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Adam P

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About Adam P

  • Birthday 04/15/1981

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  1. If the Wild Mouse was indeed closed due to H&S which is highly likely, what difference would it have made to announce it first? Whilst we can only speculate that it may not have been safe, you can nearly 100% say that they well not have been physically been able to re-open it for final rides anyway. Its really sad but I apart from images leaking of the removal it probably wasn't a easy one for the park to handle.
  2. Can hope it pops up at Dreamland!
  3. I thought it was very good, they do say not suitable for under 10's and I won't be taking my 8 year old in there it really caught me by surprise. There were a lot of tears on the day I went but the park were offering refunds if the children didn't go in. It was jumpy and quite scary I think the only thing the park could do different is a real warning when families buy the ticket. End of the day as they have said its a family park not a children's park, I'm delighted they have done this and really hope future attractions take the same attitude.
  4. Not once on a peak day have we been able to get to the Gorilla enclosure as its packed, if anything to small to view. Since the Lion cubs that end isn't much better either. Whilst the Zufari animals have to put up with the trucks during opening, I imagine the other animals are quite happy without the noise generated from the attractions right next door. A new monorail would require a completely different route, whilst views of a Sealife tent, back end of cats enclosures with limited views and bird cages you can't see in may be to some peoples taste because "its a ride" the Skyway had been useless for years and is one of the few times I can say regardless of if it was costs, maintenance or views it was the correct decision to close it. The animal experience can be better still at Chessington, especially Trail of the Kings and Wanyama Village which need a stable collection of species to theme and call there home, but sticking a ride over or in just isn't needed in the space they have, the only huge space that warrants it is Zufari, which has a ride going through it. I don't agree with the constant Africa theme and whilst I'm sure they aren't the only park in the world to try and copy Animal Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and 90% of all the theme park zoos would appear disjointed in relation to ride and animal locations. I think Chessington has it spot on with the locations even though the theme is a bit weak.
  5. Really enjoyed the ride today as did everyone around us. It was calm and relaxing with many great effects it left a real smile on our faces. The station has always been cardboard it does seem people do just want to hate this ride. Its certainly a lot better than the Bubbleworks of the past 11 years and if we like it or not will be a lot more popular than what a new Professor Burps would have been. Real credit to Chessington they have gambled and this will pay off for the park, people will hate it for comparing it to something it was never going to be, when you look at this and the last bubbleworks, CATCF and even Darren Brown its streets ahead.
  6. I got on it Sunday morning no issue, was only running the flipping program. It was down all afternoon though.
  7. I believe the stage is due to be used for the new Gruffalo story time, since the Penguins reference is also being removed from Treetop Hoppers. Gruffalo at Christmas a few years back was a great show and them hopefully this one will be used all season to. The Black Buccaneer, whilst overdue has had a complete re-paint and looks amazing. Full update from last week for anyone interested http://themeuk.net/CW_Conother2017.html
  8. I'm sure the face to face part is literally the model just poorly worded. Going to struggle to retheme Vampire.
  9. Shame the bring a friend voucher is now £15 per person.
  10. Whilst this may be the case they are staying, its worth remembering the rides in Weymouth are maintained by Thorpe. It may be the case its just easier to work on them there than send engineers on a huge round trip daily for a month or so.
  11. Don't suppose you know the height restriction, my little one wants to ride it!
  12. Adam P

    Logger's Leap

    Log Flumes are always popular rain or shine with Loggers being no exception. Its obvious following safety work done to Chessington's this is a key factor in both Loggers and The Flume, with the Flume not being cost effective, Dragon Falls being a necessity and Loggers sitting somewhere in the middle which is probably still unknown. A sponsor is most likely required. We did all say the same about Runaway Train/Scorpion Express which also sat rotting for the whole season and still wasn't complete when opening late the following season. However unlikely, sometimes I like to live in hope.
  13. Adam P

    Logger's Leap

    They have only just put on Facebook it's still under development for next year, can't see why they would still be doing this if it was 100% confirmed it was a thing of the past.
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