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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Maybe Josh is Lez Cougan Maybe I'm not Matt Creek Who knows
  2. I like fresh paint as it makes things look nicer
  3. Considering the state of last year (no bubbles, fury, vamps and more), this is a pretty okay open season ride offering. After all, Rattlesnake has suffered a fair bit recently. I guess, until busier season starts they don't want people distracted by Cheesy Dibbles and to watch the new one instead.
  4. All sounding great stuff from Efteling here. 300k increase is a very healthy increase, and Baron's greatness justifies that. Wonder if they'll beat Tivoli Gardens to 3rd most visited now, with DLP & Europa in the top two. Heard they're building another hotel and more accommodation too (source Loopings).
  5. They had stow ford last season I believe so hopefully that won't be changing. Aside from that your usual club drinks apply.
  6. Yay! We can now reminisce and celebrate our time on TPM. Before I 'attempt' buying up your empire.
  7. Seeing that the ride has been covered in a fairly excessive amount of scaffolding, I am very doubtful Colossus will be leaving this season. Whilst it may not open for AP day and will probably retain it's rusty appearance, the ride closing is a different matter. Further evidence such as a park post a while ago stating "all other rides will be open" or words to that extent suggests Logger's should be the only foreseen closure of 2016.
  8. Matt 236


    That's because it isn't a mack.
  9. Unsure what I'm doing but so far can do any of the day's subject to what happens with going away.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/liseberg.se/videos/1236358699727027/ So, Liseberg have now released a new video showing the construction of their new Aero spin ride. Certainly looks impressive on the park's skyline to say the least. I'm guessing it's located where the 1st drop tower was with the Caroulsel replacing the old wheel. Whilst the space of the 2nd one hasn't been occupied yet.
  11. I was referring the waterfall more so to Zufari, as it's cave barely works now.My post was mostly aimed at Merlin than Thorpe, when I see how Sub-Terra became with its actors, Smiler getting stale quickly and the trap doors of Thirteen & Zufari not working at all now. As a fan of Thorpe & Derren Brown, I really want this ride to be a success. Both as as an experience and to the park's gate figures. This is especially when the attraction will hopefully offer the park not just a much needed dark ride/undercover attraction but an immersive experience.
  12. The big question for me will be, what state will the ride at in three years time? Seeing broken shutters, waterfalls, rusting track, rotting theming and removal of actors within previous investments doesn't leave me with much optimism however. I would liked to be proved wrong that this attraction will still be in great working order by 2019.
  13. This is definitely good news for the park. Hopefully the place has a future now. Would be nice if they bring in some new attractions and update existing ones [which I know is already happening with Odyssey]. Can't say I'm a big fan of that market though.
  14. In order to try get more people excited, I thought I would create a trailer video for the meet. I'm hoping to make more of these teasers for the meets this year [at least for the big ones anyway]. Who can guess which film I'm trying to parody here
  15. I think it's safe to assume the following when Smiler reopens: 1/ breakdowns will take longer to resolve (30 minutes for small problems 1 hour for larger ones) 2/ if/when Smiler breaks down in it's early months of (re)operation ride staff will likely be very nervous 3/ the ride will never run 5 train again 4/ trains probably won't be dispatched until the one ahead has passed lift 1 (or 2 even) 5/ Smiler's popularity will be dipped. Whilst it will still get queues, it won't be as excessive as it used to be. I.E moderately busy days the ride will get a 45-60 minute queue and peak days the ride will get a 90-120 minute queue. 6/ if the ride still seems busy, it's probably because the throughput has been reduced. As a result it'll probably be achieving more like 800PPH from now on.
  16. Well I'm working then so I'm out then. May the fourth be with you!
  17. Unfortunately, the instant negative backlash was inevitable with todays media. To put a positive spin, at least it sounds like things are going better for Vicky now despite last June's tragic events.
  18. This is good news for the ride. Hopefully the ride will have a smooth 2016 and future [as it needs it]. In others news, despite losing 6 rides [4 SBNO], ticket prices have gone up again with adult tickets now costing £51.60 [a £1.20 rise]. However online/advance prices have been dropped slightly with tickets 2-4 days ahead 15% cheaper and 5 day plus tickets being 30% cheaper.
  19. My uni disso is due on the friday. Call me maybe.
  20. You'll be happy to know that as a result of DBGT not opening until May, I have no plans to reenact Thriller.
  21. It's opening Friday 6th May. The park will be running a replacement bus service from March until early May.
  22. Matt 236


    I misread that as Comet Gonna hopefully get some tunes here soon
  23. As part of one of the most hated traditions, WDW's ticket prices increased today. However they've now reverted to seasonal pricing. Value (off peak days) Magic kingdom $105.00 Other parks $97.00 Regular (regular season) Magic Kingdom $110.00 Other parks $102.00 Peak (peak days) Magic Kingdom $124 Other parks $114.00 Safe to say if you're going at busy times you're going to be paying a lot more.
  24. I'm absolutely loving the work they're doing round the park at the moment. Hopefully this will result in many areas looking the best they have ages. Then again, the areas should've never got to that state in the first place, but least they're sorting it. Typical that the Smiler is their newest large ride yet it will be in the worst state of the coasters (at least the big six anyway).
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