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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Difference between big one and Nemesis If Nemesis opened this year, it would still be an amazing and well received coaster and appraised by most enthusiasts alike If a big One opened this year, it would look old out dated and behind the times Big one is an okay ride but compared to rides like Shambhala & Silver Star (which I'm hoping to experience in the near future), it's not a patch
  2. This looks one crazy awesome coaster, Orlando definitely looks one exciting place next year with pretty much every major park (group) out there opening something new and major.
  3. IF I DONT MAKE THIS MEET I WILL BURN DOWN HALF OF PARIS!!!! I chose the first date only because chances are I'll be at uni during the rest (although I'd likely still go anyway)
  4. Matt 236


    I think this topic needs to be renamed Dead Or Alive the way things are going
  5. Good to see Thorpe have resolved their issues How is it parks like Towers, DLP & Blackpool (to most extents) amongst others can operate daily two train p,U.S. Operations and Thorpe at the best of times somehow cannot, I just can't understand it, it's things like this that can be the difference of somewhere being a world class or regional park.
  6. I reckon my Bloody Valentine will be going on the island next to Dwarm as it was apparently meant to go there last year and was a last minute thing it returned back to its main location. As for Studio, I don't know what to say if it will return or be replaced again, but one things for sure, it's unlikely IAC is goi g anywhere except receiving a more intense setting for fright nights maybe. I can see S13 if it does return either going in a tent on the beach or even going in the conference area where they did Braniac in February half term.
  7. Came back from Chessington and although it was very busy (something expected at half term and Chessington), I still had a good day Queues were pretty high today with vampire and fury peaking 100 minutes at some point with bubbles & safari reaching 75 minutes, zufari & tombs reaching 60 minutes and Dragon Falls 90 minutes (at the time I was in the queue), which is an insult to wait that long for at least in its current state. Despite that, coasters were being operated very well with vampire trains often batched before the second hit the brakes and fury trains all seemed to be running and loaded quickly. I still enjoy Chessington despite its major stagnation and problems and hope we see some major improvements next year as a new show and updated enclosure don't help the crowds or the fact most of the park is still very fun down in places.
  8. This ride looks amazing and seeing what Manta is like, this should be another excellent ride for the park. Hopefully will get to experience this if/when Creeklando happens in 2017/18.
  9. I dread to think what it'll be like in the summer, At this rate I can see the park hitting capacity and primary rides exceeding 2 hours and secondary passing 1.5 hours with the rest being 45 or more.
  10. That looks amazing, definitely hoping to ride this beauty in the near future.
  11. I'm still yet to experience a proper Boomerang style coaster (although I have done Revolution which slightly counts) Wipeout surely must be the better UK boomerang ride as I've heard the one in Pleasure island is just painful and still uses a vekoma train as I'm aware.
  12. £200 for VIP is a massive increase, but for the almost celebrity treatment these things offer, one could argue hey were too cheap to start off with. I wouldn't consider buying Merlin VIP at the moment as I'm happy enough with premium at the moment and £700 could be a hearty chunk used on a big trip to somewhere like Europa for a few days in one of the onsite hotels with left overs to spare.
  13. Unfortunately there are a lot of problems at Chessington at the moment and I'm not sure when and how they can deal with them. 1/ despite only installing 4 rides since 2004 (32 of them major), the park's attendance levels seem to be rising at an amazing yet concerning speed which probably due more to the increasing population, addition of two themed on site hotels on top of it being the most rounded of age ranges of the South East parks plus also being the closest 'big' park to London. 2/ the bulk of the park's rides were built between 1987 and 1998 which seeing as many are nearly their 30th birthday shows a lot of park rides are getting very old (one could say it was a much smaller Europa in its hey day considering how much of the core is by Mack and the themed areas too). 3/ most of the ride's suffer poor throughputs with falls so far the only one which can get 1000 currently with most other primary rides mostly between 500-700 PPH which considering the average queue has been 90 minutes for primary and 60 minutes for secondary rides is not a great sign. Whilst Legoland's rides are often criticised for low'ish throughputs, the park has at least three rides capable of 1000+ PPH with the dragon getting 900 on three trains (the queue wasn't more than 20 minutes from steps near the entrance) on top of improving park wide throughputs with things like a 3rd lane on boating school, doing two shows on the lighthouse and replacing a 10 digger thing with a 40 seater Disko coaster. With some major work I think black Buccaneers, vampire & tombs could easily take on near 1000 an hour. 4/ the road and infrastructure still needs sorting and whilst Legoland's here is clearly worse with tailbacks on exit 90 minutes after close (turning left is clobbered) and the fact Chessie slightly improved things in 2010, it is still a serious issue that needs sorting plus not to mention a big chunk of the main hotel car park is hotel guests only which makes parking here much harder now. I think Merlin need to realise despite its planning difficulties (which are even worse than the others with their own difficulties), they need to invest lots in to Chessington in the future in both rides and infrastructure to bring a park with a hub spoke design from the 80's/99's to present day to cope with its projected 2 million per year guests and unfortunately a new show & penguin enclosure (as great as they are won't make much difference).
  14. Wow, that's a hefty amount of refurbs coming up especially in 2016 when at least two major rides & a supporting attraction plus more will be closed (Peaj won't be happy about Animagicue). I probably won't visit the park in 2016 (and won't renew my pass until 2017) as no BTM and others is too greater loss plus I have some pretty big plans with other parks too.
  15. Matt 236

    This Or That

    TOPIC REVIVAL! Episodes IV-VI by a country mile (even though I grew up with I-III Digger Challenge or Mia's Riding School?
  16. Plus, I've never been a fan of Digger Challenge and prefer Mia's Riding School much more, part of me is even a bit glad.
  17. I think we may have a future trip reporter on the way Thanks Peaj for organising another fantastic meet and was great to everyone again.
  18. So want to go Efteling & Europa right now

  19. Matt 236


    Looking amazing there The show looks alright too
  20. Matt 236


    Glad to see Slammer is testing again, let's hope it opens ASAP The day I see slammer operating from beginning to end of season will be the day of great amazement
  21. This is the most exciting thing to happen since my first trip to Disney :D which probably means I need to get out more
  22. Twisted Colossus looks great fun, we need to get one of these in the UK
  23. Matt 236


    No you should be fine hopefully. On another note, Lego Friends area is opening this weekend which is replacing Lego City along with the new disko coaster which is the best thing about the new area by a counteymile. Any word yet on the haunted house appeal yet as this ride needs to happen for the sake of throughputs, immersive experiences and major park rides.
  24. Matt 236


    Detty is a great drop ride despite it's low'ish throughput and for me only second to Tower Of Terror ( but then that's another league there). Slammer though we're almost 4 months in to the season and there's still no life in here (which is a shame as its 10 this year). If I see nothing by June/July time we could safely say the ride is gone and SBNO this year.
  25. Put me as an unconfirmed yes for this, Would anyone be able to give me a lift? If you can't get to me I'll be willing to meet closer to you
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