously as for a park getting over 2.2 million guests a year, the council do need to realise the park is a business gold mine and is surely bringing a lot of good to the area (minus traffic). Despite being a major attraction, I don't think the attendance level will increase as much as they think as ironically the park's biggest years on growth have been in 2012 and 2014, when in one year we saw just the new Star Wars and hotel whilst last year we only saw a rethemed log flume and new play area. When the park's last big ride Atlantis opened in 2011, the attendance level was very much the same as 2010's. This purchased farm land is an interesting thing too, could we be seeing another form of accommodation in a few years time (Lego enchanted forest anyone) or maybe a second exit, to divert traffic from the main road. I just hope all this works out as its all exciting if it goes ahead.
  23. Time to hit the bars & clubs!
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