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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Be prepared for plenty of Star Wars gags in the vlogs as I'm hoping to start giving loose film themes to some of the meet vlogs.
  2. Good news! Happy to see them finally regaining a profit after making losses the last few years. There's of course still a long way to go before they're all sailing but it's a start.
  3. Amazing! If you were looking from the first two pictures, you wouldn't think it was Orlando.
  4. I guess it'll be a bit like walking round a garden centre this year at Towers, with all the trees and closed rides.
  5. A GCI would be brilliant (having ridden Joris). They are the B&M of wooden coasters escentially. I also want the ride to have a theme that isn't any of the following (but probably still will be). 1/ Derelict/abandoned ware house 2/ lost/forgotten in time abandoned (unless there's s back story and it's still intact) 3/ Apocalyptic, disaster and abandond.
  6. Are they re-theming the ride or will it be a new thing altogether? Never knew the Creek was on it's way out.
  7. True, but there isn't any info on the others, plus Ripsaw [alongside Flume] is also on there. Must be a recent thing.
  8. I hope not as I am planning that to be the first ride of the season, followed by a go on Hex and the flume followed by an underwhelming trip to a cardboard factory.
  9. Matt 236


    Looks like the TPM philharmonic could be a thing.
  10. Aside from the height, it looks like a slightly watered down Stealth. Shame, there's no bunny hop as the ride doesn't look the most inspiring.
  11. Matt 236


    'Blows the massive cobwebs off (omg a giant spider)' Being a musician (and studying a Music related degree), I feel I should contribute/bring this topic back to life. I currently play Piano, Oboe and Drums. Piano is my main instrument which I've been playing for nearly 14 years now and completed grade 8 in the instrument last year. I generally play a range of genres including jazz, classic and popular soundtracks. I also do lots of composition (with and without piano), and learn most repertoire without music, having a rare gift of perfect pitch where I can learn music without sheet music. Oboe is second instrument, which is a bit like a clarinet, but not near as well known. The instrument is smaller, more fragile and plays higher too. Oboists are generally rare and are apparently one of the hardest instruments to learn, due to technique of playing required and the ongoing reed battle. The instrument uses a double reed which can be temperamental and much like the Smiler trains, one reed can play beautifully one day and not so well the next. I recently passed grade 7 on the instrument and now preparing for 8. Though it's my second instrument, I'm using oboe most of my ensembles (3 in total). This includes A Baroque and chamber group and a film orchestra. I'm first oboist in the Baroque & Chamber groups and second in the film one. I also play drums, but they are mostly for fun tbh.
  12. That is definitely a thing of beauty. I think Dollywood are on to a winner here.
  13. Matt 236


    I meant Galactica. It looks like Galactica may have been repainted/jet washed as it looks cleaner/brighter.George Lucas has been at work again.
  14. Matt 236


    I think it looks much better in it's refresh of paint, I like seeing rides nice and shiny again. Am I the only one who thinks Galactica may have also been repainted, or at least received a jet wash anyway?
  15. I've just realised there may be some method to this madness. Based on current statistics and recent trends, it is unlikely the Derren Brown ride will open until May. This leaves the start of the season with 2-3 months without the new attraction, which could lead to lower gate figures. As a result of trying to maintain gate figures at the start of the season and keep interest going, Containment will be used as some form of sweetener to keep the ball rolling. In other words, Containment could well be used in a way that Sanctuary was whilst the Smiler was undergoining final touches before opening.
  16. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Very happy to 'potentially' hear this news especially having never properly ridden the back rows forwards. Good move by the park.
  17. I have a feeling something big and upcoming won't be open during this meet (due to what's been said). If it is,I'll reenact Thriller. The reason why I can't explain this big thing is due to one of the team members wanting nothing to do with this 'big thing' til they've experienced it and if I spoil anything, they might ban me
  18. I think May will be when it opens. The ride may open.
  19. Disney, Universal and to a lesser extent Europa, Phantasia & Efteling are definitely the leading pioneers for theming in current times.
  20. Matt 236


    Sub-Terra is/was the Meg Griffin of Towers it was never really liked the start and never gets any prominence in the park either. I'll be astounded if it's still existing next decade.
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