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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Banned for having 8 more
  2. Just hope music's sorted out soon...
  3. Terror Tomb! Duel or Tomb Blaster? (Sticking with the theme )
  4. Banned cos some people NEED glasses, dammit!!!
  5. Skype! Jetpack Joyride or Fruit Ninja?
  6. Six Flags! Professor Burp or Zappomatic?
  7. Guinness! (OK I lied, but only to keep the game going!) Oasis or Green Day?
  8. I had to play a little 'Ride Roulette' when I went! Unfortunately on the first run of the day, I got the losing train!
  9. You know, just listening to John talking ABOUT Thorpe Park AT Thorpe Park really has made me change my opinion of the park! I'm actually looking forward to going there on May 9th now!
  10. Good to see Nemesis up there in the top 10 Really is a Wardley classic and it always will be!
  11. Better be on when I go on May 9th! (last day before study leave)
  12. I still can't find the Scorpion Express music if ProjectX HAVE released it. Can someone post the link if they find it (on the condition it doesn't get shared of course)
  13. Banned for having a Thorpe reference in your name...THAT THEME PARK GETS BORING!
  14. Banned for not drawing your OWN avatar like I did! <<<
  15. Just praying that this'll end up like Scorpion Express! (Chessington only surprised us on opening day, but from the construction images it looked pants)
  16. If only Thorpe brought in a Bad Piggies theme for Detonator. I mean...the theme for it will be perfect and furthermore, no prizes for guessing what my favourite game theme tune is nowadays!:
  17. So be the year late 2014 when Bubbleworks topples and crashes to the ground and vanishes in a cloud of dust!
  19. Now THAT'S a reaction!: "Oh, the BUILDINGS look AWFUL! I mean, LOOK AT THE COLOURS AND THE POLKA DOTS! Oh, it's so UGLY... etc." (Angry Birds figurines turn up) "OMG THE FIGURINES! THEY...LOOK...SO...AWESOME!!! OMG THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN CBEEBIES LAND... etc. etc. etc."
  20. "What happens when everyone's favourite fierce fowl get captured, caged and shipped to Thorpe Park? THEY GET VERY ANGRY! (Just like everyone else with the development!)"
  21. Well, my opinion is this: If any of you guys have seen any Angry Birds Toons, you'll know what the buildings in the Pigs' village look like! Therefore the point is...why didn't Thorpe think about this in the first place???
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