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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Well that's ONE way to make Storm Surge...'interesting'!
  2. Throughputs...throughputs...throughputs! Where's the variety?
  3. I would never wait for storm surge...AT ALL
  4. LOL carousel music. How I remember being stood outside The Asylum with that playing in the background every 2 minutes! "This is Halloween! This is Halloween! HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN! (Halloween! Halloween!)" Well that's ONE way to please the Tim Burton fans!
  5. Thorpe Park? Top Quality??? Don't give me that, whoever wrote this!
  6. Just thought I'd combine the fact that Angry Birds Toons are being shown on the screens outside Angry Birds 4D...with "This sounds familiar!" (the area audio) : To be fair, you could actually hear the sound of El Porkador singing from Stealth!
  7. "We are DEFINITELY not pointing a crossban at you! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  8. Hopefully that'll include Storm Surge in future!
  9. Angry Birds! (two words but okay )
  10. I guess this is where Angry Birds Seasons comes in...
  11. ...and then slowly, Colossus will begin to rust...and gradually fall apart bit by bit!
  12. You Belong To The Banner Angry Birds Banned 2014
  13. Not during a horror movie takeover! Shouldn't think it would work within that audience!
  14. Reading between the lines, there's a problem to come to terms with...what's gonna happen with Angry Birds Land during Fright Nights?
  15. OK why the hell are we talking about health issues/problems in the Colossus topic now? Quick! Back to topic!
  16. Banned for dissing my shades!
  17. Banned cos now your picture probably makes one of Thorpeparkfreak's favourite rides a bad omen!
  18. Though I am a huge fan of Stealth, the original Flying Fish is definitely missed to this day! Used to love speeding around that helix REALLY close to the bushes! Miss Hippo's Fungle Safari is also on my list, as it really did give me my first feeling of adventure (as this was before I had my first time at Chessington). Both of these were my favourite rides at the park until they both closed in their desired years! Must say though - Fungle Safari closed when I was 8 years old...after I had my first few times on Nemmie!
  19. Kerfuffle


    Last night, I dreamt I was the author of the Lord of the Rings series. I was Tolkien in my sleep! Well you've gotta have a Hobbit - THERE'S THE EXTRA ONE! ...and the night before I dreamt I was stuck driving around a roundabout and with my right hand I was steering and with my left I was making pancakes. All night tossing and turning!
  20. Big difference between inverts and sitdowns, bro
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