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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Right then... 1. My favourite ride is Nemesis 2. I could've done Angry Birds Land WAY better in way of theming imo 3. I'm taking GCSEs next year
  2. *Topic Resurrection!* 10/10 for the setting
  3. I'm pretty sure this is the best footage of the Scorpion Express soundtrack we have so far...
  4. Gonna go with 2... (*loudly whispering* "She HATES drop towers!!!"*)
  5. Banned for using my About Me page as a weapon...
  6. If we CAN'T have the Haunted House we're all DYING (pun) for, then one thing's for sure... ...Everything is Awesome!...NOT!
  7. Kerfuffle

    Wicker Man

  8. I remember my idea to move Flying Fish to the Fungle Safari site. At least that sounds reasonable!
  9. Quite busy today...but believe it or not: Vampire: x3 Dragon's Fury: x2 Dragon Falls: x1 Tomb Blaster: x1 (sorry Paige ) Hocus Pocus Hall: x1 Scorpion Express: x2 (BOTH times in the front row! ) Seastorm ( ): x1 Rattlesnake: x1 ...Not to mention the infamous walk-around the hotel and Amazu! Great day! Howl 'o' Ween's just around the corner!
  10. I have to say I was VERY impressed with Scorpion today! Had some new stuff added to the queue, such as live scorpions/cockroaches and even a tally on the wall! ("Days since explosion") Had some new sounds as well! In the tunnel section you'd hear scorpions supposedly scuttling along above the ceiling...and an intimidating rumbling which is heard just before the fire effect occurs! and for the most part...the giant scorpion's water effect was PERFECTLY timed!
  11. LOL Tidal Wave adding insult to injury!
  12. ...but Chiapas still looks great! *cue "oy! OY! oy! OY!"*
  13. ...and since when does a DARK RIDE affect the OUTSIDE world???
  14. Gotta feel for the girls in that first video...
  15. I can post this meme all day! ...I can also do a pretty good Comic Book Guy impression, so don't judge me!
  16. What if they got rid of Temple of Mayhem and put a dark ride in there instead? (Obviously extending the building in the process!)
  17. Thankfully we now have a partnership with Rovio! Just scatter some innocent Piggies across the flume and that'll send the Angry Birds to a destructive and satisfying end to the ride! (Where's Bomb when you need him?) ...and I've now just realised that this probably isn't answering TPJames' question about SunScream!
  18. *cough* Scorpion Express soundtrack *cough* (in the background of this video anyway )
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